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Covid cases are down. Unfortunately, stomach flu outbreaks are up (1 Viewer)


Purge evil with Justice
DP Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
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Slightly Liberal

Outbreaks of norovirus, the bug responsible for the dreaded stomach flu, have been on the rise since January, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

From August 2021 through the beginning of last month, the CDC reported 448 norovirus outbreaks. During the same time period the previous year, just 78 were reported.

A small number, but an unfortunate byproduct of more people gathering together and probably not washing their hands. Wash your hands in public, everyone.
Agreed. I got the stomach virus, was out of it for three days.
People are undisciplined, reactive idiots.
I had a stomach bug the other day. At least now I have immunity.
“Dreaded stomach flu” ? Flesh eating bacterium are dreaded having the shits and puking is an annoyance. Guess NBC needs to sell more advertising space.

Is this outbreak outsized compared to 2019 and earlier and if it isn’t why exactly should we care?

A small number, but an unfortunate byproduct of more people gathering together and probably not washing their hands. Wash your hands in public, everyone.

Many Americans have spent 2 years in comparatively more antiseptic conditions than before. So immune systems can lose some of their sensitivity to, some of their recognition of, common germs. Many have spent so much time avoiding all germs (because covid preventative measures affected other germs too) that our immune systems are desensitized to many common ones.

Covid vaxs boosted our immune systems for...wait for it...covid :D but we avoided exposure to others with the other safety measures.

Normal contact will restore normal recognition again. But...we'll still get sick too, if we're predisposed. Like before.
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I had a stomach bug the other day. At least now I have immunity.
For how long though? Immunity acquired either through infection and recovery or vaccination is finite and wanes after a while. Covid hasn't gone away, and it still pays to be prudent and cautious.
Technically you don't ever have to wash your hands if your hands never go into your nose or your mouth or your ears or your eyes.

But in the real world people are gonna pick their nose and such. So yeah, wash your hands.
I hate getting norovirus. I caught a daycare variant last year that was so bad that I thought that I might for real die. It was awful.

A small number, but an unfortunate byproduct of more people gathering together and probably not washing their hands. Wash your hands in public, everyone.
Correction. It is stomach COVID. There is no money in Stomach FLU!

Let's all keep talking this up so we have a new psychosis to keep the public in fear.
I had a stomach bug the other day. At least now I have immunity.

You probably had "viral gastroenteritis" so if that is what it was you are never "immune" to it. There is no vaccine for it like there is for certain strains of influenza (flu).

"Although it's commonly called stomach flu, gastroenteritis isn't the same as influenza. The flu (influenza) affects only your respiratory system — your nose, throat and lungs. Gastroenteritis, on the other hand, attacks your intestines, causing signs and symptoms such as:
  • Watery, usually nonbloody diarrhea — bloody diarrhea usually means you have a different, more severe infection
  • Nausea, vomiting or both
  • Stomach cramps and pain
  • Occasional muscle aches or headache
  • Low-grade fever
There's no effective treatment for viral gastroenteritis, so prevention is key. Avoid food and water that may be contaminated and wash your hands thoroughly and often.

Each gastrointestinal virus has a season when it's most active. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, for instance, you're more likely to have rotavirus or norovirus infections in the winter and spring."

source : https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/viral-gastroenteritis/symptoms-causes/syc-20378847
I hate getting norovirus. I caught a daycare variant last year that was so bad that I thought that I might for real die. It was awful.
Absolutely. I got it once from contaminated chicken and I thought literally I was gonna die too. Oh boy no thanks.

"You may hear norovirus illness be called “food poisoning,” “stomach flu,” or “stomach bug.” Noroviruses are the leading cause of foodborne illness, but other germs and chemicals can also cause foodborne illness.
Norovirus illness is not related to the flu, which is caused by influenza virus."

see: https://www.cdc.gov/norovirus/index.html
Many Americans have spent 2 years in comparatively more antiseptic conditions than before. So immune systems can lose some of their sensitivity to, some of their recognition of, common germs. Many have spent so much time avoiding all germs (because covid preventative measures affected other germs too) that our immune systems are desensitized to many common ones.

Covid vaxs boosted our immune systems for...wait for it...covid :D but we avoided exposure to others with the other safety measures.

Normal contact will restore normal recognition again. But...we'll still get sick too, if we're predisposed. Like before.
Yes. its complicated.

Covid vaccines have nothing to do with noroviruses or other "stomach bugs". Covid vaccines can not prevent gastroenteritis. Covid vaccines help fight covid virus effects which might include fever, muscle aches and stomach muscle pain but they won't provide immunity to gastroenteritis or influenza or other viruses or fungal or bacterial contamination in food or allergic reactions (intolerance) or reactions to toxic chemicals {pesticide for example) in food.

Unfortnately If you eat out you will eventually get gastroenteritis. The amount of people who touch, breath, sneeze on your food makes that inevitable.

The point is you are right as wel . Not having been exposed to a lot of shit once we go outside we are again. So we are not used to it. It might be we have no immunities built up to certain things and/or a mix of psychological reactions we are not used to that come with the symptoms of stomach upset when they come again which are real and some call pain threshold-we can bring in virusesto our home or bodies by breathing in other people's sneezes or breath, or touching and then transporting through our dirty hands and clothes or what is on our hair and skin from having gone back out to the sources of these viruses of fungi or bacteria. (remember bacteria and fungus are different then viruses so you can take medications for them that can give you "immunity" but only for a certain time period never permanently, with viruses as well, vaccines fade in time in terms of helping you deal with the symptoms of the virus)

I wonder sometimes though. Some people naturally eat shit and never get sick, others get real sick. It may be sometimes some of us do have better resistance to viruses (certain natural immunities to specific viruses they developed) but sometimes its simply the difference in how each one of us is in terms of how we maintain certain bacteria in our stomach.

Studies have shown people living in underdeveloped overcrowded "slums" with toxic sewage in the water all around them have children who swim in this shit and are able to resist say e coli bacteria-whereas you and I exposed to what they are could even die. Then again the no.1 reason children die is gastroenteritis-they can't fight off the virus or bacteria or fungal infection that is in their stomach and causes them to dehydrate.

Cleanliness, including access to clean water is the key to prevention. Clean water we take that for granted in the first world.
Correction. It is stomach COVID. There is no money in Stomach FLU!

Let's all keep talking this up so we have a new psychosis to keep the public in fear.

Being cautious about not wanting to be "badly sick" is not being fearful.

Although why someone doesn't "fear" a virus that keeps you on the toilet for a couple days makes me wonder what kind of masochist you are. Does it actually calm you knowing it will probably will give you diarrhea for days?
Being cautious about not wanting to be "badly sick" is not being fearful.

Although why someone doesn't "fear" a virus that keeps you on the toilet for a couple days makes me wonder what kind of masochist you are. Does it actually calm you knowing it will probably will give you diarrhea for days?
Umm, the earth has viruses and we are all gonna die. Maybe I should put this post under “Breaking News”?
Go for it.
It seems to be a big revelation to you that bad things happen and people get sick.

But, this stomach FLU thing is gonna go away fast and this thread will die. There is no interest among your leaders in the FLU. All they want is Covid fear. Call it the stomach COVID and you have a winner.
It seems to be a big revelation to you that bad things happen and people get sick.

But, this stomach FLU thing is gonna go away fast and this thread will die. There is no interest among your leaders in the FLU. All they want is Covid fear. Call it the stomach COVID and you have a winner.

When norovirus kills over 1 million people in two years then maybe you can provide a better comparison. Nobody wants covid fear, they just want people to understand a very contagious Coronavirus is not something to take lightly. You yourself even claimed to be "badly sick" with Covid to the point you ended up in the ER. Perhaps if you just took things a little more seriously, instead of acting like they are just trying to scare you, you might not have ended up with an ER bill.

And regarding "fear" that is hilarious coming from someone whose leaders get butthurt over a Mr. Potato head or an M&M.
When norovirus kills over 1 million people in two years then maybe you can provide a better comparison. Nobody wants covid fear, they just want people to understand a very contagious Coronavirus is not something to take lightly. You yourself even claimed to be "badly sick" with Covid to the point you ended up in the ER. Perhaps if you just took things a little more seriously, instead of acting like they are just trying to scare you, you might not have ended up with an ER bill.

And regarding "fear" that is hilarious coming from someone whose leaders get butthurt over a Mr. Potato head or an M&M.
It wasn’t until 2022 I got Covid and all the while I disdained mask. many people who wore masks regularly got Covid. Therefore masks are useless. Most likely I got it from some masked up snowflake
It wasn’t until 2022 I got Covid and all the while I disdained mask. many people who wore masks regularly got Covid. Therefore masks are useless. Most likely I got it from some masked up snowflake

It's funny you think you know better than infectious disease experts - but you could have been "less" sick instead of "badly" sick instead of disdaining masks and thinking you know better. I guess being a know it all is worth the extra sickness and a huge ER bill. 🤷‍♀️ Of course you will ignore that reality but whatever, I wasn't the one getting a large bill and being sick for almost a month.
I hate getting norovirus. I caught a daycare variant last year that was so bad that I thought that I might for real die. It was awful.

Altho they didnt appeal to me much before, it's a major reason I'm not going on any cruises. I cannot stand that virus.
Altho they didnt appeal to me much before, it's a major reason I'm not going on any cruises. I cannot stand that virus.
Being parents, we get it about once a year now. We have been lucky enough to catch it on different days so far. It is incapacitating.

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