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Culture Of Corruption (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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Nancy Pelosi has declared that the GOP is responsible for a Cultrue of Corruption.......really?

Well, I decided to open up a little thread to take a look at this issue....starting with the author of that little Blurb:

Pelosi Voted Against Prohibiting Gifts From Lobbyists
by Matt Margolis :: January 18, 2006 2:55 PM

Recently, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has had a number of press conferences where she spoke of lobbying reform and address ethical issues, including banning House members from accepting gifts from lobbyists... Her rhetoric is laughable considering she voted against a ban on gifts lobbyists back in 1995!!!

In November of 1995, Rep. Pelosi voted against a provision "to prohibit registered lobbyists from giving gifts to members, officers, or employees of the House and Senate," and was joined by the number-two Democrat in the House, Steny Hoyer.

UPDATE: Today, Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following comments in response to recent statements from Pelosi and other Democrats on the need for passage of lobbying reform measures in the United States Congress:

"When I hear Democratic Party leaders throwing around terms like 'culture of corruption,' I have to think: 'You oughta know.'

"Yes, Republicans are outraged by the actions of Jack Abramoff. But we're outraged, in part, because our standards are higher than the standards that were held by the Democratic majority we replaced after 1994. We are repulsed at Abramoff and his crimes, in part, because they remind us of the corruption we uprooted and stamped out when we took the majority away from the Democrats a decade ago.

"Minority Leader Pelosi, who has served in Congress since 1987 and was part of the last Democratic majority, should recall that corruption well. It wasn't that long ago that gifts and personal loans from S&L interests to a Democratic committee chairman, made in hopes of winning favorable treatment from regulators, resulted in a half-trillion dollar scandal and a $125 billion tab for the American taxpayer. Nor was it that long ago that the Democratic chairman of the House Administration Committee stood idly by while drugs were being dealt from the House Post Office, hundreds of Members of Congress were bouncing checks and floating themselves zero-interest loans from the House Bank, and lobbyists were being given assigned parking spots on the Capitol grounds. Nor was it that long ago that the Democratic chairman of the Ways & Means Committee was trading taxpayer-purchased stamps for personal cash, leading to his conviction and jail time in 1993.

"An honorable majority responds to its stumbles with contrition, reform, and an effort to fix that which is broken. This is precisely the path Speaker Hastert and Chairman Dreier have charted for our majority in recent days. I applaud the Speaker for his leadership, and challenge Minority Leader Pelosi to join Republicans in our effort to change the way Congress works."

Remember how he has been calling for us to surrender and retreat from Iraq, along with being cso critical of Republicans?


Murtha Could Face Ethics Probe
by Matt Margolis :: November 18, 2005 8:20 PM

While the big story right now is about Rep. John Murtha's call for a pullout from Iraq within 6 months, it appears Murtha is going to have some big problems soon...

Republican lawmakers say that ties between Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) and his brother’s lobbying firm, KSA Consulting, may warrant investigation by the House ethics committee.
The calls come as Murtha, a former Marine and pro-military Democrat, has made headlines this week by coming out in support of a rapid withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.

According to a June 13 article in The Los Angeles Times, the fiscal 2005 defense appropriations bill included more than $20 million in funding for at least 10 companies for whom KSA lobbied. Carmen Scialabba, a longtime Murtha aide, works at KSA as well.

KSA directly lobbied Murtha’s office on behalf of seven companies, and a Murtha aide told a defense contractor that it should retain KSA to represent it, according to the LA Times.

In early 2004, Murtha reportedly leaned on U.S. Navy officials to sign a contract to transfer the Hunters Point Shipyard to the city of San Francisco, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. A company called Lennar Inc. had right to the land, and Laurence Pelosi, nephew to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), was an executive with the firm at that time.

Murtha also inserted earmarks in defense bills that steered millions of dollars in federal research funds toward companies owned by children of fellow Pennsylvania Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D).

House Republican Joe Wilson of South Carolina said, “If there is a potential pattern where Congressman Murtha has helped other Democrats secure appropriations that also benefited relatives of those Members, I believe this would be something that merits further review by the ethics committee.”

Another GOP lawmaker, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said Murtha “is playing footsie with his brother’s lobbying firm using taxpayer money.”
This Member said Republicans have considered filing an ethics complaint against Murtha, although the preference among GOP insiders is for the ethics committee to look into this issue on its own authority, as it did in the previous Congress in initiating an investigation into former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas).

Even some Democrats privately acknowledged that a preliminary probe of Murtha by the ethics panel is possible next year, although the chances of a full-blown investigation are still unclear.

One of the Democrat's Favorite names to throw around while condemning the GOP is Abramoff....but not so fast:

Dean Linked To Abramoff
by Matt Margolis :: February 24, 2006 4:26 PM

The American Thinker gives us the details...

FEC contribution number 23991382452 lists a $1,000 donation to Dean by Greenberg Traurig lobbyist Ronald Platt, a member of the Post’s A Team, on June 30, 2003. At that time, lobbyist disclosure forms show Platt as working with Abramoff on two of the controversial tribal accounts: the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana, and the Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana.

But there's more...

Platt was far from alone as an A Team member who gave to Democrats. An in-depth review of campaign contributions made by Abramoff’s team of lobbyists shows that Democrats may actually have benefitted more than Republicans from their political donations.

Among the Democratic recipients of A Team donations: the aforementioned Dr. Dean, Democrat Senators Clinton, Kerry, Daschle, Boxer, Baucus, Bayh, Breaux, Cantwell, Carnahan, Cleland, Conrad, Dodd, Dorgan, Feingold, Harkin, Hollings, Johnson (Tim), Landrieu, Leahy, Lieberman, Lincoln, Mikulski, Murray, Nelson, Pryor, Reed, Rockefeller, and Torricelli – who left the Senate in disgrace under the cloud of his own campaign finance scandal – as well as the Democratic Senate Majority Fund, a plethora of Democratic congressmen, and PAC’s that distributed funds across the Democratic Party landscape.

Additionally, one of the A Team members, Michael D. Smith, had his own political action committee. Smith, a former official in Al Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign, distributed $168,000 to Democratic candidates through his Winning Margins PAC from 2001-2004, the closest reporting period to the time Abramoff was at Greenberg Traurig, according to federal records.

Disregarding the PAC money, Smith’s personal donations to Democrats almost offset Abramoff’s contributions to Republicans. F.E.C. records show that Smith donated $117,417 to Democrats or to his–or the firm’s–PAC from January, 2001 through March, 2004. Abramoff gave $127,080 to Republicans during the same period.
He shoulda known better that to challenge the Bush regime. Many o' careers have been flushed down the toilet for doing so. I wouldn't be surprised to start seeing bodies turn up in the future as well. <just kidding.>:rofl

Remember the guy who called our troops nazis and agreed with pelosi on the GOP Corruption comment?

Dick Durbin Took Four Free Trips
by Matt Margolis :: June 18, 2005 12:23 PM

Disclosed this week...

Sen. Dick Durbin ... took four trips paid for by outside interests and has assets of about $900,000, according to annual reports released on Tuesday.
Durbin traveled to Hawaii, Italy, India, Bangladesh and South Africa, according to his report. The non-partisan Aspen Institute paid for two trips and the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations another and the fourth by the taxpayer-funded Democratic Policy Group. These free trips -- not to be confused with official congressional travel -- are the subject of more intense partisan political scrutiny this year

I wonder if Howard Dean thinks Durbin should go back to Illinois to serve his jail sentence?
Jim McDermot

So much for BUSH's Wire tapping:

Court: McDermott Broke Law; Ordered To Pay Fine
by Matt Margolis :: March 28, 2006 10:55 PM

The real culture of corruption...

A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that Rep. Jim McDermott violated federal law by turning over an illegally taped telephone call to reporters nearly a decade ago.

In a 2-1 opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia upheld a lower court ruling that McDermott violated the rights of House Majority Leader John Boehner, who was heard on the 1996 call involving former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

The lower court had ordered McDermott to pay Boehner more than $700,000 for leaking the taped conversation. The figure includes $60,000 in damages and at least $600,000 in legal costs.

McDermott, D-Wash., leaked to The New York Times and other news organizations a tape of a 1996 cell phone call The call included discussion by Gingrich, R-Ga., and other House GOP leaders about a House ethics committee investigation of Gingrich. Boehner, R-Ohio, was a Gingrich lieutenant at the time and is now House majority leader.

A lawyer for McDermott had argued that his actions were allowed under the First Amendment, and said a ruling against him would have "a huge chilling effect" on reporters and newsmakers alike.

Figures, Democrats think the First Amendment excuses them from breaking the law, and violating others' privacy... Interesting how Democrats are not furious over this, but they are over the wiretapping of terrorists... Hmm...

McDermott was ordered to pay Boehner over $700,000 for damages and legal costs.

And ....

Jim McDermott's Iraq Trip Bought and Paid for by U.N. Scandal Money
by Matt Margolis :: November 8, 2005 3:56 PM

THe NRCC recently sent a press release with the following information...

Just when it seemed U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott's (WA-07) ethical rap sheet couldn't get any more scandalous, it appears he's adding his ties to one of history's greatest scandals. When Paul Volcker's final report on the United Nations oil-for-food scandal was released recently, a friend of McDermott, who traveled with him to Iraq, was listed as a beneficiary.

Detroit-area businessman Shakir Al-Khafaji is alleged to have received oil money from Saddam Hussein's government under the failed U.N. program that was ravaged by illegal kickbacks and bribes. During a 2002 trip to Iraq, McDermott not only traveled on the dime of an organization financially supported by Al-Khafaji, but was actually accompanied by the scandal-ridden businessman with ties to Hussein's Baath Party.

"Jim McDermott will stop at nothing to be in the spotlight, even if it means traveling with one of Saddam Hussein's accomplices in the U.N. Oil-for-Food scandal," said National Republican Congressional Committee Communications Director Carl Forti. "Jim McDermott's cozy relationship with Shakir Al-Khafaji truly makes him the poster child of House Democrats' questionable ethics and shady friendships."

According to Crain's Detroit Business, "Al-Khafaji led a delegation of anti-war Congressmen to Iraq in 2002 that included former Rep. David Bonior and Jim McDermott. ... Al-Khafaji and his wife ... gave ... more than $5,000 to McDermott for a legal defense fund..." McDermott has since returned the money, though he has characterized his relationship with Al-Khafaji as "... a friend [who] gives me money."

"Sadly, the very money that Saddam Hussein bilked from the Iraqi people made its way back into the pocket of Jim McDermott's traveling partner and helped finance his Iraq adventure," added Forti.
Barbara Boxer

That's One Heck of an Allowance
by Matt Margolis :: April 7, 2005 12:49 PM

It's nice when mommy has her own political action committee isn't it?

Disclosure statements also show that Senator Barbara Boxer, ... directed $15,000 from her political action committee in 2003 to a consulting firm run by her son.
Roll Call also reported in May of 2003 that "Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) funneled $115,000 last cycle to Douglas Boxer & Associates, a company run by her son, from PAC For A Change, her leadership political action committee."
I used to get amused watching arguments between democrats and republicans over which party is more corrupt.

Joe Biden

Does Joe really want Israel wiped off the face of the palnet? As long as Iran is putting money inhis pocket, he will go along with anything!


Biden Raises Funds With Pro-Iran Lobbyist
by Mark Noonan :: April 28, 2005 9:11 AM

Fundraising is a tricky business. Politicians need the money for their campaigns, and sometimes are willing to look the other way at their host's political connections. It is, however, an outrage during our War on Terrorism that Democratic Senator Biden would hold a fundraiser at the home of a lobbyist for Iran's mullahs:

Delaware Republican Chairman Everett Moore today criticized Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del.) for holding a Feb. 19 campaign fund-raiser at the California home of Dr. Sadegh Namazi-khah, a strong supporter of the Tehran regime and leading pro-Iran lobbyist. Moore called on Biden to return the estimated $24,000 raised for the senator's campaign coffers.

Aside from begging the question as to why we allow a lobbyist for the Iranian regime to even operate in the United States, the fact that Biden would even think about appearing with such a lobbyist indicates that the Democrats really don't care where the money comes from, as long as it keeps coming. Not only should Biden return the money, but he should resign from the Senate in shame; the Iranian mullahs have been responsible for the deaths of at least scores of Americans, and any Senator who takes money from those who assist in the killing of Americans should not continue to hold positions of honor and trust in the United States.
According to Zogby......

Here are some of the stats on groups that think the Republicans are more corrupt:

Women 60% vs.
men 36%
18-24 year olds 66%,
55-69 year olds 41%,
70+ year olds 69.3%
Rural 36%,
suburbs 40%,
small city 58%,
Large city 67%
Marital status:
Married 40%,
single 50%,
DWS (divorced, widowed, separated) 66%,
Civil union 70%
Catholic 32%,
Protestant 39%,
Jewish 71%,
Born Again 10%

So, using logical deduction, I'm guessing that EZ is:
male, 55-69 y/o, rural, married, and Catholic. Is that even close?
Tom Harkin

How was the View from the Skybox, Tom?


Harkin's Fundraisers in Abramoff's Skybox
by Matt Margolis :: October 22, 2005 12:38 PM

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi allegedly called for an investigation because of "The Washington Post story showing a relationship between Jack Abramoff, Congressman Ney and a contract that was awarded." Does anyone think that Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid will call for an investigation because of a story in The Hill showing a relationship between Jack Abramoff, Senator Tom Harkin, and two fundraisers that were not appropriately disclosed to the FEC?

Sen. Tom Harkin failed to account properly for two fundraisers he held in lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s skybox at Washington’s MCI Center in 2002 and 2003, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and a spokeswoman for the Iowa Democrat.

Abramoff, the subject of multiple federal criminal probes for his dealings with Indian tribes and a Florida casino chain, routinely hosted political fundraisers in skyboxes at four sporting venues in the Washington area. Several members of Congress admitted earlier this year to having failed to disclose properly or pay for the use of the skyboxes.

FEC rules require that lawmakers and their fundraising committees pay for the use of such facilities or report the cost as in-kind donations in monthly or quarterly reports.

Harkin only recently discovered that the events had been improperly accounted for, said his spokeswoman, Allison Dobson.

“Over the last several months, given the current climate and in an abundance of caution, we went back and did an internal audit and found these two events,” Dobson said.
zymurgy said:
I used to get amused watching arguments between democrats and republicans over which party is more corrupt.


I agree 100%... It's kind of like getting into a urinating(can't say the p word) contest with a strong head-wind... does anybody really win? :rofl
Captain America said:
According to Zogby......

Here are some of the stats on groups that think the Republicans are more corrupt:

Women 60% vs.
men 36%
18-24 year olds 66%,
55-69 year olds 41%,
70+ year olds 69.3%
Rural 36%,
suburbs 40%,
small city 58%,
Large city 67%
Marital status:
Married 40%,
single 50%,
DWS (divorced, widowed, separated) 66%,
Civil union 70%
Catholic 32%,
Protestant 39%,
Jewish 71%,
Born Again 10%

So, using logical deduction, I'm guessing that EZ is:
male, 55-69 y/o, rural, married, and Catholic. Is that even close?

Not even close, my friend....which goes to prove 2 things:
1. Polls $uck, and the onlyones to pay attention to these things are Democrats (Not saying that comment refers to you)
2. Hard to argue with pelosi's comments when only YOUR side of the story is getting out!

So, Nancy, when are you going to step down and relenquish YOUR seat? :rofl
My Point


My point in this whole thread is in answer to many of the Die-hard, party-1st liberals who have engaged me in debate, only to declare that what Pelosi has said is the absolute truth! Well, as I have learned in life thus far, there are no absolute truths. Both sdies have been infected by sleaze bags who have sold their souls to the political system and have forgotten they work for the people not themselves or the lobbyists. It is not the Republicans or the Democrats who are at fault but what we have allowed the political system in this country to become!

To make it worse, we gave the keys to the 'car' to the politicians....a country whose power is supposed to be based on checks and balances were given the ability to Check ITSELF, allowed to write such legislation that automatically gives themselves raises each year just so that they can go back to their home states to say they didn't vote for such a pay increase that year! We have given politicians the ability to charge someone with ethics violations, try them in the court of public opinion, yet prevent the ethics committee to meet in order to address the charges and give the accused their time to defend themselves. We have goven both sides the ability to accuse each other of what each is prety much guilty of themselves without ever holding EVERYONE accountable!

It is funny how WE even make excuses for people like Pelosi when the hypocrisy of her statement is almost painful in light of what is going on enmasse in Washington! Instead of stepping up and challenging her on the comment, we give her a pass and target someone else!

I am happy to see the comments about the targeting of one party over another being over the top....but where is that comment in other threads where the GOP is the target of the attacks. i am pretty sure that if I had started a thread blasting the GOP the same way, claiming to justify pelosi's comment, it would not get as many such comments. I hope I am wrong!

And I hope that attitude will carry over to the up-coming congressional elections and on into the '08 Presidential election! I am so sick and tired of the personal political attacks and want so much for the politicians to get back to the issues and ideas that will make this country better! If the current politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle can't do that, then maybe we should use the up-coming elections to put in those who can!

The 'Culture of Corruption' is a disease that has not only infected 1 party or another but the entire political process. The cure lies within US, the American Voters, through our vote - the only 1 true way to hold them all accountable, a means I think we have all weilded improperly.

Everytime some politician commits some crime, ethics violation, or stuffs his/her own wallet at our expense, we have only ourselves to blame if they go back in!

Its pretty sad when 10 of the first 13 responses are you responding to your own post.
disneydude said:
Its pretty sad when 10 of the first 13 responses are you responding to your own post.

My dad once told me, "Son, if nobody wants to play with you, go play with yourself."

That is some of the best advice he ever gave me. :rofl
disneydude said:
Its pretty sad when 10 of the first 13 responses are you responding to your own post.

I had several things to post. The board only allows posts to be a certain length of time, etc....

Its pretty bad that I could find that many posts of criminal/un-ethical activity on Democrats...and stopped well short of when I could. Again, posting all of them was not my purpose behind the thread....

and your 2 cents was a pretty weak response, and a waste of everyone's time!
The majority of his posts were focusing on more than one politician, thus all the different posts.

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