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Declaring George W. Bush to Be a Horse's Ass (1 Viewer)


Disagree...but that is funny!

So there.
Why must we fight against liberalism? While you're at it, how about giving me a definition of liberalism.

P.S. I know you are, but what am I?
"We must fight against liberalism" is my signature. If you want one too you can go under your profile and add it.

P.S. Obviously you didn't understand my joke, an ass (A.K.A. donkey) is the symbol for a democrat. :screwy
I know about signatures, thanks. But I'm asking, why must we fight liberalism? If you don't want to talk about it, I understand, but this site is called "Debate Politics" so I thought you might be up for a round or two.

Peace out, yo!
argexpat said:
I know about signatures, thanks. But I'm asking, why must we fight liberalism? If you don't want to talk about it, I understand, but this site is called "Debate Politics" so I thought you might be up for a round or two.

Peace out, yo!

I have nothing against the original liberals, I'm talking about the modern liberals. I will make this short and sweet to the point, todays conservatives beleive in liberalism and todays liberals beleive in communisum. What do communists beleive in? Lets see; abortion, one nation (the UN), and taking hard earned money from the righ and giving to the poor. :naughty
I have nothing against the original liberals, I'm talking about the modern liberals. I will make this short and sweet to the point, todays conservatives beleive in liberalism and todays liberals beleive in communisum. What do communists beleive in? Lets see; abortion, one nation (the UN), and taking hard earned money from the righ and giving to the poor.
Isn't that putting everyone in the same pot?

For instance, (another topic) I am very much FOR illegalizing cell phone use in cars. The "average" conservative is appauld by this idea. But, I do not consider myself a liberal.
Well as you probably know, the original liberal used to have most of the same views as todays conservatives. Back 100 years ago did liberals beleive in abortion, gay marrage, or low tarrifs on the poor and high tarrifs on the rich? And southerners used to be considered liberals, while those to the north were conservatives. Now it's the other way around. :)
Mr.America said:
I have nothing against the original liberals, I'm talking about the modern liberals. I will make this short and sweet to the point, todays conservatives beleive in liberalism and todays liberals beleive in communisum. What do communists beleive in? Lets see; abortion, one nation (the UN), and taking hard earned money from the righ and giving to the poor. :naughty

So you see the political center as having shifted to the left? Conservatives have become liberals and liberals have become communists?

I'll have to respectfully disagree with this, and I imagine so would most conservatives. The political center has been moving rightward. When Barry Goldwater ran in 64, his conservatism was considered radical and way outside the mainstream. And he got trounced by Johnson, a dyed-in-the-wool liberal and the architect of the Great Society: the idea that government could ensure social justice and raise people out of poverty.

Then came Reagan, who helped popularize conservative ideology and masterfully rode it to the white house. A decade later, Clinton, a liberal, was "ending welfare as we know it." Nixon would be considered too liberal today. (He ended the Viet Nam war and started the EPA.)

Thirty years ago, even suggesting tinkering with Social Security was political suicide. Today, GWBush talks openly about it. The pendulum has been swinging rightward, not leftward. But like all pendulums, they always swing back... ;)
Mr.America said:
And southerners used to be considered liberals, while those to the north were conservatives. Now it's the other way around. :)

Actually, southerners used be Democrats, which isn't the same as being liberal. They were Democrats primarily because the Republican party was seen as the party of Lincoln and rich northern carpet-baggers. Also because the New Deal was very good to poor, rural southerners still struggling from reconstruction. They didn't pay much in taxes, so all these New Deal government programs were a boon. (FYI, red states still pay less in federal taxes than they get back in services, while blue states pay more in federal taxes than they get back in services, which means the liberal blue states are subsidizing the conservative red states. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.)

Little by little, though, the Republicans were able to successfully brand themselves as populists and the party of "traditional values" and the "regular guy" (which I find completely absurd, but never mind). And eventually they won the hearts (if not the minds) of white southerners. Blacks are still overwhelmingly Democrats because they’re much better at seeing through Whitey’s bullshit. :bs
Hmm, I didn't expect the guy who came up with the "Declare G. W. Bush to be a Horse's ass" to come up with a well thoughtout, researched speech. I am simply awstrucken. Wow!

Although I still disagree with you (because liberals are still becoming more liberal than they have ever been throughout history), I will have to give you a positive Rep. point. LOL.

P.S. That last coment that you made in that last post was very racist, I would like it if you could please refrain from saying things like that in the future. :D
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Thx for the mad props, yo!

P.S. While it's never my intention to offend, I think you're being too sensitive on the racism. Black people are better at seeing bullshit, because they had to live with it for so long (slavery, segregation, Vanilla Ice). But that's just my humble non-racist opinion. (Then again, I'm not really sure who you thought I was being racist about, blacks or whites?)
Well, it wasn't todays black generation that whitnessed slavery or segrgation and I'm sure that most blacks haven't even heard of vinilla ice. But don't worry, there was no offense taken. :D

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