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creation of a new party (1 Viewer)


New member
Nov 8, 2005
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I consider myself to be extremely conservative and a Republican... But I wonder if it would ever be possible to... create your own political party... If it were possible I might do it with these guidlines:

1. Very conservative
2. Abortion- Against Abortion
3. Gay Rights/Marriage Moderate, leaning towards gay marriage/rights
4. Very Anti-Communist
5. Death Penalty- against it
6. Enviroment- usually for things that help the enviroment; as long as they don't cost tax payers to much money
7. Helping small business
8. Generally supports Republicans
9. Strong sense of right and wrong and traditional American values
10. Euthenaisa- against it
11. Have as little tax cuts as possible
12. Always support military and veterans
13. Put a lot of money towards defense
14. Strong patriotism
15. Putting God back into schools/public places- for it
16. For a ban of smoking all together
17. Possibly prohibtion

And some other things... basically, it would be something that branched-off the Republican Party... what do you think?
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The Republicans are not as divided as the Democrats, and that makes them a bit stronger as a party. What you suggest would just make the Republican party as factionalized as the Dems.
Most of your guidelines are fantasies that will never happen.
Every time the Republicans have tried to create a perfect world, they have screwed it up.;)
Joseph said:
I consider myself to be extremely conservative and a Republican... But I wonder if it would ever be possible to... create your own political party... If it were possible I might do it with these guidlines:

1. Very conservative
2. Abortion- Against Abortion
3. Gay Rights/Marriage Moderate, leaning towards gay marriage/rights
4. Very Anti-Communist
5. Death Penalty- against it
6. Enviroment- usually for things that help the enviroment; as long as they don't cost tax payers to much money
7. Helping small business
8. Generally supports Republicans
9. Strong sense of right and wrong and traditional American values
10. Euthenaisa- against it
11. Have as little tax cuts as possible
12. Always support military and veterans
13. Put a lot of money towards defense
14. Strong patriotism
15. Putting God back into schools/public places- for it
16. For a ban of smoking all together
17. Possibly prohibtion

And some other things... basically, it would be something that branched-off the Republican Party... what do you think?

Dude I hope you dont become a goverment offical? With your idea's there would be a new revolution(WWIII). What are you thinking giving gay right to marriage? By doing this you open a whole new doorway to marriage with animals and multiple partners. Very Anit-Communist what do you mean by this? There are good things about communist and there are good dictarships(Not Many Though). Ever dictarships was great untill they got greedy. Now about the enviroment i beleive the world is to big to hurt her. But see we should protect the earth resourse with ower lives for our children fate. Now what do you think about the woman down in Florida that was a vegetable. Do you think that was right? Im all for number's 5,9,12,13,14,15. What the LLEH are you thinking....for a ban of smoking all together and possibly prohibtion...i dont smoke nor drink but that is a right....i can just see you would not be for the right to bear arms in the future of this party.
I'll just stay Republican.
Joseph said:
1. Very conservative
2. Abortion- Against Abortion
3. Gay Rights/Marriage Moderate, leaning towards gay marriage/rights
4. Very Anti-Communist
5. Death Penalty- against it
6. Enviroment- usually for things that help the enviroment; as long as they don't cost tax payers to much money
7. Helping small business
8. Generally supports Republicans
9. Strong sense of right and wrong and traditional American values
10. Euthenaisa- against it
11. Have as little tax cuts as possible
12. Always support military and veterans
13. Put a lot of money towards defense
14. Strong patriotism
15. Putting God back into schools/public places- for it
16. For a ban of smoking all together
17. Possibly prohibtion

As in resonse to guidlines:

1. Republican Party is already there.
2. Abortion shouldn't be banned, not only does it prevent some choice, but it does also help in other areas, such as trying to get the world population to decline, so there are more resources, etc.
3. OK, I agree with that, I think anyone should be able to marry any other person, regardless of skin color, gender, or otherwise, besides marraige is more about love than gender.
4. I am of course against that view since I would be considered a communist, that view you want seems to go to fanaticism a lot. Many times they are overly ignorant of what it is.
5.I agree with that, no executions.
6. Environment is more important than money, protect enivironment at almost all costs.
7. A little bit.
8. I don't like the Republican Party.
9. Right and wrong is in the eye of the beholder, most would consider communism wrong, I think its generally right. Traditional American values, some aren't bad, some are.
11. Depends on who little tax cuts are for, rich people, need more taxes, poor need less.
12. Don't always support them(as in their missions), but give them more benefits, etc.
13. You mean war, don't you? We have more than enough than to defend our country, we don't however need to attack other countries.
14. Patriotism, nationalism, same thing, meant to keep the people under control, govt. leadership.
15. No God in any public places, religion is a private matter, not all believe in God or have different variations of it.
16. What happens to ones who already smoke? We should however, heavily tax smoking corporations and ban all advertisemnt, and introduce more quitting programs, and try to get it eradicted.
17. No ban on alcohol altogether.

Sounds alot like the Republican Party, with a few differences but you already stated that.
Loxd4 said:
There are good things about communist and there are good dictarships(Not Many Though).

How many of these dictators were actually communists? Very few I might add. Really, any dictator can claim to be communist. Though almost none even fell into line of Communist ideals at all.
All I was say was dictators and communists can be good thing if they don’t get greedy. But most of the time throughout history they got greedy.
What are "traditional American values?" Patriotism, again, do you mean to actually think for yourself and make criticisms toward the current government, therefore improving it, or do you want us just to except our leadership as they lead us into oblivion? Putting God into public places, ignore those people that don't believe in a God, they're a minority anyway, they might be a little offended but who cares. Put a lot of money in defense, we can already destroy the world 100 times over with nuclear weapons, let's try for 101. Most of your values are based on personal decision and beliefs, if you do this please specify your beliefs so people can have a more accurate view of what their supporting.

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