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Country Stars Blast President Bush (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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Political Leaning
Well well...

Is nothing sacred? Is there any segment of the population that President Bush has not managed to anger or offend?



March 8, 2006 — Faith Hill and Tim McGraw — two stars who usually stay out of politics — blasted the Hurricane Katrina cleanup effort, with Hill calling the slow progress in Louisiana and Mississippi "embarrassing" and "humiliating."

The country music artists — who are natives of the storm-ravaged states — were at times close to tears, and clearly angry when the subject of Katrina came up during a news conference today. They had met with reporters in Nashville to promote their upcoming Soul2Soul II Tour, but when asked about the hurricane cleanup, the stars pulled no punches.

"To me, there's a lot of politics being played and a lot of people trying to put people in bad positions in order to further their agendas," McGraw, a 38-year-old native of Delhi, La., said after ABC News Radio's Dan Gordon asked about Katrina.

"When you have people dying because they're poor and black or poor and white, or because of whatever they are — if that's a number on a political scale — then that is the most wrong thing. That erases everything that's great about our country."

McGraw specifically criticized President Bush. "There's no reason why someone can't go down there who's supposed to be the leader of the free world … and say, 'I'm giving you a job to do and I'm not leaving here until it's done. And you're held accountable, and you're held accountable, and you're held accountable.

"'This is what I've given you to do, and if it's not done by the time I get back on my plane, then you're fired and someone else will be in your place. '"

Hill: 'I Fear for Our Country'

The president had actually spent the day in New Orleans, getting a close-up look at boarded-up buildings and mountains of debris, noting that the city still suffers "pain and agony."

Along the president's route, some frustrated residents held up signs in protest, one asking "Where's my government?" and another telling the president to "cut the red tape and help us"

Hill, who grew up in Jackson, Miss., echoed those sentiments. So overwhelmed, she uncharacteristically unleashed an epithet, calling the situation, "Bull- - - -"

"It is a huge, huge problem and it's embarrassing," she said.

"I fear for our country if we can't handle our people [during] a natural disaster. And I can't stand to see it. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out point A to point B. . . . And they can't even skip from point A to point B.

"It's just screwed up."
And I care what they think why? Because they are put up on a pedistal and given a bloated paycheck, I AM SUPPOSED TO RESPECT THEIR OPINION? :confused:
stsburns said:
And I care what they think why? Because they are put up on a pedistal and given a bloated paycheck, I AM SUPPOSED TO RESPECT THEIR OPINION? :confused:

And just because they are put on a pedestal and receive a bloated paycheck that they are to remain silent? Without opinion or stance? Give them a break will ya?

They probably value and respect your opinion very much.
KidRocks said:
And just because they are put on a pedestal and receive a bloated paycheck that they are to remain silent? Without opinion or stance? Give them a break will ya?

They probably value and respect your opinion very much.
I didn't say that! I don't have a problem with them having an opinion, I just don't like it when the media exploits them to support a cause, no matter the politics! and they don't know me so I don't give an "F!"
stsburns said:
I didn't say that! I don't have a problem with them having an opinion, I just don't like it when the media exploits them to support a cause, no matter the politics! and they don't know me so I don't give an "F!"

So am I to assume that you are of the ilk that hates the "media"? That hates 'Freedom of Speech"?
KidRocks said:
So am I to assume that you are of the ilk that hates the "media"? That hates 'Freedom of Speech"?
I do dislike the media! You read me right! I do not have much of a problem the freedom of speech, but its use?

hollywood is overwhelmingly liberal.........:shock:
Although McGraw and Hill maintain a home in Los Angeles, their main residence is Nashville, TN. But then, I guess Nashville just doesn't have that 'liberal' ring to it.;)

Yes, they say they are Democrats. Just thought I'd beat you to it..LOL :lol:

He even has some thoughts on running for office.

Radio Gossip Source
KidRocks said:
Well well...

Is nothing sacred? Is there any segment of the population that President Bush has not managed to anger or offend?


The more correct question is whether there are more people in the entertainment sector who want to embarass themselves with more dumb comments like these.
KidRocks said:
And just because they are put on a pedestal and receive a bloated paycheck that they are to remain silent? Without opinion or stance? Give them a break will ya?

Is this the start of your 1st Amendment defense of dumb speech?

They probably value and respect your opinion very much.

The could probably care less about you or what you think.
Wow. Since I like both of them, I am happy to hear them criticize the pres since he deserves it in this circumstance.

What bugs me is that multiple stars, who make billions and billions, donated $$ when September 11th occurred. That day, Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts announced that they were donating $ 1 Million and maybe 2 Million. I wanted to see similar donations occur after Katrina. I didn't see that, but did I miss something?
What bugs me is that multiple stars, who make billions and billions, donated $$ when September 11th occurred. That day, Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts announced that they were donating $ 1 Million and maybe 2 Million. I wanted to see similar donations occur after Katrina. I didn't see that, but did I miss something?

Assuming that they did not make similar donations after Katrina - I have no idea whether they did or didn't - why on earth does that 'bug' you?
Well, well...looks like the Dixie Chicks were ahead of their time, doesn't it? LOL
Interesting. If country music stars start turning on the polictical powers that be then expect fans to start following their lead. Unfortunately that is the way it works in America. Get music or movie star involved and everyone starts to listen, even the news makers.
oldreliable67 said:
Assuming that they did not make similar donations after Katrina - I have no idea whether they did or didn't - why on earth does that 'bug' you?

Because they have more money than they will ever need. Look at Bill Gates. He will most likely eradicate polio during his lifetime. He still lives a great life, but gives back where it is needed.
Hoot said:
Well, well...looks like the Dixie Chicks were ahead of their time, doesn't it? LOL

The Dixie who?

Seriously I live in a rural area. My two radio station choices are country or country/Rush Limbaugh et el mix. For some reason a couple years ago the Chicks seemingly disappeared from the face of the earth. No more "Good-bye Earl."

Wonder if Tim and Faith will suffer in kind?
Someone exercises their right to free speech and Kidrocks wants us to think it's news worthy. Let him have his fun. Without party direction or a viable candidate, it's all he's got.
Pacridge said:
The Dixie who?

Seriously I live in a rural area. My two radio station choices are country or country/Rush Limbaugh et el mix. For some reason a couple years ago the Chicks seemingly disappeared from the face of the earth. No more "Good-bye Earl."

Wonder if Tim and Faith will suffer in kind?

Well, just like the Chixie Dick's, they might lose their Nascar mom's for sure. But really, how many records can someone living in a delapidated trailer house afford anyways?:mrgreen:

Poor President Bush. At least he's still got Toby Keith.
Originally posted by KCConservative:
Someone exercises their right to free speech and Kidrocks wants us to think it's news worthy. Let him have his fun. Without party direction or a viable candidate, it's all he's got.
The honeymoon is over between Bush and the GOP. The party members that are up for re-election are breaking ranks to try and keep their seats. Why? You don't put distance between you and someone who is doing well. Therefore, it is completely logical to assume Bush has warn out his "welcome mat" with his own neocon constituents. Which, incidentally, won't save the neocon agenda. You folks are going down the tubes politically. Everyone has seen your "whole card", everyone knows their is only two things the neocon's excel at, 1) Intolerance and 2) Arrogance.

And now this country has had enough. Your party is as popular as Hitler at a barmitzva.
Horse ****. More scapegoating.

They have been given federal funding. Seems to me that New Orleans and Louisiana are more concerned with Mardi Gras than cleaning up their little city. The President of the United States cannot infringe upon private businesses and contracts of corporate organizations that are involved with the cleanup.

It's really funny how people like to drag the President through the mud with regards to their "failing" and "destroyed" civil rights (enter pathetic whimper here), then they drag the President through that same mud for not infringing on civil rights in New Orleans.

This would be the true test to tell whether or not you are a partisan political slave or a true liberal.
Billo_Really said:
The honeymoon is over between Bush and the GOP. The party members that are up for re-election are breaking ranks to try and keep their seats. Why? You don't put distance between you and someone who is doing well. Therefore, it is completely logical to assume Bush has warn out his "welcome mat" with his own neocon constituents. Which, incidentally, won't save the neocon agenda. You folks are going down the tubes politically. Everyone has seen your "whole card", everyone knows their is only two things the neocon's excel at, 1) Intolerance and 2) Arrogance.

And now this country has had enough. Your party is as popular as Hitler at a barmitzva.

Political slavery. This would be a good example.
Originally posted by GySgt:
Horse ****. More scapegoating.

They have been given federal funding. Seems to me that New Orleans and Louisiana are more concerned with Mardi Gras than cleaning up their little city. The President of the United States cannot infringe upon private businesses and contracts of corporate organizations that are involved with the cleanup.

It's really funny how people like to drag the President through the mud with regards to their "failing" and "destroyed" civil rights (enter pathetic whimper here), then they drag the President through that same mud for not infringing on civil rights in New Orleans.

This would be the true test to tell whether or not you are a partisan political slave or a true liberal.
What's wrong with Mardi Gras?
Originally posted by GySgt:
Political slavery. This would be a good example.
"Political slavery" is for people with weak minds and no balls.
Billo_Really said:
The honeymoon is over between Bush and the GOP. The party members that are up for re-election are breaking ranks to try and keep their seats. Why? You don't put distance between you and someone who is doing well. Therefore, it is completely logical to assume Bush has warn out his "welcome mat" with his own neocon constituents. Which, incidentally, won't save the neocon agenda. You folks are going down the tubes politically. Everyone has seen your "whole card", everyone knows their is only two things the neocon's excel at, 1) Intolerance and 2) Arrogance.

And now this country has had enough. Your party is as popular as Hitler at a barmitzva.

Crap. What if you're right? Bush doesn't stand a chance at reelection. :roll:
Hey, how is the impeachment thing coming along? Will he be charged with those high crimes: intolerance and arrogance? :lol: Again with the Hitler remarks. Straight from the Michael Moore webpage.
Billo_Really said:
What's wrong with Mardi Gras?

Nothing, so long as your people aren't jobless and living in shacks and government bought hotel rooms as you throw the party.

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