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Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Docu.. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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These anti-2nd amendment loons are so dishonest they would probably tell people that owning guns makings you gay if it wouldn't piss off the LGBT groups they pander to.

Katie Couric Apologizes for ‘Misleading’ Gun Documentary

Katie Couric has apologized for the “Under the Gun” documentary that aired on EPIX, saying she regrets the editing process that was “misleading.”


Couric had originally expressed support of Soechtig, saying, “I am very proud of the film.”
When the criticism first surfaced, Soechtig issued a statement saying, “There are a wide range of views expressed in the film. My intention was to provide a pause for the viewer to have a moment to consider this important question before presenting the facts on Americans’ opinions on background checks. I never intended to make anyone look bad and I apologize if anyone felt that way.”
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

I have never run across a cause that is more dishonest than the anti gun agenda. They are the epitome of a "By any means necessary" cabal.
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

I have never run across a cause that is more dishonest than the anti gun agenda. They are the epitome of a "By any means necessary" cabal.

Most of the avid Bannerrhoids only pretend that crime control is their motivation for wanting to restrict our rights
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

If playing loose with the facts could move forward positive change that could possibly save some lives, would you do it?

The gun lobby doesn't fight fair, why should anti gun violence advocates?
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

If playing loose with the facts could move forward positive change that could possibly save some lives, would you do it?

The gun lobby doesn't fight fair, why should anti gun violence advocates?

How does the gun lobby not fight fair?
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

How does the gun lobby not fight fair?

By asking firearm Prohibitionists to follow the intent of the 2nd and 4th Amendments.
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

If playing loose with the facts could move forward positive change that could possibly save some lives, would you do it?

The gun lobby doesn't fight fair, why should anti gun violence advocates?

No. Two wrongs don't make a right, and lying about the facts serves only to lower your own argument in value.

If I can't find enough truth that supports my side of an argument, I don't make up falsehoods to prop it up.
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

If playing loose with the facts could move forward positive change that could possibly save some lives, would you do it?

If you have to lie about your agenda to further it, that should be your first proof that it isn't "positive change".
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

If you have to lie about your agenda to further it, that should be your first proof that it isn't "positive change".

Would you tell a lie if it would save the lives of children? I would.

It is obvious that no amount of tragedies will get people to wake up and demand action. Playing a little loose with facts and trying to spook people is justified if it can save people's lives.
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

Would you tell a lie if it would save the lives of children? I would.

It is obvious that no amount of tragedies will get people to wake up and demand action. Playing a little loose with facts and trying to spook people is justified if it can save people's lives.

you want action that won't do squat to stop massacres. What you really want is to use tragedies in order to fuel oppression of people who generally don't buy into your collectivist nonsense.
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

I believe the question was something like, "if there are no background checks, how do we keep terrorist and felons from buying firearms?" Then there was 9 seconds of silence. Correct?
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

It is obvious that no amount of tragedies will get people to wake up and demand action. Playing a little loose with facts and trying to spook people is justified if it can save people's lives.

Bull****. If you are willing to lie to the people to further your agenda, it is clear that you consider yourself superior to the people. It is a profound violation of the democratic principles you claim to uphold.

Point blank, if you lie to the American people in order to further your political agenda, you are scum. No ifs, ands, or buts. Scum.
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

Bull****. If you are willing to lie to the people to further your agenda, it is clear that you consider yourself superior to the people. It is a profound violation of the democratic principles you claim to uphold.

Point blank, if you lie to the American people in order to further your political agenda, you are scum. No ifs, ands, or buts. Scum.

True leadership is doing what is right when it's not popular.

Take the affordable care act for instance. Obama knew that people weren't going to get to keep their doctor or that costs wouldn't go down in our capitalist health care system. But if it were not for the skullduggery of presenting the ACA as such, many people today would not have insurance and might not have access to their chemotherapy or other life-saving treatments. Lying to a bunch of knuckle-dragging yahoos was worth it to save lives.

If a little slyness is what it takes to get to the Australia route of dealing with mass shootings then I say go for it.
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

True leadership is doing what is right when it's not popular.

Take the affordable care act for instance. Obama knew that people weren't going to get to keep their doctor or that costs wouldn't go down in our capitalist health care system. But if it were not for the skullduggery of presenting the ACA as such, many people today would not have insurance and might not have access to their chemotherapy or other life-saving treatments. Lying to a bunch of knuckle-dragging yahoos was worth it to save lives.

If a little slyness is what it takes to get to the Australia route of dealing with mass shootings then I say go for it.

you should go around demanding people turn their guns in if you are so keen that it happens

and trying to compare Bannerrhoid schemes with Obamacare isn't a really good argument given what a disaster Obamacare is becoming
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

If a little slyness is what it takes to get to the Australia route of dealing with mass shootings then I say go for it.

At least you're honest about what you are.
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

True leadership is doing what is right when it's not popular.

Take the affordable care act for instance. Obama knew that people weren't going to get to keep their doctor or that costs wouldn't go down in our capitalist health care system. But if it were not for the skullduggery of presenting the ACA as such, many people today would not have insurance and might not have access to their chemotherapy or other life-saving treatments. Lying to a bunch of knuckle-dragging yahoos was worth it to save lives.

If a little slyness is what it takes to get to the Australia route of dealing with mass shootings then I say go for it.

Millions today still don't have insurance.
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

At least you're honest about what you are.

A person who believes lives are more important than being straight with the electorate and our "kawnstitution"? Guilty as charged.
Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

I believe the question was something like, "if there are no background checks, how do we keep terrorist and felons from buying firearms?" Then there was 9 seconds of silence. Correct?
Here is the scene in question.

Re: Couric offers a I'm only sorry because I got caught apology for misleading gun Do

A person who believes lives are more important than being straight with the electorate and our "kawnstitution"? Guilty as charged.

Good to know people lives are just pawns to you, when it comes to removing rights.

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