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DEA and other law enforcement round up 50 illegal aliens in Denver (1 Viewer)

Oh, my dear friend, I know exactly why the best candidate, Kamala Harris, lost.

It was because enough politically ill informed, non politically astute, amoral Republicans, MAGATS et al put their own selfishness over the Country's best interests, and voted in just large enough numbers in certain places to hand the White House to a CONVICTED FELON, one with megalomania notions of grandeur, and a REVENGE AGENDA against the LEFT and anyone from the RIGHT who has not shown him proper obeisance.

It really is quite simple my friend.
Ironically, no. Trump was always going to get those "amoral Republicans." Who Harris lost, and Trump won, were voters who voted Democratic in 2020. Do you hate them, too?
So "amoral MAGATS" is what, a term of endearment?

It is a well considered opinion based on logical and continued observation, but it is not me hating those amoral MAGATS. 🤗
LOL yes they are.

One doesn't get to kiss the ass of an amoral turd like Crooked donnie trump.....without being "amoral" oneself.
💯 :)(y)

Indeed, one has to have eschewed all essence of personal political morals to have supported and voted for the politically AMORAL ONE!

They had to get a bus to take them away.

Good job!!

I would blame Canada for that. Listen as you do the cheer leader routine understand this. The tariffs you cheer on against Canada will directly interfere with DEA, FBI and ATF operations in Canada.

Next USAID was just ended. It funded the creation of legal systems and enforcement agencies to try contain and stop crime syndicates in overseas countries from shipping drugs and people to the US.

You are cheering on the DEA for a good job? Horse crap. The DEA, ATF, FBI, have been doing the exact same work for many years. Why do you only notice this one? You cheer on Trump and use this bust as your prop.

I can not stand Magas riding the coat-tails of law enforcement officers putting their life on the line while your fearless leader is in fact assisting certain crime syndicates from others using an alleged tariff war as his cover.

You want to cheer on the DEA or any other law enforcement agency-you do not set up tariffs that fuel a new form of smuggling to assist certain crime syndicates with distraction cover.

The DEA, FBI, ATF, have always been welcomed in liaison enforcement operations on Canadian soil. Trump is setting up barriers that will directly undermine that.
I have just one question.
All the folks on here that want all the illegals to stay,how many of them have you volunteered to sponsor and put up in your home?
I know someone who MIGHT be undocumented and would certainly put up the family if they were to be deported.
50, you say?

Well, then. Only 3,999,950 to go!
I have just one question.
All the folks on here that want all the illegals to stay,how many of them have you volunteered to sponsor and put up in your home?

What is your point?
Or, more to the point, a victory for AMERICA and AMERICAN CITIZENS.
And especially Denver. It's not the number of illegals rounded up that's so great, it's the number in that damned gang. They're the drug runners and just terrible. Wonderful to get rid of them.
I have just one question.
All the folks on here that want all the illegals to stay,how many of them have you volunteered to sponsor and put up in your home?
I have just one question.
All the folks on here that want all the illegals to stay,how many of them have you volunteered to sponsor and put up in your home?
In the nice months I would take in my landscaper.
I hate doing yard work now.

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