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CTU backed group wants people with annual household income above $100,000 to pay 3.5 % to City Hall (1 Viewer)


Relentless Thinking Fury
DP Veteran
Jan 25, 2013
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The North Shore
Political Leaning
A coalition of progressive activists and big unions is upping the ante on the call for new revenue to finance help for lower-income Chicagoans, this time proposing not just a “LaSalle Street tax” on financial transactions and restoration of the employer “head tax” but a new city income tax on those who work or live in Chicago.

With a swipe at “wealthy yuppies” and corporations who “don’t pay their fair share,” the group—which includes the Chicago Teachers Union and SEIU Healthcare Illinois—specifically wants a 3.5 percent tax on household income above $100,000 a year.


These ****ers are mad.

I'll be relocating within 6 months.
This seems to be taking the tax "the rich" idea a wee bit further by defining "the rich" as those who make over $100K/year.
This seems to be taking the tax "the rich" idea a wee bit further by defining "the rich" as those who make over $100K/year.

It is pure madness. I mean in this city we already literally get taxed on tax. I’m not kidding. They have actually taxed the god damn tax we pay. They call one a fee of course. An amusement fee and then they tax the son of a bitching fee.

Now this. It’s really too much. It has been too much but these people are out of their god damn minds.

It hasn’t happened yet but it is only a matter of time. The idea has been planted and I’ve no doubt that within the next 5 years this will come.

If Daley don’t get elected Mayor it will be even sooner.
Wow, the idea alone that "household" income above $100,000 for a family living in a major city makes one "wealthy" is idiotic. This a rather hefty tax on the middle class.

Middle class is about it. It takes about 150K to live decent here. Meaning you can own a 2 bedroom 2 bath condo, (if your parents give you the down payment you might get a building) pay your bills, drive an economy class car and go out to eat on the weekends. You're not putting anything into savings with that lifestyle. 200K and you're breathing easier and maybe getting to tuck a little away and take a decent vacation once a year.

Nothing that would be considered "rich".

What it is is the South (Black) and West (Latino) sides against the North (White) side. Instead of doing what's right for the people of those communities, and expecting them to do for themselves, they'd rather take from those who earn a living.
It is pure madness. I mean in this city we already literally get taxed on tax. I’m not kidding. They have actually taxed the god damn tax we pay. They call one a fee of course. An amusement fee and then they tax the son of a bitching fee.

Now this. It’s really too much. It has been too much but these people are out of their god damn minds.

It hasn’t happened yet but it is only a matter of time. The idea has been planted and I’ve no doubt that within the next 5 years this will come.

If Daley don’t get elected Mayor it will be even sooner.

Taxing taxes paid is not unique to states - you pay federal income tax on your FICA payroll tax as well. State sales taxes (at least in Texas) also apply to federal excise taxes levied on tobacco and alcohol.
I left Minnesota for the same reason....taxes.

I was paying 9.89% marginal in MN, and since I have relocated, it dropped to 5%.

Property tax kept going up, but the city wouldn't even fix the road in front of my house.....the potholes only got filled when it snowed.

I liked MN when I was up there, maybe it was the large number of angler's I seen out at one in the afternoon on a Tuesday...(wed, thurs, mon,..fri, sat, sun...)

Pols up there are just as bad as down here though, you're right...

Too bad too...

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