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Debate "Tactics" on this forum that annoy you (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 21, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC
Political Leaning
Simple enough. A place to post all the annoying posting trends some people seem to have that are just annoying

"Tactic" One

Annoys me to no end when someone states something, the next poster points out that thier flat out wrong, and then the person responds with something along the lines of "Yeah, well, doesn't matter i was wrong becuase um...you were wrong about this this and this".

Example would be the recent stuff with the 100,000 civilians "killed" so far. This gets posted often. People generally point out its highly faulty data right after and basically a well calculated lie by the left. In 2 different threads the post directly after this basically goes "Yeah, well...bush lied about x, y, z".

Yes...lieing about x, y, and z are bad things. Bring that up in a post. That's very good. However that is not an explanation for why you threw faulty data out there and get called on it. Just freaking own up to your mistakes, accept that, and then put out the other things.

This is also prevalent in the 9/11 inside job thread with people responding to teacher. Teacher posts something that disproves or gives an explanation for something they post. So instead of commenting on what teacher stated, they go "Yeah?! Well...um...explain this then!?". You want him to explain something else, GREAT! But first at least freaking comment on what he already pointed out for you.

"Tactic" Two

"Who's got the biggest dick"

This one is always annoying to me at least. Its basically the one where a thread suddenly goes into 4 straight pages of 2 to 4 or so posters just going back and forth about the credibility of the other person by posting a crap ton of stuff from other threads as proof...all of which happens without talking at all about the thread at hand and making those that actually wanted to read about what the thread was about scratch thier head as they watched the Political Debates Forum equivilent of slap fighting
Zyphlin said:
"Who's got the biggest dick"

I would be very interested in the answer to this question. Provide a link please.

alex said:
I would be very interested in the answer to this question. Provide a link please.


I do!! Oh, no wait. Crap. Man, have I got a set of ovaries though.:lol:
Kelzie said:
I do!! Oh, no wait. Crap. Man, have I got a set of ovaries though.:lol:

I'm going to need you to provide a source for this claim....
cnredd said:
I'm going to need you to provide a source for this claim....

I...umm...no wait I'll find one. Will truthout.org work?
Kelzie said:
I...umm...no wait I'll find one. Will truthout.org work?

The whole Lakewood Phone Directory?....cnredd runs away while ducking....
My annoyances,

1) stereotypes
Ex. You lefties/liberals are always saying x, y, z

2) The "Miss Cleo" approach
Ex. Someone tells you , before you post, you think x, y, z (b/c you are a liberal/lefty)

3) Twisting the argument/Ignoring what you are saying
Ex. I think it speaks for itself
cnredd said:
The whole Lakewood Phone Directory?....cnredd runs away while ducking....

Ha ha ha. Chicken

I'll try to stay on topic here for once:

"I'm right."

"No, see this fact proves you're wrong"

"Well it's lefty propaganda. I'm right"

"Okay, here's the same thing in Fox."

"I'm right"

"Well, can you provide your own facts, so that I can see why you're right?"

"I don't need to, cause I'm right."
galenrox said:
What pisses me off the most is when new people come on the site, and their first thread is "**** You America!" or something along those lines, and then they're suprised and indignant that everyone's not like, "Yeah, of course!!"

Yeah but I love reading your responses to it, so I'm okay with that one.:lol:
Inconsistant babbling bothers me (see Shamgar) I honestly don't know what he's saying half the time beyond his blind insults.

Circular logic is annoying too. As is logic with big gaps. "IE:: god must exist.. so he must be our god as our scripture defines him." Big jump from point a to b with no support.
I hate when 20 something socialist pukes post a smartass response on a thread then leave.

Kelzie said:
Yeah but I love reading your responses to it, so I'm okay with that one.:lol:

I have to agree, that is the only good part about those posts.
I hate it when they move their pawn 1 space on their first move!?

It gets two moves not 1!!!
When they say "I never said that". And then you copy and paste where they did, then they "remember" and try to qualify it, acting like they weren't caught in a lie. Pitiful. Childish. But good for my charming personality and sense of decorum and etiquite.

When you destroy a point and they come back with something new, never acknowledging your point.

Thank goodness I'm so polite and well mannered or these people would be done for.
Originally posted by Zyphlin
Annoys me to no end when someone states something, the next poster points out that thier flat out wrong, and then the person responds with something along the lines of "Yeah, well, doesn't matter i was wrong becuase um...you were wrong about this this and this".

Example would be the recent stuff with the 100,000 civilians "killed" so far. This gets posted often. People generally point out its highly faulty data right after and basically a well calculated lie by the left. In 2 different threads the post directly after this basically goes "Yeah, well...bush lied about x, y, z".

Yes...lieing about x, y, and z are bad things. Bring that up in a post. That's very good. However that is not an explanation for why you threw faulty data out there and get called on it. Just freaking own up to your mistakes, accept that, and then put out the other things.
I hate people that talk about faulty posts with faulty logic. Just FYI, no one can call anyone on the issue of how many deaths the Iraqis have suffered. Because nobody really knows how many. What's more, the people that argue that US troops did not kill that many, do not have a leg to stand on because the very people they are defending do not keep records of the Iraqi's they killed. Or they do, but won't release that information. Which is the same thing in the end. So, you can't call someone on something with proof you don't have. Merely saying someone elses source is faulty does not prove your assertion is true.

It is interesting that you leave out the fact that this particular poster felt the need to announce that the information was faulty by creating a thread for it so everyone could see. Making no bones about the fact that it is OK to be wrong, but not OK to be wrong, and not admit it. The latter of which is in the majority.

As far as this quote,
Originally posted by Zyphlin
This is also prevalent in the 9/11 inside job thread with people responding to teacher. Teacher posts something that disproves or gives an explanation for something they post. So instead of commenting on what teacher stated, they go "Yeah?! Well...um...explain this then!?". You want him to explain something else, GREAT! But first at least freaking comment on what he already pointed out for you.
I agree with you. Why don't you go count how many times I've had to put up with this kind of bullshit. I think I lead the leage when it comes to people not responding to the premise of my proposition. They would rather react to something I didn't say or just interject something totally irrelevent. Which I have been guilty of myself.

Other than that, I welcome all posts, good and bad, and do not won't anyone censored or banned. No matter what they say.
The ones that get me most are the one's that use the justifications that start with "I teacher of the enormous brain" or some such nonsense.
Billo_Really said:
I hate people that talk about faulty posts with faulty logic. Just FYI, no one can call anyone on the issue of how many deaths the Iraqis have suffered. Because nobody really knows how many. What's more, the people that argue that US troops did not kill that many, do not have a leg to stand on because the very people they are defending do not keep records of the Iraqi's they killed. Or they do, but won't release that information. Which is the same thing in the end. So, you can't call someone on something with proof you don't have. Merely saying someone elses source is faulty does not prove your assertion is true.

If what you say is true then why did you post this thread?

Billo Off by 75,000 Deaths!

In the interest of being fair and balanced, I recently came across this article regarding the number of Iraqi civilian dead since the US invasion. As I stated in previous posts, the number was in upwards of 100,000 Iraqi deaths. This was based on a Johns Hopkins report that its authors are now indicating that the method of collecting the data was somewhat flawed.

If "nobody knows", as you have posted above, then why would you A)state 100,000 Iraqis have died....B)RETRACT that statement through a new thread?

To make a statement, fllowed by a retraction of the statement...followed by an admission of "No one knows" is beyond the realm of believability.

Do you even know what you post? Are you just "winging" it?

Your credibility has sunk to a point where whatever you say, the opposite must be true.

Debate forums aren't your gig...I suggest a fantasy sports team....
Originally posted by cnredd:
If what you say is true then why did you post this thread?
Because *****s like you don't have the balls to admit when your wrong. If you think you do, state the posts where you have.

I've been wrong before, I might be wrong now, and I'm sure I will be wrong in the future. No big deal if you see it, accept it, take your beating like a man, and move on with the thought that you are a better person because of it.

I'm sorry if I am still a little pissed-off at GySgt. Not one of my better days. Still no reason to take that out on others, even you.
Hey billo, countrary to what you may think the world or this forum doesn't revolve around you. My earlier statement about stating the deaths wasn't about you, actually you weren't anywhere on my head about that. It was due to another poster on a thread i can't even remember now, a low post count guy like me. In that thread he DID present the numbers as if it was some kind of fact, quoting that source as his "Fact", which was my probelm. Its not that I know for a Fact how many deaths there are, but *I* DO know for a fact that that number is not a definite concrete number that should be taken as if its the word of christ himself. Also...that was simply an example for a type of thing, way to harp on it instead of the actual thing the example was refering to.

Here's another that irks me

"People are fighting and dieing and have faught and died for your right to critize the government....SO don't you go critizing the government"


This is like a commercial i saw recently. The person is sitting talking to a guy at the bank that is telling her that she has free overdraft protection, IF she never uses it. If she has to use an overdraft, then there is a fee. He also goes on to tell her she will get $10,000 dollars (or something of the such) for signing up free, but she can't touch that $10,000. So she says she doesn't have that $10,000 and he goes "No, you do, you just can't use it".

Its idiotic.

Yes, i hate that people can be very very overly critical of the government without pointing to anything good ever. Yes i think some people are wrong about thier things. But critizing the government does not make you a bad american ((how you do it, how much you do it, etc...that might, but not just the act iself)) and the fact people died for your right to do that is a good reason TO do it or else you're making thier deaths pointless really
Originally posted by Zyphlin:
Hey billo, countrary to what you may think the world or this forum doesn't revolve around you. My earlier statement about stating the deaths wasn't about you, actually you weren't anywhere on my head about that. It was due to another poster on a thread i can't even remember now, a low post count guy like me. In that thread he DID present the numbers as if it was some kind of fact, quoting that source as his "Fact", which was my probelm. Its not that I know for a Fact how many deaths there are, but *I* DO know for a fact that that number is not a definite concrete number that should be taken as if its the word of christ himself. Also...that was simply an example for a type of thing, way to harp on it instead of the actual thing the example was refering to.
Thank you for clearing that up. Maybe I was a little too paranoid.
Originally posted by Zyphlin:
"People are fighting and dieing and have faught and died for your right to critize the government....SO don't you go critizing the government"
So your saying they fought for a right I'm not allowed to use? Even if it is used with the intent of saving their lives?
Originally posted by Zyphlin:
Yes, i hate that people can be very very overly critical of the government without pointing to anything good ever.
Check out Post #29 on the "Liberals Hate America" thread if you want to see pictures showing the soldiers in Iraq in a good light. I have other posts that show this as well. I'm not as one-sided as others would hope.
Billo....read my posts...for the love of god.

That quote you posted and asked me a question about. It was put in there as once again, AN EXAMPLE. Look how i started most of my posts that have the tactic I dislike. I have used a quote of the basic tactic. The one i don't like is using that logic right there. I agree with you, I think the way people put it across sometimes are stupid.

Actually take time to perhaps read the entire post of someone instead of looking at bullet snippets to pull out and insult
The tactic that I hate the most: When anyone talks about either any kind of socialism or communism, people pull the Soviet Union out of the hat.
Originally posted by Zyphlin:
Billo....read my posts...for the love of god.

That quote you posted and asked me a question about. It was put in there as once again, AN EXAMPLE. Look how i started most of my posts that have the tactic I dislike. I have used a quote of the basic tactic. The one i don't like is using that logic right there. I agree with you, I think the way people put it across sometimes are stupid.

Actually take time to perhaps read the entire post of someone instead of looking at bullet snippets to pull out and insult
I'm not sure what your point is. Could you explain in more detail.

Why do you think I don't read entire posts? Why do you think I read them just to pull out snippets for insult?

I pull out quotes as examples to prove my point. How can people argue against something they just said. Some do.

Your thoughts are always welcome.
Basically the reason I said it seems like you're not reading my whole point is that many of the things from my posts that you're quoting and then questioning me on have you sounding as if you think that the Tactic i'm stating i dislike is actually my stance on something. IE:

I posted this..."People are fighting and dieing and have faught and died for your right to critize the government....SO don't you go critizing the government"...quote as a sarcastic example of a tactic I dislike. The fact that people talk about how soilders fight and die for peoples rights to critize the government, and then use that fact to tell people they're not allowed to. However you reply with:

"So your saying they fought for a right I'm not allowed to use? Even if it is used with the intent of saving their lives?"

Which seemed to me that you were implying that that quote of mine was what I thought. However, reading back...perhaps you were saying that in reference to that "tactic" and not thinking that its actually one I support?

I'd add on more tactics here but havn't been around the forums a lot lately to look and see any new ones yet

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