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many people are against darwin's theory but evidence is more than substancial. So, should we teach this in Science?
TOPEKA, Kan. - The Kansas school board's hearings on evolution weren't limited to how the theory should be taught in public schools. The board is considering redefining science itself. Advocates of "intelligent design" are pushing the board to reject a definition limiting science to natural explanations for what's observed in the world.
Instead, they want to define it as "a systematic method of continuing investigation," without specifying what kind of answer is being sought. The definition would appear in the introduction to the state's science standards.
The proposed definition has outraged many scientists, who are frustrated that students could be discussing supernatural explanations for natural phenomena in their science classes.
"It's a completely unscientific way of looking at the world," said Keith Miller, a Kansas State University geologist.
The conservative state Board of Education plans to consider the proposed changes by August. It is expected to approve at least part of a proposal from advocates of intelligent design, which holds that the natural world is so complex and well-ordered that an intelligent cause is the best way to explain it.
vauge said:
vauge said:I voted yes, but only in the cavet that it is NOT taught as the only theory.
Creationism has not been ruled out as there is no true evidence to support that either of these are the truth.
Blackflagx said:Evolution should be taught and religion should not. It is called science for a reason! Religion is not science. Plus, religion has no place in a state run institution (seperation of church and state). Ban all religious education in public schools and teach evolution.
mmatejka said:In my opinion, the basics of "where we came from" is really more of a religious/personal issue than something that should not be taught in schools at all..
HOWEVER...if it MUST be taught, Darwin's theory should not be presented as the sole, factual story of events, as it basically is in the public school system. As a Christian, I find this HIGHLY offensive. It is important to present all "theories" as equal if they are to be presented.
Gandhi>Bush said:Do you believe that once human beings did not walk upright?
How much "micro-evolution" do you believe in?
Montalban said:Feminists will find fault with Darwinsm, based on the male-orientated view-point that is taught.
Gandhi>Bush said:Do you believe that once human beings did not walk upright?
How much "micro-evolution" do you believe in?
ludahai said:I agree completely. I also voted yes, but that is because I believe that Darwin's theory should be taught alongside other theories, including intelligent design, which is held by a large number of Catholics. If you look into some of the intelligent design theories that have been postulated, it isn't even wholly incompatible with the theories of Darwin and other evolutionists.
Actually, we did. You know how we are termed homo sapiens? Remember good ol' homo erectus?satanloveslibs said:Where we still humans at that time? yes, so we didn't change speices, but we adapted to our environment.
No doubt they would. I don't know any feminist critiques of the Bible (I'm not saying they don't exist; and I'm not after 'proof'). But I do know plenty on evolution etc, and evolution is supposed to be 'above' such human pettiness.vandree said:Feminists will find fault with creationism as well, since the woman is created from the rib of the man.
ShamMol said:Actually, we did. You know how we are termed homo sapiens? Remember good ol' homo erectus?
Blackflagx said:Evolution should be taught and religion should not. It is called science for a reason! Religion is not science. Plus, religion has no place in a state run institution (seperation of church and state). Ban all religious education in public schools and teach evolution.
I think you have your answer vauge as to what political side he is on...stsburns said:Darwin was a lunatic. Taking advantage of young minds is no better than Bin Laden putting guns in childrens hands.