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David Safavian Indicted (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Another member of team Bush has been indicted.

David Safavian, Bush's chief procurement officer, was forced to resign, under pressure from Congress, 3 days before he was arrested last month.

Today, we know why. Yesterday, Safavian was indicted on 5 felony counts of obstruction of justice, stemming from his attempts to derail the Congressional investigation into Jack Abramoff.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
Another member of team Bush has been indicted.

David Safavian, Bush's chief procurement officer, was forced to resign, under pressure from Congress, 3 days before he was arrested last month.

Today, we know why. Yesterday, Safavian was indicted on 5 felony counts of obstruction of justice, stemming from his attempts to derail the Congressional investigation into Jack Abramoff.

Article is here.

Sorry never heard of him.....with another 100 indictments we will be coming close to the number of people indicted during the Clinton Administration.......
So Navy does that mean you think the Bush administration could be as bad as the Clinton admin in your mind because of the number of indictments? Just curious.

This is coming to a point where people won't even bother to defend Bush but counter attack with this Clinton bullshit. I don't care how many people were indicted under the Clintons because we aren't under the Clinton admin anymore. We are under the Bush admin.
Navy Pride said:
Sorry never heard of him.....with another 100 indictments we will be coming close to the number of people indicted during the Clinton Administration.......

I wrote an article about what you just posted. Its in the basement forum. Feel free to respond to it there. Hehe.
FinnMacCool said:
So Navy does that mean you think the Bush administration could be as bad as the Clinton admin in your mind because of the number of indictments? Just curious.

This is coming to a point where people won't even bother to defend Bush but counter attack with this Clinton bullshit. I don't care how many people were indicted under the Clintons because we aren't under the Clinton admin anymore. We are under the Bush admin.

No I think think the Bush administration has a hell of a long way to go before it reaches the corruption of the Clinton Administration............Low level people in the Bush Administration are being investigated or indicted (not convicted yet)....

Comparisons are always made of administrations and presidents so if I were you I would not get to upset over it........
danarhea said:
Another member of team Bush has been indicted.

David Safavian, Bush's chief procurement officer, was forced to resign, under pressure from Congress, 3 days before he was arrested last month.

Today, we know why. Yesterday, Safavian was indicted on 5 felony counts of obstruction of justice, stemming from his attempts to derail the Congressional investigation into Jack Abramoff.

Article is here.

Ha ha ha, Danarhea. Thanks for posting abuot this. I read about this in both the Washington Post and the NYT this morning. I love it when arrogance causes corruption and results in an indictment. Tsk tsk

Navy Pride, you really have not heard of Safavian? That's a little surprising. It has been all over the news for at least a week (maybe 2).
danarhea said:
I wrote an article about what you just posted. Its in the basement forum. Feel free to respond to it there. Hehe.

Thanks, I will do that when I have the time but eight now I am busy fighting the mantra of you and your liberal buddies..........

[QUOTENavy Pride, you really have not heard of Safavian? That's a little surprising. It has been all over the news for at least a week (maybe 2).][/QUOTE]

I might have heard the name to be honest but I don't believe it is to much to worry about..........We shall see..........
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Navy Pride said:
Thanks, I will do that when I have the time but eight now I am busy fighting the mantra of you and your liberal buddies..........

I might have heard the name to be honest but I don't believe it is to much to worry about..........We shall see..........

My liberal buddies? You mean, like Pat Buchanan, Lew Rockwell, Michael Badnarik, and Ron Paul (who I have actually met, and admire)? Dude, that is some pretty twisted thinking.
danarhea said:
My liberal buddies? You mean, like Pat Buchanan, Lew Rockwell, Michael Badnarik, and Ron Paul (who I have actually met, and admire)? Dude, that is some pretty twisted thinking.

No I mean the other liberal posters in this forum who you side with 90 percent of the time...........I know a Pat Buchanan follower when I see one and with all respect you are not one my friend........
Being a moderate, who usually votes Republican, I don't care who the person is, or what party he belongs to.
If he is corrupt, he should be indicted.
Granted, that might take out 20% of our politicians, but can that be a bad thing?;)
He(Dan) is a conservative, trust me, he just uses the lefts tactics to smear the current administration. He forgets he is smearing his own side with these tactics, and anyone who does not see it like he does......well he, or she is a Bushnevik. I wish it was that easy, as there are plenty of republicans I can't tolerate either, but I try not to throw them all in one group, and lump on accusations with little to no proof behind them.

I don't know who this person is either, I don't really care, it does not change my mind on the current policy, and that is what I voted for.
UtahBill said:
Being a moderate, who usually votes Republican, I don't care who the person is, or what party he belongs to.
If he is corrupt, he should be indicted.
Granted, that might take out 20% of our politicians, but can that be a bad thing?;)

Try about 80% :)
danarhea said:
Try about 80% :)

Think you're on to something. People are always droning on about getting what they deserve, I think when it comes to most politicians they want nothing to do with what they deserve.
UtahBill said:
Being a moderate, who usually votes Republican, I don't care who the person is, or what party he belongs to.
If he is corrupt, he should be indicted.
Granted, that might take out 20% of our politicians, but can that be a bad thing?;)

That is true but I will reserve my opinion until a trial is completed.....I personally think you will see this indictment thrown out.......
UtahBill said:
Being a moderate, who usually votes Republican, I don't care who the person is, or what party he belongs to.
If he is corrupt, he should be indicted.


And that's the way that it SHOULD be.
Navy Pride said:
That is true but I will reserve my opinion until a trial is completed.....I personally think you will see this indictment thrown out.......

Frankly, I don't know why I bother reading your posts.

You know absolutely NOTHING about the guy, yet you state...

I personally think you will see this indictment thrown out

How does one make such an opinion when one knows diddly-squat about the story?
Deegan said:
He(Dan) is a conservative, trust me, he just uses the lefts tactics to smear the current administration. He forgets he is smearing his own side with these tactics, and anyone who does not see it like he does......well he, or she is a Bushnevik. I wish it was that easy, as there are plenty of republicans I can't tolerate either, but I try not to throw them all in one group, and lump on accusations with little to no proof behind them.

I don't know who this person is either, I don't really care, it does not change my mind on the current policy, and that is what I voted for.

I am not to sure Deegan, He argues on the side of the left in every debate.........I truly think he is a wannabe Conservative but all his views are to the left.......... One thing for sure..He is a Bush hater......
Middleground said:
Frankly, I don't know why I bother reading your posts.

You know absolutely NOTHING about the guy, yet you state...

I personally think you will see this indictment thrown out

How does one make such an opinion when one knows diddly-squat about the story?

Canadas capitol huh...:roll: Well don't read them.......I don't know about your country but here in the USA we stopped lynchings about 75 years ago and some of us believe a man is innocent until proven guilty by a jury of his peers.............

I guess that is sort of and outdated idea for someone like you.....
Navy Pride said:
Sorry never heard of him.....with another 100 indictments we will be coming close to the number of people indicted during the Clinton Administration.......

exactly why are people still blind
both parties are corrupt beyond hope
yet americans still elect them into power
which tells me americans are fools
Navy Pride said:
That is true but I will reserve my opinion until a trial is completed.....I personally think you will see this indictment thrown out.......
How retarded are those words? Just a few posts back Navy Pride wrote:
Navy Pride said:
Sorry never heard of him.
So this genius of a (wo)man goes from never hearing of this guy to expressing a strong belief that he will not even go to trial, that the charges are so bogus that they will be dropped.

Just when I think that Navy Pride couldn't possibly write anything stupider he lowers the bar another notch.

I just can't understand how any one person can be so wrong so regularly. The real measure of the ignorance contained in his posts is that he actually thinks he's writing facts and that others will believe him. His posts are so stupid AND he doesn't realize that almost everyone who reads them think that his posts are pure, uncontaminated ignorance. :rofl
26 X World Champs said:
How retarded are those words? Just a few posts back Navy Pride wrote:

So this genius of a (wo)man goes from never hearing of this guy to expressing a strong belief that he will not even go to trial, that the charges are so bogus that they will be dropped.

Just when I think that Navy Pride couldn't possibly write anything stupider he lowers the bar another notch.

I just can't understand how any one person can be so wrong so regularly. The real measure of the ignorance contained in his posts is that he actually thinks he's writing facts and that others will believe him. His posts are so stupid AND he doesn't realize that almost everyone who reads them think that his posts are pure, uncontaminated ignorance. :rofl

Navy Pride said:
More genius from Navy Pride. Have you no intellect at all? Is the inside of your head completely barren?

Tell us more about why David Safavian's indictment will be dropped Mr. Genius or are you unable to stay on topic when someone debates you and cuts you down to size, exposes your posts for what they all are, either lies, name calling, juvenile comments (The Yankees Suck) or the dictionary definition of stupidity.

Run Navy Pride, Run!
26 X World Champs said:
More genius from Navy Pride. Have you no intellect at all? Is the inside of your head completely barren?

Tell us more about why David Safavian's indictment will be dropped Mr. Genius or are you unable to stay on topic when someone debates you and cuts you down to size, exposes your posts for what they all are, either lies, name calling, juvenile comments (The Yankees Suck) or the dictionary definition of stupidity.

Run Navy Pride, Run!

GO WHITE SOX, oh......i'm sorry, what were we talking about?:3oops:
Navy Pride said:

Apparently not this year. If I remember right they've won a few titles too. The number I have in my head is 26...for some reason.

Doesn't look like they have to concern themselves with the Red Sox this year.

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