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Cure for Cancer? (1 Viewer)

Arch Enemy

DP Veteran
Mar 27, 2005
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North Carolina
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Slightly Conservative
http://www.cnn.com/2005/HEALTH/06/22/cancer.virus/index.html said:
WASHINGTON -- A common virus that is harmless to people can destroy cancerous cells in the body and might be developed into a new cancer therapy, US researchers said.

The virus, called adeno-associated virus type 2, or AAV-2, infects an estimated 80 percent of the population.

"Our results suggest that adeno-associated virus type 2, which infects the majority of the population but has no known ill effects, kills multiple types of cancer cells yet has no effect on healthy cells," said Craig Meyers, a professor of microbiology and immunology at the Penn State College of Medicine in Pennsylvania.

"We believe that AAV-2 recognizes that the cancer cells are abnormal and destroys them. This suggests that AAV-2 has great potential to be developed as an anti-cancer agent," Meyers said in a statement.

View full Article: Here
Im sure that if this is a real possibility, neocons and the bush administration will find some way to block it, just like what they are doing with stem cell research.....something like virus' have rights too....Next thing you know there will be protestors outside of research centers, I can see it now: Some wack-job with a poster of a magnified picture of a dead virus.
Madhatter said:
Im sure that if this is a real possibility, neocons and the bush administration will find some way to block it, just like what they are doing with stem cell research.....something like virus' have rights too....Next thing you know there will be protestors outside of research centers, I can see it now: Some wack-job with a poster of a magnified picture of a dead virus.

I don't think that's fair. This doesn't have anything to do with stem cell. I'm no fan of GW or the neo-con movement but to accuse them of something they haven't even done is a little bit out there. Isn't it?
Madhatter said:
Im sure that if this is a real possibility, neocons and the bush administration will find some way to block it, just like what they are doing with stem cell research.....something like virus' have rights too....Next thing you know there will be protestors outside of research centers, I can see it now: Some wack-job with a poster of a magnified picture of a dead virus.

Don't worry: considering how much money the pharmaceutical companies would make, they will never block it ;)
Madhatter said:
Im sure that if this is a real possibility, neocons and the bush administration will find some way to block it, just like what they are doing with stem cell research.....something like virus' have rights too....Next thing you know there will be protestors outside of research centers, I can see it now: Some wack-job with a poster of a magnified picture of a dead virus.

You're saying that someone is so heartless that they'd destroy the cure for cancer? Are you insane man? They could make millions off of this, plus it'd look better for them. Picture your grandchildren asking what good happened in the Bush Administration, you think hard, even harder, and finally realize... OH YEAH! Cure for Cancer happened during the Bush Imperial Reign.
Someone needs to put this in a how to book.
How to turn a good thread into a hate Republican bash fest in under 60 minutes. :wow: This would be excellent news. Cancer is the most horrendous way to die, and if it can be cured that would be fantastic.
This would be a great cure for cancer. I wonder if the general public can be tested for this virus to know if they already carry it.
The cure for cancer would not only be a breakthrough in medicine, it would save more lives then anyone could imagine. This year alone 570,280 people are estimated to die from cancer, in the United States alone. 1,372,910 People in the United States are supposed to be diagnosed with Cancer this year as well, according to Cancer.org.

I'd imagine people would be extremely happy to be the ones experimented on. 6-Days and it's all over, sounds wonderful, it's a better alternative then stupid Chemo Therapy.

I hope this really works, it'll actually make a great example that American Scientists aren't only good for vaporizing other civilizations.

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