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Dallas Shootings - Anarchy not Racism! (1 Viewer)

Judge Jeanine: Dallas was about anarchy, not racism | On Air Videos | Fox News

She made a very powerful speech! I was very touched by the way she depicted exactly how I've been feeling with all that is going on. Thank you.

Absolutely correct, it's about the thug culture and the liberal PC agenda to bring acceptance and equality to these sub-human vermin.

Obama and Hillary are despicable. In 8 years Obama has brought a nation of racial harmony to the brink of the animosity that existed in the 60s.
Nation of racial harmony before Obama? Lol what kind of rock do people live under??

After the election of the first Black President there was a unity never seen before in America, 8 years later its regressed to the 1960s.
After the election of the first Black President there was a unity never seen before in America, 8 years later its regressed to the 1960s.

A real unity or just a layer of feel good unity covering up the real issues that never went away? You think giving everyone the right to drink at the same water fountain or sit anywhere they want on a bus made things magically better?
A real unity or just a layer of feel good unity covering up the real issues that never went away? You think giving everyone the right to drink at the same water fountain or sit anywhere they want on a bus made things magically better?

It should have. What more do you want after over 50 years. :violin
Absolutely correct, it's about the thug culture and the liberal PC agenda to bring acceptance and equality to these sub-human vermin.

Obama and Hillary are despicable. In 8 years Obama has brought a nation of racial harmony to the brink of the animosity that existed in the 60s.

So, what people qualify as human, by your standards?
A real unity or just a layer of feel good unity covering up the real issues that never went away? You think giving everyone the right to drink at the same water fountain or sit anywhere they want on a bus made things magically better?

It's time that people take responsibility for their own lives and their own actions. People who constantly cry wolf aren't taken seriously. That's not to say that there aren't issues we need to address - but those issues are not (in my humble opinion) what stops this community from moving forward.
It's time that people take responsibility for their own lives and their own actions. People who constantly cry wolf aren't taken seriously. That's not to say that there aren't issues we need to address - but those issues are not (in my humble opinion) what stops this community from moving forward.

How exactly are people not taking responsibility for their own lives? And if you're going to single out one race, show comparable data from another race to back it up too.

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