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Daily Show Liberal Media Bias wtf? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
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South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Can you believe that some people actually consider the Daily show a friggin liberal media station? Its on comedy central for christs sake. Its not supposed to be taken seriously.

Conservatives actually look at this show and go OMG THESE GUYS ARE SO BIASED. I WANT MY MOMMY.

One report showed pictures of George W Bush with his electrical parade going past Cindy Sheehan and the reporter explain how he took up a plastic bottle of water and cooled himself off with it when he was going past her on a bike ride. seriously its supposed to be funny. its not supposed to be taken seriously. And its not like they make fun of only conservatives either. they were making fun of kerry during the election also. seriously wtf is with these people?

Calling the daily show biased is like calling Mad Magazine biased and yeah people actually do call Mad Magazine biased even though they have made fun of every president since like 1950 or so.
It's satire.
I watch the daily show every time I get a chance. In fact, I just pulled up some clips online about two seconds before going to debatepolitics.com.

There are a few bits that come up very rarely that I think are trying to push an agenda. But for the most part, they are equal opportunity offenders. I don't think they sit through brainstorming sessions trying to think up ways to discredit conservatives - they're just comedians. And damn good ones, too.

galenrox said:
Rush Limbaugh isn't even remotely talented, and he's an entertainer who attempts (note the word ATTEMPTS) to provide insight on current events, so I really don't know exactly what they're all bitching about.

Actually, I've seen a lot of similarities between Rush Limbaugh's show and the Daily Show. For example, they both expose talking-points by creating montages of media clips where everyone is saying the same word or phrase. I know both shows would never admit it, but I'll bet that they borrow from each other quite a bit.
Connecticutter said:
Actually, I've seen a lot of similarities between Rush Limbaugh's show and the Daily Show. For example, they both expose talking-points by creating montages of media clips where everyone is saying the same word or phrase. I know both shows would never admit it, but I'll bet that they borrow from each other quite a bit.
The similarities are there but the objectiveness is not...

Rush is a Conservative loudmouth...The Daily Show is a Liberal loudmouth...but here's the diff...

Rush CLAIMS that he is a Con mouthpiece...There is no deception...He readily admits it...

The Daily Show is trying to portray itself as "equal opportunity offender", but they've gone downhill since the elections...

I've been watching them since Kilborn, but in the last year, they decided to take a drastic turn to where they feel obligated to push an agenda down the audience's throat...

They were doing so good until the last year...:doh
What's it matter if the TDS has an agenda? It's a fake news show. You're not supposed to take it seriously.
It's not their job to inform the public well. It's their job to get folks to laugh.
That's it. That's the entirety of their mission- get people to guffaw. There's no "provide accurate coverage" clause. There's no "get to the bottom of news stories" angle. It's purely "find the funny."

Further, given that most folks in the national government are members of the GOP, it'd be odd if the GOP wasn't featured more prominently than all the other parties.
WTF are you guys talkin about? I get my political info from there.:smile:
Hell yeah it's biased, but I've seen where they have made fun of John Kerry too. It's really quite cleverly funny.

That convoy past the Sheehan sheep was a riot. I saw it from a diferent perspective. If I was being accused of "evil" and "murder" by these fanatics, I would be very sarcastic towards them. I thought it was great.

The Daily Show is a good show. It makes me laugh.
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FinnMacCool said:
Can you believe that some people actually consider the Daily show a friggin liberal media station? Its on comedy central for christs sake. Its not supposed to be taken seriously.

Conservatives actually look at this show and go OMG THESE GUYS ARE SO BIASED. I WANT MY MOMMY.

One report showed pictures of George W Bush with his electrical parade going past Cindy Sheehan and the reporter explain how he took up a plastic bottle of water and cooled himself off with it when he was going past her on a bike ride. seriously its supposed to be funny. its not supposed to be taken seriously. And its not like they make fun of only conservatives either. they were making fun of kerry during the election also. seriously wtf is with these people?

Calling the daily show biased is like calling Mad Magazine biased and yeah people actually do call Mad Magazine biased even though they have made fun of every president since like 1950 or so.

As far as I know, the Daily Show was poking as much fun at Kerry as it was at Bush last election.

They are perhaps the most un-baised media I've seen in a while having on people from Greens, Libertarians and not just the usual Rep vs. Dems debates...
GoldPheonix said:
They are perhaps the most un-baised media I've seen in a while having on people from Greens, Libertarians and not just the usual Rep vs. Dems debates...

Actually, I haven't seen too many Greens or Libertarians on their show. Unless you want to count Michael Moore as a green, but I don't think he needs any help wiht publicity.

Also, I have noticed that the daily show hasn't been very friendly towards libertarians. Whenever they talk about a libertarian, they are always saying bad things.

Please remember, though, that I think its a great show, and I watch it all the time. I also think they often make good points, but I don't always feel compelled to agree wiith what they are saying - and sometimes I outright disagree. However, that usually doesn't ruin the segment for me.
Connecticutter said:
Actually, I haven't seen too many Greens or Libertarians on their show. Unless you want to count Michael Moore as a green, but I don't think he needs any help wiht publicity.

Also, I have noticed that the daily show hasn't been very friendly towards libertarians. Whenever they talk about a libertarian, they are always saying bad things.

Please remember, though, that I think its a great show, and I watch it all the time. I also think they often make good points, but I don't always feel compelled to agree wiith what they are saying - and sometimes I outright disagree. However, that usually doesn't ruin the segment for me.
Very true, but they point fun at all political groups at satirize everything they say. And some Libertarians have done some pretty retarded stuff that just makes them look bad...

At any rate, they have had a few Libertarians on as guest speakers, which is more than any other political show can say, usually.

And I beleive I've seen a few Greens on Daily, but I could be mistaken. (PS: Well, Michael Moore could count, but I don't follow much of what he says so I'm not very well versed in what he thinks)
Nobody here is mistaking the Daily Show for legitimate news. But it is worth pointing out that the humor on that show almost always belittles anyone conservative while remaining neutral to Democrats.

If your views were always being mocked while the other side was largely left alone, you would be irritated by it too. Spare us the phony outrage. :roll:
aquapub said:
Nobody here is mistaking the Daily Show for legitimate news. But it is worth pointing out that the humor on that show almost always belittles anyone conservative while remaining neutral to Democrats.

If your views were always being mocked while the other side was largely left alone, you would be irritated by it too. Spare us the phony outrage. :roll:
This is how you can tell if they are biased or not...

Crowd reaction....:roll:
GoldPheonix said:
And some Libertarians have done some pretty retarded stuff that just makes them look bad...

Yeah, some of these libertarians had it coming. As a social/economic libertarian myself, this really bothers me, because I think that for a lot of people the daily show is their ownly exposure to libertarianism.

cnredd said:
This is how you can tell if they are biased or not...
Crowd reaction....

Yeah - if I were in the crowd, I would usually have the totally opposite reaction. I like it when Jon Stewart yells at them when he knows that they are just being dicks.
I don't believe the Daily Show is liberal media, but there are a lot of libs out there who think it is. I've seen many libs cite the Daily Show as their "source" for information. You can probably see this for yourself if you check out democraticunderground.com
While visiting, check out the home page top stories...stop when you get to the "Bush Booze" story. Here, the poster has cited the National Enquirer as their only source. This is really sad.
Did anyone ever stop to think that the Daily Show is just a comedic performance made to spoof real newscasts...anyone who pays attention to that show as their news source is seriously lacking in the brain power. Its on freakin comedy central for christs sake. And they poke fun at EVERYONE.
Yes it is biased, funny, but not very informative. It is biased to an extent. I have to give Jon Stewart credit that he will at least make fun of his own every once in a while. Go Jon Stewart! :2wave: But I will have to say this. He will never be used as a reference by me though.
Personally, I love this show, I record it every night on DVR since I go to sleep earlier than it comes on, some nights. Anyways, I notice that recently they tend to poke at conservatives more, but thats because conservatives are the ones doing more stupid things lately. Of course, he poked fun at the rally against the war last night. So what are you complaining about? Anyways, im looking forward to watching it in 12 minutes.
I just watched it. Chuck Schumer was the guest - I can't stand that guy. Anyway, when he said that he voted down Roberts, the audience applauded. What was that about? It clearly places the audience left of center.

Also - sorry to nitpick, but I think that Jon let Schumer get away with too much. Schumer gave downright dumb reasons for voting down Roberts.

"I read the transcript, and I don't think Roberts gave enough information."
"He made us think he was saying something but he really wasn't, so we couldn't ask him to follow up"

You know, I think if you're a senator it's your job to be prepared for whatever a nominee has to say and if you need a followup, you better make sure that you have a follow-up. I'm sure Roberts would have been able to speak more if these senators didn't enjoy the sound of their own voices so much.

Anyway, Schumer wasn't called out on this. Maybe I'm asking too much.
Connecticutter said:
I just watched it. Chuck Schumer was the guest - I can't stand that guy. Anyway, when he said that he voted down Roberts, the audience applauded. What was that about? It clearly places the audience left of center.

Also - sorry to nitpick, but I think that Jon let Schumer get away with too much. Schumer gave downright dumb reasons for voting down Roberts.

"I read the transcript, and I don't think Roberts gave enough information."
"He made us think he was saying something but he really wasn't, so we couldn't ask him to follow up"

You know, I think if you're a senator it's your job to be prepared for whatever a nominee has to say and if you need a followup, you better make sure that you have a follow-up. I'm sure Roberts would have been able to speak more if these senators didn't enjoy the sound of their own voices so much.

Anyway, Schumer wasn't called out on this. Maybe I'm asking too much.

This accusation of him not giving enough information had nothing to do with the Senators wanting to hear themselves speak (Although they do like to hear themselves speak) It is refering to the point that Roberts didn't answer all of the questions, in some instances he refused to answer some questions.....
Of course, if I left that statement alone and posted it, I would probably be attacked as being "left wing liberal" and all that crap.....Am I right?
So, to keep that from happening, I must add that I agree that he shouldn't answer questions dealing with certain "situations" he might be put it, cause I think it has no relevance to what would really happen when a situation similar comes up. Each case brought before the Supreme Court is unique, and no matter what he may say during confirmation hearings, it all boils down to what happens when a case is brought before him.

Anyways, I don't think there was anything wrong with the way Jon conducted his show. Its comedy, and sometimes he has to TRY to find a way to make fun of anything his guests say or do.
I'm as conservative as they come but I must admit that I love this show that's what seperates us from the Libs we can take it as well as dish it out. I've been watching the Daily Show since the very begining ever since it was hosted by Kraig Killborne (who I might add was way funnier than John Stuart) and for those of you who haven't watched it from the begining let me tell you that they made fun of Clinton just as much as they make fun of Bush maybe even more so.
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I too have watched it from the start, and yes, Kilborn rocked.

I think that the show is very well done, and I can certainly laugh at my party, as well as the left. I just think the main reason some conservatives are calling it biased is, some Democrats are using the material on the show, to make points in political debate. I find that as hilarious as the show its self.:mrgreen:
Caine said:
Anyways, I don't think there was anything wrong with the way Jon conducted his show. Its comedy, and sometimes he has to TRY to find a way to make fun of anything his guests say or do.

Now that I think about, Jon usually goes very easy on his guests, no matter who they are. That sort of makes sense, because you want them to return. It's when you are featured in one of the "segments" that you get ripped to shreds.
galenrox said:
You can't deny that Jon Stewart makes great points.
And let's not forget that I've heard conservatives using arguments from the Daily Show against me also.

That's true like the one: "You really shouldn't compare Bush to Hitler it demeens you it demeens him and to be honest it demeens Hitler let's face it that guy worked to damn hard for to damn long to have any Tom, Dick and Harry being compared to him."

Or this one: "How dare the president use his constitutionaly guaranteed powers of selecting the nominees that he wants."

Or this one in reference to the Delay indictment: "This makes it sound like it crosses the already ambivalent line between legal and illegal campaign contributions . . . I'm outraged?"
galenrox said:
And thus lies the difference between Jon Stewart and Limbaugh, other than the obvious difference in intelligence. Jon Stewart makes his living doing comedy about the ridiculousness of government.

It's proposterous to say that there isn't a leftward lean to the show. Jon Stewart is an admitted liberal, and anyone with more than 4 or 5 brain cells can tell which way the show leans.
But he will mock the left when the left does things that provide him with material.
The other differences are Jon Stewart is clever and funny, while Limbaugh is a fat pill popping hypocritical waste of space.

Agreed save for the last comment Hydrocodene is fun J.K. that **** is worse than crack.
galenrox said:
lol, I almost had a heart attack when he got busted I was laughing so hard!

It's ridiculous when a man who's made a career out of condemning the evils of drug use gets busted for poppin pills. Can you say hypocrite children, I knew that you could. Oh and I left a little note for you in the new person thread regarding your comment about the Irish.
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