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Defund Putin’s War Machine (1 Viewer)


Green Party progressive
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Nov 4, 2020
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: Ukrainian Environmentalist Calls For Global Halt to Fossil Fuel Funding

Amy Goodman said:

Svitlana, I wanted to read from the piece that you wrote with Bill McKibben. I think clearly, overall, it very much ties into what we are seeing today. You say, “Above all, it is obvious that the world’s banks have amorally worked to build Russia’s oil and gas industry, the industry that funds the Russian army, and the industry that Vladimir Putin has used as a cudgel for decades to keep Europe cowering, and that is why we cheered so loudly Tuesday when President Biden, as part of his ban on Russian oil, told American banks to make no new investments in Putin’s oil. As Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky tweeted, it strikes at the heart of Putin’s war machine.”

I ask: Are you with me so far?

SVITLANA said: So we called upon all governments of the countries I have mentioned, outside Europe and inside the European Union, to reject, ban, embargo any import of fossil fuels from Russia and
rapidly phase out fossil fuels.

I say: Yes, let's stop the war on 🌏.

transcript, audio, video: www.democracynow.org/2022/3/11/ukrainian_environmentalist_russian_invasion_climate_crisis
I mean, yep. This is objectively something we should do for a great number of reasons.
: Ukrainian Environmentalist Calls For Global Halt to Fossil Fuel Funding

Amy Goodman said:

Svitlana, I wanted to read from the piece that you wrote with Bill McKibben. I think clearly, overall, it very much ties into what we are seeing today. You say, “Above all, it is obvious that the world’s banks have amorally worked to build Russia’s oil and gas industry, the industry that funds the Russian army, and the industry that Vladimir Putin has used as a cudgel for decades to keep Europe cowering, and that is why we cheered so loudly Tuesday when President Biden, as part of his ban on Russian oil, told American banks to make no new investments in Putin’s oil. As Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky tweeted, it strikes at the heart of Putin’s war machine.”

I ask: Are you with me so far?

SVITLANA said: So we called upon all governments of the countries I have mentioned, outside Europe and inside the European Union, to reject, ban, embargo any import of fossil fuels from Russia and
rapidly phase out fossil fuels.

I say: Yes, let's stop the war on 🌏.

transcript, audio, video: www.democracynow.org/2022/3/11/ukrainian_environmentalist_russian_invasion_climate_crisis
Now THIS is more the style of Democracy Now.

I'm thinking most countries in the EU are going to ignore this Svitlana. Those countries had the chance to get out from under Putin's oily thumb...but they didn't. Not even when Trump told them that's what they should do. They made their bed and, even though it stinks right now, they have no choice but to lie in it.
: Ukrainian Environmentalist Calls For Global Halt to Fossil Fuel Funding

Amy Goodman said:

Svitlana, I wanted to read from the piece that you wrote with Bill McKibben. I think clearly, overall, it very much ties into what we are seeing today. You say, “Above all, it is obvious that the world’s banks have amorally worked to build Russia’s oil and gas industry, the industry that funds the Russian army, and the industry that Vladimir Putin has used as a cudgel for decades to keep Europe cowering, and that is why we cheered so loudly Tuesday when President Biden, as part of his ban on Russian oil, told American banks to make no new investments in Putin’s oil. As Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky tweeted, it strikes at the heart of Putin’s war machine.”

I ask: Are you with me so far?

SVITLANA said: So we called upon all governments of the countries I have mentioned, outside Europe and inside the European Union, to reject, ban, embargo any import of fossil fuels from Russia and
rapidly phase out fossil fuels.

I say: Yes, let's stop the war on 🌏.

transcript, audio, video: www.democracynow.org/2022/3/11/ukrainian_environmentalist_russian_invasion_climate_crisis
It might help, but it will not have a major imact as long as they have allies willing to buy.
: Ukrainian Environmentalist Calls For Global Halt to Fossil Fuel Funding

Amy Goodman said:

Svitlana, I wanted to read from the piece that you wrote with Bill McKibben. I think clearly, overall, it very much ties into what we are seeing today. You say, “Above all, it is obvious that the world’s banks have amorally worked to build Russia’s oil and gas industry, the industry that funds the Russian army, and the industry that Vladimir Putin has used as a cudgel for decades to keep Europe cowering, and that is why we cheered so loudly Tuesday when President Biden, as part of his ban on Russian oil, told American banks to make no new investments in Putin’s oil. As Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky tweeted, it strikes at the heart of Putin’s war machine.”

I ask: Are you with me so far?

SVITLANA said: So we called upon all governments of the countries I have mentioned, outside Europe and inside the European Union, to reject, ban, embargo any import of fossil fuels from Russia and
rapidly phase out fossil fuels.

I say: Yes, let's stop the war on 🌏.

transcript, audio, video: www.democracynow.org/2022/3/11/ukrainian_environmentalist_russian_invasion_climate_crisis
Depends. Does "defund" mean "defund," this time?
: Ukrainian Environmentalist Calls For Global Halt to Fossil Fuel Funding

Amy Goodman said:

Svitlana, I wanted to read from the piece that you wrote with Bill McKibben. I think clearly, overall, it very much ties into what we are seeing today. You say, “Above all, it is obvious that the world’s banks have amorally worked to build Russia’s oil and gas industry, the industry that funds the Russian army, and the industry that Vladimir Putin has used as a cudgel for decades to keep Europe cowering, and that is why we cheered so loudly Tuesday when President Biden, as part of his ban on Russian oil, told American banks to make no new investments in Putin’s oil. As Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky tweeted, it strikes at the heart of Putin’s war machine.”

I ask: Are you with me so far?

SVITLANA said: So we called upon all governments of the countries I have mentioned, outside Europe and inside the European Union, to reject, ban, embargo any import of fossil fuels from Russia and
rapidly phase out fossil fuels.

I say: Yes, let's stop the war on 🌏.

transcript, audio, video: www.democracynow.org/2022/3/11/ukrainian_environmentalist_russian_invasion_climate_crisis

OK, but…

Natural-gas exports flowing from Russia to Europe through Ukraine ramped up on Thursday, jumping by nearly 38% from a day earlier, according to data reported by Bloomberg.

Figures from Ukraine's grid operator further showed that these flows were expected to rise by about 24% on Friday compared with Thursday's levels, according to Bloomberg.

Western Europe is heavily reliant on Russian gas supplies, and the increased flow Thursday underscored that continuing dependency. Some 41% of the European Union's gas imports come from Russia, more than twice as much as Norway, the next-largest supplier, according to the most recent EU data.


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