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Cuban State Media: ‘Negro’ Obama ‘Incited Rebellion and Disorder’ (1 Viewer)


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Aug 28, 2008
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Cuban Media: 'Negro' Obama 'Incited Rebellion and Disorder'

The Havana Tribune, a state-controlled Cuban newspaper, has added insult to injury following Fidel Castro’s scathing criticism of President Barack Obama upon his departure from the island. In an editorial, the title of which refers to President Obama as “negro,” an opinion columnist has accused him of “inciting rebellion.”

The article is titled “Negro, ¿Tu Eres Sueco?” which roughly translates to “Black Man, Are You Dumb?” (The idiom “pretend to be a Swede” means to play dumb, hence the title is literally asking, “Are you Swedish?”) The author, who is black, goes on to condemn President Obama for meeting with Cuban pro-democracy activists and “subtly” suggesting that the Cuban Revolution needed to change. “Obama came, saw, but unfortunately, with the pretend gesture of lending a hand, tried to conquer,” Elias Argudín writes.
“[Obama] chose to criticize and subtly suggest … incitations to rebellion and disorder, without caring that he was on foreign ground. Without a doubt, Obama overplayed his hand,” he continues. “The least I can say is, Virulo-style: ‘Negro, are you dumb?'”

Well, that went well....
Obama is getting taken to school by our enemies left and right.
Damn white Cubans don't like the change in the air.

Got the black ones writing nonsense for the regime smh.

Obama is getting taken to school by our enemies left and right.

How is this getting schooled?
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Damn white Cubans don't like the change in the air.

Got the black ones writing nonsense for the regime smh.

How is this getting schooled?

He just wanted some Cuban stogies.
Damn white Cubans don't like the change in the air.

Got the black ones writing nonsense for the regime smh.

How is this getting schooled?
The writer was Black. Buy hey, for the east coast liberal elite it's all about race all the time.
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'Negro' is Spanish for Black.

Obama looks Black to me. What is the problem?

If they had called him White we'd have something to talk about.
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Obama is getting taken to school by our enemies left and right.

Hahahah some Cuban journalist writes an opinion article about inciting rebellion and this is your response.
'Negro' is Spanish for Black.

Obama looks Black to me. What is the problem?

If they had called him White we'd have something to talk about.

So when is the next time is the black attorney general and the white FBI director are going to discuss the old white presidential candidate's emails? The brown Republican and his two white opponents would like to know.
So when is the next time is the black attorney general and the white FBI director are going to discuss the old white presidential candidate's emails?
The brown Republican and his two white opponents would like to know.

Ask them. I don't know and I'm not interested.
What exactly is wrong, other than making another mountain out of the same old mole hill?
Of course they call him negro, because he considers himself black. Of course anything new is looked upon with suspicion. Like B.O. or not, at least he tried.
Now if he could try uniting our country, that would be even better. But kudos where kudos are due.
I've heard hate filled Repulican Americans call him a hell of a lot worse. And a hell of a lot more often.
I'm oddly impressed they managed to insult both blacks and Swedes in just four words.
I'm oddly impressed they managed to insult both blacks and Swedes in just four words.

Usually you can insult a Swede with one syllable babble.

Does everyone here know that roughly over half of all blacks in this country over the age of say....35? have the word "Negro" on their birth certificate under race?

Are you aware that most (anecdotal I'll admit, but I've interacted with the black community meaningfully for over 30-35 years)who don't identify themselves as "Nigga" don't mind the word "Negro" as both are not the same in their eyes as "Nigger"?

All this outside the fact that the spanish word for "black" is "negro/negra"

The only people who should find this offensive are the Unthinking Left, self loathing white people who just can't bear the atrocities they've never committed...
Hahahah some Cuban journalist writes an opinion article about inciting rebellion and this is your response.

Castro also bad-mouthed Obama after he left which is what the journalist is commenting on. So...

Hahahah, someone criticizes Obama's weak and ineffectual foreign policy that leads to humilations of our country and this is YOUR response.
Castro also bad-mouthed Obama after he left which is what the journalist is commenting on. So...

Hahahah, someone criticizes Obama's weak and ineffectual foreign policy that leads to humilations of our country and this is YOUR response.

I wonder what words the eastern block used for Reagan.
I'm oddly impressed they managed to insult both blacks and Swedes in just four words.

I don't know about Cuba, but in Mexico labeling a guy "negro" or addressing them as "negro" in almost never considered to be derogatory. It's simply a descriptive term for a guy who's of African descent or has skin that is darker than the average person in that town or region. On the other side of the color spectrum, they refer to a guy with light skin as "Güero" (pronounced 'wed-do') and it's seen as, and applied in the same ways as negro is.

I have met dozens of people over the years in Mexico who answer to the name "Negro", "Güero" "Gordo", "Flaco", and "Chaparrito" (in english it's black guy, white guy, fat guy, skinny guy and short guy or "shorty") It's not seen as racist, bigoted, or derogatory in Mexico to broadly apply those descriptives, because unlike us, most Mexican people have managed to avoid becoming infected with the political correctness virus.

Its only racist to liberals when republicans refer to skin color.

What would have upset the liberal apple cart is if the Cuban reporter have referred to the president by his middle name.
The writer was Black. Buy hey, for the east coast liberal elite it's all about race all the time.

I know, I said the author was black in my post.

It's some regime stooge churning out weak propaganda.
"You can keep your own doctor". Once a fool always a fool.

Obama is just an idiot. He stands there and gets insulted, and doesn't defend himself or the country. He leaves and gets insulted. Ditto for Iran. But, it's all cool to him. He will never figure out how stupid it was for him to give in to these countries, they see him as a fool (and they're right). He's just embarrassing us now.

I tend to agree with the article. Obama visits and promotes "vulture capitalism/corporatism" and the Cubans reject the suggestion as absurd. I don't think they want USA bankers running their Nation and that is what happens after you start doing "business" with the USA. I don't want Nuclear Energy in my back yard. I don't want Monsanto in my back yard. I don't want Coal ash in my back yard. I don't wan't a Petro/chemical factory in my back yard. I don't want fracking in my back yard. I don't want Goldman Sachs/JPMorgan Chase/Federal Reserve Corporation in my back yard. Cuba, good cigars, rum, sugar, and Doctors whose specialty is not the Stock Market. Cuba, probably the lowest polluter in the World, for sure the Western hemisphere. Cuba, probably afraid Obama will try to fix Cuba like he fixed Libya, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, etc. Perhaps the Cubans can decide what is good for Cubans. They've done well withour our help so far. Actually, they've done well while the USA has conspired to work against the interests of Cuba and Cubans.
I tend to agree with the article. Obama visits and promotes "vulture capitalism/corporatism" and the Cubans reject the suggestion as absurd. I don't think they want USA bankers running their Nation and that is what happens after you start doing "business" with the USA. I don't want Nuclear Energy in my back yard. I don't want Monsanto in my back yard. I don't want Coal ash in my back yard. I don't wan't a Petro/chemical factory in my back yard. I don't want fracking in my back yard. I don't want Goldman Sachs/JPMorgan Chase/Federal Reserve Corporation in my back yard. Cuba, good cigars, rum, sugar, and Doctors whose specialty is not the Stock Market. Cuba, probably the lowest polluter in the World, for sure the Western hemisphere. Cuba, probably afraid Obama will try to fix Cuba like he fixed Libya, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, etc. Perhaps the Cubans can decide what is good for Cubans. They've done well withour our help so far. Actually, they've done well while the USA has conspired to work against the interests of Cuba and Cubans.

I would agree with this statement is by "They" you meant brutal authoritarian dictators. They hate capitalism.

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