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Curiosity killed the Cat. (1 Viewer)


Jul 30, 2005
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Political Leaning
I am curious of the political position of this website's registrant (owner, administrator). It doesn't really matter I suppose(?) but never-the-less my intellect get's the better of me.

Mr. Howell,

I realize that you reside in Texas. I can't help but to wonder what you think of the recent charges brought against DeLay? Do you support Bush or do you support our troops? Or perhaps you support both? If so do you support our constituiont? Liberty? It could very well be the case that you support justice. I don't know that's why I ask.

I'm just a curious cat and i've been killed before. I've got a few lives left. :cool:
Originally posted by Conflict:
I am curious of the political position of this website's registrant (owner, administrator). It doesn't really matter I suppose(?) but never-the-less my intellect get's the better of me.

Mr. Howell,

I realize that you reside in Texas. I can't help but to wonder what you think of the recent charges brought against DeLay? Do you support Bush or do you support our troops? Or perhaps you support both? If so do you support our constituiont? Liberty? It could very well be the case that you support justice. I don't know that's why I ask.

I'm just a curious cat and i've been killed before. I've got a few lives left.
He can speak for himself quite well. As for my take, he's admitted to being a conservative. I think he is one of the better ones. Meaning he's not so hysterically opposed to anyone that doesn't share his position. He's tolerated me for quite awhile, and I'm no angel. He puts up with a lot and allows people a voice in the public medium. For that he should be commended. That's what I think. Take it for what its worth.

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