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Cruz blames Biden for war in Ukraine. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2020
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Slightly Liberal
I guess if Ted's Mom slipped on the icy sidewalk, Ted would find some way to blame Biden.

In a perverse way it might be true. Biden managed to unite NATO and strengthen their collective resolve in a way we haven't seen in year's. I think that scared the hell out of Putin, it's exactly the opposite of what he has been trying to accomplish for year's.

I would be surprised if they didn't blame Biden

That is what the right does

Just like blaming Biden for covid because Republicans won't get the shot

Or blaming Biden for Inflation when he has no control of the Federal Reserve Bank

I could go on... and on.... and on....

Personally I think Biden is doing an admirable job considering republican obstruction and the two defector democrats in the senate.

Right wing media just keeps pounding on him. Must say right wing propaganda is very effective.
Ted Cruz is the most irritating, bizarre personality I've ever seen. I've never been able to take him seriously, especially on his Trump ass licking episodes, so, yeah, just noise to me.

I do feel sorry for his wife and kids though. I can't imagine that hellish existence.

What worries me the most is that we elect these people like Cruz, or Greene, I mean, WTF is wrong with us?
Biden's win created a more unified West, which is a threat to Putin. Putin tried installing his own puppets in Ukraine and the US, and that didn't work. This is his only remaining option to discourage other countries like Ukraine from joining NATO.

When he was in office, Trump undermined NATO and withheld needed aid from Ukraine in order to extract a corrupt favor he hoped would damage the Biden campaign. A pro-democracy president would have strengthened NATO 5 years ago and then maybe this wouldn't have been an option for Putin.

Meanwhile, the GOP is so deranged with hatred of liberals that they are turning their backs on democracy.
I guess if Ted's Mom slipped on the icy sidewalk, Ted would find some way to blame Biden.
Biden's war against climate change kept the temperature from melting the ice and hurt her. Biden doesn't care at all about the harm he caused.
Cancun Cruz's father was involved in the JFK assassination and has an ugly wife... Or so I heard..

Anyone who would kiss the ass of the person who originally said that about his family is a PoS coward and doesn't deserve to be taken seriously about anything...
Ted Cruz is the most irritating, bizarre personality I've ever seen. I've never been able to take him seriously, especially on his Trump ass licking episodes, so, yeah, just noise to me.

I do feel sorry for his wife and kids though. I can't imagine that hellish existence.

What worries me the most is that we elect these people like Cruz, or Greene, I mean, WTF is wrong with us?
He went on Tucker and sucked up to him. Cruz is a frightened little man.
.....Pressed further on whether he was explicitly blaming Mr Biden – not Mr Putin – for the Russian leader’s decision to launch an invasion of Ukraine, Mr Cruz replied: “Yes, I'm absolutely saying that.”.......

A man who won’t stand up for his wife, his father or even for himself, is not going to stand up for you and I. Ted Cruz is a spineless coward whose opinions about Joe Biden or any other topic are irrelevant. In a zombie apocalypse, he would be one of the first people to get eaten.
Democrats: maybe that level of insanity will expose how crazy and dishonest the Republican lies are and help Republican voters realize it.

Republicans: Wow Biden sucks, thank you Cruz for exposing him!
I guess if Ted's Mom slipped on the icy sidewalk, Ted would find some way to blame Biden.

Probably not. Cruz is famous for getting his facts straight. It's why he's an elite debater.

Why do you think they have bee cheering on Putin? They want the world to go to shit so they can blame Biden.
They haven't been. That's just what MSM has been claiming. It's so bad that when trump acknowledges that Putin is skilled, it gets reported as Trump praising putin.

Ted Cruz is the most irritating, bizarre personality I've ever seen. I've never been able to take him seriously, especially on his Trump ass licking episodes, so, yeah, just noise to me.

I do feel sorry for his wife and kids though. I can't imagine that hellish existence.

What worries me the most is that we elect these people like Cruz, or Greene, I mean, WTF is wrong with us?
Since Cruz is one of the favorites to be the next President, you may really get to dislike him.

Biden's win created a more unified West, which is a threat to Putin.
:unsure: Right.


Putin tried installing his own puppets in Ukraine and the US, and that didn't work. This is his only remaining option to discourage other countries like Ukraine from joining NATO.

When he was in office, Trump undermined NATO and withheld needed aid from Ukraine in order to extract a corrupt favor he hoped would damage the Biden campaign. A pro-democracy president would have strengthened NATO 5 years ago and then maybe this wouldn't have been an option for Putin.

Meanwhile, the GOP is so deranged with hatred of liberals that they are turning their backs on democracy.
:coffee:One right after the other. This is great comedy.(y)

Thanks for the laugh. I needed that.

Screen Shot 2022-02-26 at 10.53.55 AM.jpg

....would not have happened if 9/11 had happened today and a Democrat had been President. In fact, the approval would be where it is for Biden now.
Probably not. Cruz is famous for getting his facts straight. It's why he's an elite debater.

They haven't been. That's just what MSM has been claiming. It's so bad that when trump acknowledges that Putin is skilled, it gets reported as Trump praising putin.

Since Cruz is one of the favorites to be the next President, you may really get to dislike him.

:unsure: Right.


:coffee:One right after the other. This is great comedy.(y)

Thanks for the laugh. I needed that.
Oh God, stop scaring me!!!
Cruz hasn't a snow balls chance in hell. Anyone who would want him in WH needs a frontal lobotomy!
President Cruz: “Get out of Ukraine!”

Vladimir Putin: “Your children are ugly and your mother sunk the Titanic.”

President Cruz goes on vacation…

View attachment 67377004

....would not have happened if 9/11 had happened today and a Democrat had been President. In fact, the approval would be where it is for Biden now.
Are you saying that's a good thing or a bad thing?

Oh God, stop scaring me!!!
I'm not kidding even a little bit.

Since I do not expect Trump to actually run, Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis are the two frontrunners for the Republicans. Some would add Pence but there are reasons why Vice Presidents rarely get elected President. The Democrats are stuck. They need someone much better than Biden or Harris, ie someone like Obama was in 2007, and no possibilities have emerged.

Add the two together and Ted Cruz is one of the smart bets to win election in 2024

There. I fixed it for you.

Ted Cruz is a debater who is legendary for the degree of his preparation. He never misquotes, slips on a fact, exaggerates an opinion.

He's Trump's opposite. You should love him.
Have conservatives forgotten that Trump illegally withheld military aid to Ukraine?
I guess if Ted's Mom slipped on the icy sidewalk, Ted would find some way to blame Biden.

It's the new right wing marching orders from Tucker. Tucker stop slobbering all over Putin and is now pivoting it all to blaming Biden. So Cruz is on board, MTG is saying the same thing here to avoid answering the question, "Why did you go speak at a white nationalist event put on by Nick Fuentes?"


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