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Crippling of "russia"'s Moskva Cruiser May Be Game Changer for Ukraine War (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Crippling of "russia"'s Moskva Cruiser May Be Game Changer for Ukraine War​

"At this point, what more does Ukraine have to prove? They are 100% capable of winning this war. The West must shower support on them. All arms. All sanctions. Get it across the finish line,...
"If Ukraine can challenge the Black Sea Fleet (and it appears they can) then taking back Crimea is very much in the cards. Total victory possible," wrote security expert Paul Massaro on Twitter.

do you agree that sunking (the first time since 1905) Moskva Cruiser is a game changer ?

I didn't realize how much Putin looks like a cross between Gene Autry and Bob Newhart.

I just which he'd get on his horse and stutter off into the sunset.
I didn't realize how much Putin looks like a cross between Gene Autry and Bob Newhart.

I just which he'd get on his horse and stutter off into the sunset.
That's lot of botox Vlad hss injected.
I didn't realize how much Putin looks like a cross between Gene Autry and Bob Newhart.

I just which he'd get on his horse and stutter off into the sunset.
LOL What an insult to Bob Newhart, though.

I think they said they were bombing Kyiv again because Ukraine has bombed in Russian territory.

But any excuse will do, right?


You know, Mary, I found out recently that the old "army boots" insult originated in World War II when U.S. soldiers would pay European prostitutes with a pair of army boots. Weird, but (supposedly) true. :)

You know, Mary, I found out recently that the old "army boots" insult originated in World War II when U.S. soldiers would pay European prostitutes with a pair of army boots. Weird, but (supposedly) true. :)
Ooohhh...that's bad. I won't use that one again, then. I figured it meant they were so poor she had to do her shopping at the surplus store.
Ooohhh...that's bad. I won't use that one again, then. I figured it meant they were so poor she had to do her shopping at the surplus store.

You still might be right, Mary--there's no proof either way.

I'll just ask the guy who gave me these army boots . . .

( :) )
Clearly the war is not going according to plans for Putin. I don't understand why this one ship out of action is a game changer.
Clearly the war is not going according to plans for Putin. I don't understand why this one ship out of action is a game changer.
Well, it's not like the end of the war or anything, but that ship provided the defense, the covering fire, for all the other ships they were using to attack Ukraine. That it really was a necessary piece of the puzzle is proven by the fact that the other Russian war ships have scooted south as far as they can get from Ukraine's missiles.

There are two other ships like it in the Mediterranean. Turkey is not supposed to allow them into the Black Sea, but we'll see.
source of the Picture : OSINTtechnical

that "crippling" has now turned into a full sinking!
As even Russia now must report.
that "crippling" has now turned into a full sinking!
As even Russia now must report.

Putin is like Baghdad Bob when he claimed the Iraqis were winning even though it was obvious to all observers they lost the war. Moscow says thats some ivan violated a smoking ban on the ship​


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