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Court Rules IBM Does Not Have To Face Nazi Charges (1 Viewer)


Apr 29, 2005
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Note that IBM does not have to face the charges not because they aren't true but because they're 'old'. Which means that if Hitler would have escaped Germany at the end of world war two and been captured 40 years later he too would have been off the hook?

A HELVETIAN (Swiss) Court has ruled that IBM does not have to face charges that it helped the Nazis exterminate millions of people.
The lawsuit, bought against it by a Roma group, claimed the US technology giant developed Hollerith punch-card machines to help the Nazis boost the efficiency of their genocide.
According to AFX, the court has decided that the case was subject to the statute of limitations, far too elderly and let Big Blue walk free.

IBM has said that the case is groundless, saying that its German subsidiary was nationalised by the Nazis and that the parent company was in no way responsible for the way its punch-card machines were used.

However GIRCA maintains that IBM continued to deal with its customers despite the takeover. At no time did the court clear Big Blue, it just said the case was too old to hear.

The Gypsy International Recognition and Compensation Action (GIRCA) has said it will ask Geneva's appeals court to overturn the ruling.

enjoy your nazi made ipods kids
NO they don't have to face Nazi Charges and that's a good thing. They sell the products to a Nazi Germany, before the War took place.. how would they know that their products were to be used in that way. It helped? Not exactly, Germany could have easily found another company to make these punch-cards for them.. it's not like IBM was the only ones who could make them.
The connection that you see between Adolf Hitler and IBM is terrible. Yes, if IBM gave the orders to begin genocide, then they should have the same fate as the rest of the Nazis. But the fact is THEY didn't kill anyone (that I know of).

Hahah IBM made I-Pods, no such thing.
um no they was working with them well in to the war just like prescott bush
is was not cards like we use to day it was teh bar code tag on the arms of the jews and the computer would tell the nazi when that person should die it told them who to keep alive and who to send to the gas chamber dont put some bs as if they did not know what they were doing they made the program like i said engoy you nazi ipods kids
[Now that IBM are] publicly free of the PC division IBM will either buy, or form a close joint venture with Apple to sell its PCs, which coincidentally are now built around IBM's PowerPC chip. Selling its PC Division would also pave the way for such an IBM move to be approved by the FTC.
You have no sources to back up your argument. Ipod is Apple, not IBM you need to look in the present not the future. The future is impossible to predict all you're going to do is make yourself look stupid.

Tell me, which offense/charge of the Nuremberg Trials would you charge them under? They supplied the tools, though they were used as tools of war, they're still tools.. Don't blame IBM, they want a profit.
biblemark1018 said:
[Now that IBM are] publicly free of the PC division IBM will either buy, or form a close joint venture with Apple to sell its PCs, which coincidentally are now built around IBM's PowerPC chip. Selling its PC Division would also pave the way for such an IBM move to be approved by the FTC.

Yet again, you've managed to lower the level of discourse to unfounded accusations and rambling theories.

Unless I'm not understanding you, (a very real possibility), you're claiming that IBM is going to purchase apple to better sell PC's, despite the fact that neither company uses the same technology. Wow. Did you get your MBA at Wharton or Stern?

You're also claiming that because a branch of IBM was nationalized by the Nazis, they're responsible for war atrocities. Hmmmm. Despite your obvious ignorance of history in general, WWII history in particular, I have to ask: Is BMW responsible for war atrocities?
You bring up a good point there NYU,

If IBM should be charged then ALL the car companies who built tanks and warplanes should be charged as well? Or did IBM sell you something that you didn't like and refused to listen to your complaints.

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