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Cultural Degredation (1 Viewer)


Aug 1, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Who among you remembers the glorious days when the man was the head of the house hold, the bread winner, the provider? Who remembers when women were noble beings who raised the children and kept the household? Who among you remembers when marriage was just that: An institution for the bearing of children for the procreation of the human race? Who among you remembers when America was a place where you could come with nothing, and gain much through your own striving Who among you remembers the days when people didn't want handouts; they wanted to make something of themselves? Who among you remembers the days when people went to church every sunday to praise the Almighty Creator, and noone questioned this? I don't. I was born long after the decline of this golden age. I wretch at the thought that these beautiful days may never be seen again, and i am forced to ask "why?" And alas, i find my answer.

All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning
From Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler.

Essentially, what mein fuhrer states is that for a civilization to remain great, the originators of the civilization must remain untainted in culture, ideal, and blood. And so it was from Jamestown until the 1950's. And then it happened. Civil rights movement. 1960's. Roe V Wade. The culture, that beautiful culture, those beautiful ideals died The noble Aryan race that created this country, who traveled overseas tofound, fight, defend, consilidate, and maintain began to interbreed with other races. The Aryan race began to sacrifice its unborn children to a foreign culture, a culture of death. The Aryan race began to forget what its forefathers had set this great country up for. The Culture,ideals, and blood of the noble Aryan has been corrupted by those who previously had been subjected. And for this reason, we have fallen.
Year of your birthdate is 1988. You do not "remember" this as well.

And so it was from Jamestown until the 1950's.
Might want to brush up on your history. There were several races in Jamestown. :shock:
Interracial marriages was ENCOURAGED with the natives.

Remember that cartoon - oh yeah - Pocahontas?

Check out the real story. We wouldn't be here today without John Smith and her. ;)
C'mon down, people! Blood poisoning is half-price today!
Perhaps he was just some random, bored kid who was just taking the p.i.s.s? It's hard to believe anyone could actually be that idiotic. I mean... he'd have to be missing a chromosone, or something.
vergiss said:
I mean... he'd have to be missing a chromosone, or something.
:rofl - I love your sense of humor.

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