wxcrazytwo said:
Is it me or are a lot of repubs and Bush's backers getting into trouble with the law?
It is the convenience of well placed democratic party hacks who happen to be prosecutors who are helping the democratic party by bringing indictments to republicans. Their timing could not be better either.
Ronnie Earle, dem party hack prosecutor for Travis County, Texas indicting Tom Delay for "conspiracy & corruption"....but NO specific charges of with who, what, or when??
All about campaign finance, & funneling money to other state REpublican candidates; pretty much the same thing democrats engage in when trying to help their other candidates out.
By expanding the charges to include "Conspiracy", prosecutors made it possible for the TRavis county grand jury to bring charges against Delay!
Prosecutor Earle IS going to have a problem though; ..in his OWN sordid past he has also brought indictment upon corporations who LEGALLY donated campaign funds to republicans; & then withdrew the indictments AFTER those corporations agreed to donate to Earle's own social, & political causes..(Political Extortion) nice shakedown!
THe majority of voters have now recognized what the intent is of the democratic party really is, it is TO GET DELAY, & damage the republican party image by using such new nuance's of words like; " Culture of Corruption" etc. BECAUSE the democratic party cannot successfully win very many elections anymore.
THe phoney democrats could not get the voters to believe that Bush's military documents were not forged, THey could not get the voters to believe Bush fixed the 04' election, they could not get the voters to believe that Bush planned 9/11, or that Bush is a Nazi, & terrorist himself, or that Bush murdered Cindy Sheehan's son, Bush killed the hurricane victims in New Orleans, or that Bush is a racist, the most idiotic conspiracy theories & blame game to link Bush to just was not working.
Hence the attack on Karl Rove to blame for outing Valeri Plame, even though she had been outed long before by somebody else. Now the attacks on Tom Delay, ..who previously had not been indicted by former grand juries.
Prosecutor Earle has already been warned by members of his own lawyer council that indicting Delay was on pretty flimsy evidence; but getting Delay to resign from his republican position in order to fight the "vague" charges is enough to help empower the democratic party, & have Delay thrown to the wolves, & declared corrupt etc.
Why..? Because Tom Delay is very very effective in the republican party, & after he is raked over through inuendo, & media clips..the next will be the republican leader Bill Frist for "supposed" insider trading scandals.
THe democrats cannot win elections anymore, & it is thought that by smearing republicans, & just through "ACCUSATION" alone, & the NEW improved DEMOCRATIC PARTY SLOGAN; "CULTURE OF CORRUPTION" charge levied at republicans can help bring success for the 06' congressional elections, & 08' presidential election!
Before Delay is destroyed however, ..it is my belief thast there WILL BE many democrats who had wished THEY had fallen on their own swords for engaging in this campaign finance dealings which is basically not much differtent than what Delay does, which is funneling money to other political hopefuls.
THe bottom line is this: THe democrats CANNOT ever win elections anymore, UNLESS they use their helpful well placed democratic party hacks that have various positions as prosecutors who LOOK for ways to destroy republicans because they CANNOT get victory at the ballot box anymore!
IF I were some of the members of congressional democrats, I would be worried because the hypocrisy of the democrats IS GOING TO BE EXPOSED REAL SOON when they attempt to bring Tom Delay down to political ruin.
If the DNC had no history of trying to defame Bush as I outlined above, ...or in destroying his presidency.....this so called look for justice in prosecuting Tom Delay would look far more genuine than it actually does.
THe majority will see it as it really is, & they will also see how the lying media works hand & hand with the democratic party too!
This will NOT empower the democratic party, in fact...it will hurt it once again, as the democratic party could not even set-up a g-damn drunk to take a fall as it is so inept these days!:smile:
As usual, the democratic party will have shot themselves in their own foot before the crucifixion of Delay is over.
Perhaps the imbeciles (DNC) will even blame Karl Rove in some twisted plot, as they did after Bush's military records were discovered to be nothing but FORGED documents which embarrassed the democrats after they looked like the stupid fools they were in their hope of influencing the outcome of the 04' election!
How frustrating for the democratic party to be ineffective,& irrelevant...even when having to resort to smearing, & defaming their adsvesaries because they CANNOT win elections because THEY do NOT represent the majority anymore!