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Crisis of the "Russian" fleet/statistic , pictures, videos (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Political Leaning
Its clear that dying Juchi project has no chance against NATO/USA in Azov&Black sea. NATA has to bring its fleets in Azov&Black sea as soon as possible

"Crisis of the "Russian" fleet/statistic , pictures, videos.

"The plans of the Russian Navy to make ships and submarines with the Caliber cruise missiles an effective non-nuclear deterrent by 2020 have failed, according to Izvestia.
The large-scale equipment of the fleet provided by the state armaments program for 2011–2020 with the prospect of moving into second place after the United States (the missile salvo of Americans is about 4,000 units) did not happen.

The timeframes for the construction of new ships and the modernization of submarines have significantly moved. For example, of the 26 corvettes and frigates planned to be built, the carriers of the Calibrov, only four ships joined the fleet. The modernization of Project 949A submarine cruisers, as well as other ships and submarines, was delayed.

Now the Russian fleet has only eleven small ships and boats equipped with the Caliber complex with a total potential salvo of 96 missiles, as well as seven diesel and from three to five nuclear submarines also equipped with these weapons.

Such slow rates of rearmament create a potential threat to the strategic stability of the Russian Navy and endanger the country's defense capability.




Russian Battlecruiser Admiral Nakhimov has too much on the outside from its commissioning during the 1980s The new nuclear powered Nakhimov is promised for 2023. A lot of new Russian naval ships are promised to appear next decade.


USS Blue Ridge flagship of 7th Fleet exposes little of the ship's platforms or systems. This is true of almost all naval ships predicated on modern designs and construction.

Russian Battlecruiser Admiral Nakhimov has too much on the outside from its commissioning during the 1980s The new nuclear powered Nakhimov is promised for 2023. A lot of new Russian naval ships are promised to appear next decade.


USS Blue Ridge flagship of 7th Fleet exposes little of the ship's platforms or systems. This is true of almost all naval ships predicated on modern designs and construction.

Battle cruisers are expected to do battle... Weapons and sensors take space... Try comparing like missions.

Soviet communications ship SSV-33

Blue Ridge is not an intelligence ship. BR has an intelligence component but it is not an intelligence ship. In fact there's a lot in the world that isn't intelligence.


Blue Ridge earned the Battle "E" through the combined efforts of its various departments, including engineering, combat systems and supply. Combat systems also played a pivotal role in Blue Ridge's accomplishment. The departments receive different color hash marks signifying multiple awards, which are placed under the Battle "E" for their excellent ratings.

USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19) is the lead ship of the two Blue Ridge-class command ships of the U.S. Navy, and is the command ship of the United States Seventh Fleet. Her primary role is to provide Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) support to the commander and staff of the United States Seventh Fleet. She is currently forward-deployed to US Navy Fleet Activities, Yokosuka, Japan.

USS Blue Ridge was awarded the Combat Action Ribbon and the ship was awarded the Battle Effectiveness Award (Battle "E") for her Vietnam operations.[5]

Blue Ridge performed a nine-and-one-half month deployment as flagship for the Commander, United States Naval Forces Central Command (COMUSNAVCENT) during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm from August 1990 through 24 April 1991.

USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19) | Military Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia


USS Port Royal, a Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser.


Russian Slava-class cruiser Varyag in the Pacific Ocean.

Nobody ever accused the Russians of making good warships. And speaking of the Pacific Ocean we recall the Russian Baltic Fleet left 35 of its 45 clunkers, er, ships, at the bottom of the Tsushima Strait after the Japanese Navy had finished with it in 1905. Russian naval fleets have stayed close to home since. It's a sign of intelligence. Some anyway.
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Blue Ridge is not an intelligence ship. BR has an intelligence component but it is not an intelligence ship. In fact there's a lot in the world that isn't intelligence.

When did I state the Blue Ridge was an "intelligence ship"?

SSV-33 Ural (ССВ-33 Урал) (NATO reporting name: Kapusta (Russian for "cabbage")) was a command and control naval ship operated by the Soviet Navy. (Wiki)

The Blue Ridge is also not a cruiser. It does as part of its job description coordinate and communicate though. "Her primary role is to provide command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) support to the commander and staff of the United States Seventh Fleet." (Wiki)

Hey, look, they do the same thing.

And, if you actually knew anything about Tsushima, the ships, and the circumstances for the defeat you might not want to keep bringing it up.

CLUE: It ain't the quality of the ships...

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