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Cunningham Wore Wire - More Indictments Will Result (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
If the Abramoff scandal isnt enough, it turns out that Randy "Duke" Cunningham wore a wire as a result of his plea bargain, and that is going to net yet other lawmakers. I sure wouldnt want to be a member of Congress this year, as there are about to be many episodes in "As the Culture of Corruption Turns".

Article is here.
danarhea said:
If the Abramoff scandal isnt enough, it turns out that Randy "Duke" Cunningham wore a wire as a result of his plea bargain, and that is going to net yet other lawmakers. I sure wouldnt want to be a member of Congress this year, as there are about to be many episodes in "As the Culture of Corruption Turns".

Article is here.

This scandal is going to get huge really quick. I am sure that some Democrats are just as guilty as the Republicans. Not as many, but some. Greed will always come back to bite you in the ***.
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alex said:
This scandal is going to get huge really quick. I am sure that some Democrats are just as guilty as the Republicans. Not as many, but some. Greed will always come back to bite you in the ***.

I wonder if Bush is ready to pardon Duke and Abramoff...
K Street Project + Religious Right + Wedge Issues + Anti-Science / Anti-Intellectual Platform + Elective War + Secrecy + Right Wing Radio (for cover)= Unprecedented Corruption
The amount of corruption in our government is truly amazing. I'd like to believe that the American people will learn a lesson about being so gullible to believe politicians' bullshit, but I know that's just wishful thinking.

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