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Current Democratic Reps Controlled by Mexican Mafia; Refuse to Build Wall to Keep Cartels Flowing, A (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 29, 2015
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Current Democratic Reps Controlled by Mexican Mafia; Refuse to Build Wall to Keep Cartels Flowing, According to Former Democrat

Discerning the Mystery: REVELATION - Current Democratic Reps Controlled by Mexican Mafia; Refuse to Build Wall to Keep Cartels Flowing, According to Former Democrat
A former Democrat and current Trump supporter unloaded on Democrats. Jeffrey Peterson says the reason the Democrats will never support the border wall – the reason is that they are being paid off by the Mexican cartels.... Jeffrey Peterson states in his profile on Twitter that he is a former Democrat who ‘walked away’. He n[/U]ow is a Trump supporter! He claims that the Democrats will never give in on a wall due to the Democrats being funded by the Mexican mafia. He says he has connections with Arizona politics and says Mexico is the main reason the wall is not supported by the Democrat Party!

This really isn't much of a surprise if one keeps up with the operations of the Progressive Marxist Socialist Globalist Democrat Left of those pulling the puppet strings and it's not just the PMSG Dems. There are many 'Rino's' I fear in the same grouping. Just follow the money.
Why should anyone be surprised? Progressive Marxist Socialist Globalist Democrats are supporting:
  • Child and human trafficking
  • Drug Use
  • Drugs coming across the border
  • Illegal aliens coming across the border
  • Illegal aliens voting and
  • Total destruction of the Constitution and America itself.
The PMSG Democrats see this simply as the way forward for their insatiable power drive to control us from sperm to urn.
Certainly the Mexico money theory makes sense, remember, the PMSG Dems also want illegals just to get fraudulent votes while controlling those they've packed into their "Sanctuary" Plantation Ghettos.
The average Democrat Congress member became millionaires in 2016. Senior legislators and committee chairs made lots more. There will be no change in the status quo. These swamp creatures will not change the asylum laws, close the loopholes, stop anchor babies, make E-Verify mandatory, or solve any other problems related to our immigration woes because Congress is being paid not to do nothing--plus it helps them in their quest to take back all 3 branches of government, essentially their coup d'etat.

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