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Deficits at Home, Welfare Abroad (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Lost in the news lately is the fact that Congress authorized to send another 21 billion of the taxpayers' money overseas, while at the same time, falling behind in Katrina relief and the rebuilding of New Orleans.

1) I dont think that sending hundreds of millions to former Soviet republics which are producing multimillionaires is serving America. We talk about tax cuts and budget cuts while, at the same time, paying for other nations' welfare programs.

2) As part of the bill, we gave away millions to the pro-abortion UN Population Fund. Is this the same government which takes an anti-abortion stance in their rhetoric? Oh no, they say, abortion is murder, but I guess it is OK if you murder the unborn children of other nations, right?

3) More millions went to the anti-capitalistic World Bank in order to fund environmental projects in other nations. What about cleaning up the toxic sludge still in New Orleans?

4) Almost half a billion for world population planning? Again, the anti-abortionists have shown their hypocrisy.

5) Many millions to the UN Democracy fund, which has a history of changing nothing. I thought this administration did not support the UN. Was that also a lie?

6) More than half a billion given away to Pakistan, which is run by a dictator general who was unelected. What happened to the rhetoric of supporting democracy in the Middle East?

While we are cutting taxes and tightening our own belts, why the hell should we be paying for the welfare programs of other nations, not to mention the UN? If we are going to dole out money for welfare, dole it out to our own citizens. That would be better than using it to support the welfare structure of other nations. Better yet, use the money to reduce our own debt. Our leaders once talked of balancing the budget, but the drunken spending spree by them is larger than even what the Democrats could ever see in their wildest hallucinations. Time to kick the rascals out.

I want to hear an answer from some who support this reckless waste of money. I want to hear how they can justify putting other nations on our own welfare roles. Welfare reform? We need it more than ever today.

Article is here.
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I'll interpret for the new people to the forum...

"I'm a libertarian so I can criticize from the sidelines while I insulate myself from criticism because my party has no power...

This is the 569the thread I've started which shows my negativity while I debate nothing that deals with topics of a positive nature...

When you grow up, maybe you'll go through life as bitter as I am..."

cnredd said:
I'll interpret for the new people to the forum...

"I'm a libertarian so I can criticize from the sidelines while I insulate myself from criticism because my party has no power...

This is the 569the thread I've started which shows my negativity while I debate nothing that deals with topics of a positive nature...

When you grow up, maybe you'll go through life as bitter as I am..."


Interpretation - "I am unable to refute what he posted, so I will go negative and trash Libertarians with personal attacks instead."

As for something of a positive nature, the Libertarian Party platform already addresses the issue. Simply put, ending the practice of paying for foreign welfare programs and putting the money saved towards paying off our national debt is a very positive step for America.
danarhea said:
Interpretation - "I am unable to refute what he posted, so I will go negative and trash Libertarians with personal attacks instead."

Sounds like dana got a taste of his own medicine.
Not sending 10 billion a year to Isreal would be a good start. What have they ever done for us except suck up our foreign aid?

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