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Dad kills 3 year old toddler because he thought toddler was gay. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2005
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Saint Paul, MN
Political Leaning
Thought Toddler Gay, Dad Kills Son

A 21 year old Tampa man is charged with murder after his 3-year old son was pummeled into unconsciousness and then died.

Ronnie Paris Jr. went on trial for his own life this week in a Tampa courtroom. The toddler's mother, Nysheerah Paris, testified that her husband thought the boy might be gay and would force him to box.

Nysheerah Paris told the court that Paris would make the boy fight with him, slapping the child in the head until he cried or wet himself. She said that on one occasion Paris slammed the child against a wall because he was vomiting.

"He was trying to teach him how to fight,'' Nysheerah Paris' sister, Shanita Powell told the court. "He was concerned that the child might be gay.''
This sounds to me like the father should have learned a bit of tolerance earlier.
Tolerance has nothing to do with that. The kid was 3, even a tolerant parent can't tell if his pre-pubescent child is gay or not. Hell, the kid doesn't even know. That "father" needs to be clipped, and not allowed to have children. Bet he beat the hell out his pets too. Just another abusive bastard that needed an excuse to beat his kid.
Very sad. Not sure what catagorie to put this in maybe just another maniac
Sometimes when I read crap like this I realize that life in prison is simply not punishment enough.
Nysheerah Paris told the court that Paris would make the boy fight with him, slapping the child in the head until he cried or wet himself. She said that on one occasion Paris slammed the child against a wall because he was vomiting.

What the hell what she doing?! Watching?!

I think the wife is just as guilty as he is.
What punishment fits this crime? death is too quick,life in prison to easy. How about Infect him with AIDS and not treat him or Leperosy.Something slow and painful.
JOHNYJ said:
What punishment fits this crime? death is too quick,life in prison to easy. How about Infect him with AIDS and not treat him or Leperosy.Something slow and painful.

Fine with me...although I think the ACLU(Ass Clown Liberals United) would object to that....I'm surprised they're not objecting to his upcoming trial.
Give him death row - but allow him access to the regular prison populus.

Then just simply tell the inmates what this man did.

Then turn around.
vauge said:
Give him death row - but allow him access to the regular prison populus.

Then just simply tell the inmates what this man did.

Then turn around.

Ah, the Christian response!
Now don't misunderstand me - the man is a piece of sh!t - but was it not your Jesus who suggested that you should not hate the sinner? And when did 2 wrongs ever make a right?
Oh, and call me old fashioned if you must, but although it seems unlikely that the guy is innocent, he doesn't appear to have been found to be guilty yet. What happened to the concept of a fair trial?
vauge said:
Give him death row - but allow him access to the regular prison populus.

Then just simply tell the inmates what this man did.

Then turn around.

Great point. My father was in prison and he said there are two kinds of people that most prisoners especially do not like; wife and child abusers.

I also agree that the mother, or anyone that may have witnessed it, should have done something to help. Hopefully all involved learn a valuable lesson and will use it in the future.
Fantasea said:
Ah, yes. Another defective product of the public education system proves that the self-fulfilling prophesy is alive and working well.


However Fant, let's not overlook the fact that his hatred of his own son was fuelled by homophobia, something you're usually in favour of. I wouldn't be surprised if this evil man was a church goer.
Urethra Franklin said:
However Fant, let's not overlook the fact that his hatred of his own son was fuelled by homophobia, something you're usually in favour of. I wouldn't be surprised if this evil man was a church goer.

No, no, no, Urethra - you misunderstand poor Fant. (S)he isn't homophobic at all - hate the sin but love the sinner! When Fant wants to deny us gay people our human rights (s)he does so for our benefit. We should be grateful. ;)
galenrox said:
It's funny, as nice as you are, you always are able to find the one response that makes me feel uncomfortable!

That is the reason for my existence. ;)
Urethra Franklin said:
However Fant, let's not overlook the fact that his hatred of his own son was fuelled by homophobia, something you're usually in favour of. I wouldn't be surprised if this evil man was a church goer.
I have no particular truck with those who cave in to homosexual proclivities. They do so at their own peril, don't they?

However, given some of the flaming antics folks are subjected to these days, is it possible that every now and then, some poor guy, who is not too smart to begin with, is pushed over the edge, to the detriment of all?
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Naughty Nurse said:
No, no, no, Urethra - you misunderstand poor Fant. (S)he isn't homophobic at all - hate the sin but love the sinner! When Fant wants to deny us gay people our human rights (s)he does so for our benefit. We should be grateful. ;)
How kind of you to notice. By the way, I notice that you took time out from your busy schedule to sit for a more flattering portrait.

The photographer is to be complimented for capturing the subtleties as well as the boldness of your character. Do you plan to distribute autographed copies?

:violin :monkey
The mother definitely shoulders a lot of the responsibility of this child's death. What type of mother allows her child to be beaten. The man oh what to do what to do. I don't think in this instance the death penalty is wrong. He killed a child that could not defend himself. The reason is because he thought he was gay. That falls into the category of a hate crime. To be able to kill a child is inexcusable. He should be put to death. Just as he put this child to death.
Urethra Franklin said:
However Fant, let's not overlook the fact that his hatred of his own son was fuelled by homophobia, something you're usually in favour of. I wouldn't be surprised if this evil man was a church goer.

A bit stereotypical, hmm?

Not all Churchs openly shout "Homosexuals, Muslims, and Jews are all part of the axis of evil, they should be gutted like fishes upon sight". In-fact I know of many Southern-Baptist Churchs who have homosexual deacons.

G-Dizzle said:
It's funny, as nice as you are, you always are able to find the one response that makes me feel uncomfortable!

You think we actually keep Naughty around for good points? :2rofll:

Just playing Mr. Nurse. <3
Arch Enemy said:
You think we actually keep Naughty around for good points? :2rofll:

Just playing Mr. Nurse. <3

I know, Mr Enemy. Anyway, you keep me around for my good looks, I'm sure. ;)
Fantasea said:
The photographer is to be complimented for capturing the subtleties as well as the boldness of your character. Do you plan to distribute autographed copies?

:violin :monkey

Will you be wanting one?

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