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Debate Guilt Trips (1 Viewer)

1) The Soldiers are fighting and dying for YOU.

Really? I was unaware of the promotion. I guess if that's the case I should be able to call them back home then. I don't remember sending them over in the first place. I must have Alzheimer's. Maybe on a principles level.......Nah. I don't ever remember reasoning that I needed an army to go where they went. I don't remember seeing a reason for them to stay or to tour other nations and get tangled in other problems. Wait. Maybe they aren't fighting for ME but YOU. Why are you laying word games with me?

2) Racism

I am a firm believer in the fact that minorities have been dealt a bad hand and continue to get shorthanded. Just because you have a single Black president doesn't erase years of human tyranny, abuse, and indecency. and to put it clearer, they have suffered under this condition for four hundred years. First slavery, then Jim Crow, then plain old discrimination and profiling. And you wonder why they don't just pop up and become captains of industry. I think it's more akin to a family psychology case. If there is a history of abuse between the mother and the father, the kids are always affected.

However, don't expect me to walk on eggshells when describing said current condition. If I see it and it is a statistical truth, I will say it. The truth is not something to get angry about but to accept and grow stronger from. Living on the thought that people will say sorry for abusing you in the past is as foolish as holding your breath for the same. Though there is plenty f justifiable reasons that the condition exists, it exists. Though it is very hard to escape the propaganda and stereotype and succeed, it will be even harder if you center yourselves on maintaining a false image of yourself instead of building a truthful image. In other words, don't talk about it, be about it. But Jesus...they even had cartoons like Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny performing out these things. Certainly, I can understand the present conditions.

3) You are not a Patriot.

Maybe I am not. It all depends on what you mean by country. I don't know anyone in Alabama, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas. I have no social or emotional ties to this country. When you say "Defend my Country" the only thing I think about is defending my family, my friends, and their way of life. When you say love my country, I am thinking more the ideal than the reality. Do you notice that? Whenever they want you to love your country, they always say what America should be, not what it is. I believe America is this...or that. Not America is this...or that. They are always baiting you with this carrot, always holding out this American Camelot for you to trip over yourself running after. No, I do not love my country because it is not the ideal you are speaking of it is what it is. Many things are very wrong and you do not fix it. I could understand if it was a matter of time but you don't even seem to be considering it. And then I am supposed to feel ostracized for not believing in the dream. I believe you are trying to dope me up on Patriotism...but I don't do drugs.
Also, going off from the whole patriot thing...when people tell me "THOSE BRAVE MEN AND WOMAN OVERSEAS ARE THE ONES FIGHTING SO THAT YOU CAN HAVE THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH TO SAY THAT ABOUT THEM" (whenever I say anything negative about the military) and that is simply factually wrong. If today, right now, we pulled out (haha) from all over the world, what would happen? Sure, we might destabilize some regions, lessen our influence, but my ability to say what I want, would be the last thing affected. We can defend from terrorist attacks without occupying large portions of the world. And I'm sick of people propping up the those who serve in the US military as these godly saints. There are not. The super vast majority of them, joined for the money, the training, or they had nothing else going for them. Vert few just join up to "defend" their country, and if you do join up for that reason, your just making a poor decision, cause you are NOT defending this nation from any threat, other than the United States's power position in the world. ALso, its not like these people are forced to do it, if there was a draft, then I would feel sorry for them, and say "yes they deserve some special treatment" but if you decide to go to Iraq or whatever to get your leg blown off, thats on you, not me. I rambled a bit, sorry about that.
Yeah, that freedom of speech stuff is another trick. They let some people speak because they know they can drown him out with their own message or discredit his ideas by distorting or poking holes in his claims, or most people don't have wide enough exposure for their opinions to matter, or simply deny. Other people and things that have much more direct and "provocative" information or ideas directly get censored. People wanting to print books, periodicals, investigative journalism from the perspective of the Iraqi or whoever we are attacking at the time) people and the like have been censored countless times. They allow you to hear from the soldiers who are all Gung Ho about what happened where they were (because four or five testimonials on TV account for the thousands sent over there) and the call the ones who actually manage to get their ideas into the media non-patriots, traitors, and all of that.

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