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Deegan is an upstanding citizen (1 Viewer)

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iron butterfly

New member
Feb 22, 2006
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He has some of the queerest group of peeps in hes forum " political shootout ",a home for the banned so he bans me and when my nephew joins he bans him too ! { knowing he has friends that are cops just leaves me to believe Deegan is a member of "the new world order " .....:roll: genocide believers !!!

Any of you had a run in with this creep ???

If you feel the need to " give a ssht " someone on Political Shootout is sure to take it.... HA HA HA HA HA !!!

BITE ME ..deegan !!!!
Last edited:
Re: Deegans a creep ???

iron butterfly said:
He has some of the queerest group of peeps in hes forum " political shootout ",a home for the banned so he bans me and when my nephew joins he bans him too ! { knowing he has friends that are cops just leaves me to believe Deegan is a member of "the new world order " .....:roll: genocide believers !!!

Any of you had a run in with this creep ???

If you feel the need to " give a ssht " someone on Political Shootout is sure to take it.... HA HA HA HA HA !!!

BITE ME ..deegan !!!!
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