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Coulson denies fresh phone hacking claims (1 Viewer)

Infinite Chaos

DP Veteran
Oct 28, 2007
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Downing Street communications chief Andy Coulson has told the Metropolitan Police he is happy to meet them voluntarily about phone-hacking claims.

Former News of the World reporter Sean Hoare has alleged former editor Mr Coulson asked him to hack into phones, a claim Mr Coulson denies.


The News of the World's royal editor, Clive Goodman, was jailed for conspiracy to access phone messages in 2007, along with private investigator Glenn Mulcaire, but the paper insists it was an isolated case.

While critical of the conduct of the News of the World's journalists, the House of Commons Culture and Media Committee found no evidence that Mr Coulson either approved phone-hacking by his paper, or was aware it was taking place.

In 2009, the Metropolitan Police chose not to launch an investigation following the Guardian's claims that News of the World journalists were involved in widespread phone hacking of several thousand celebrities, sports stars and politicians.

Mr Coulson came under fresh pressure last week after former journalists told the New York Times that the practice of phone hacking was far more extensive than the newspaper acknowledged at the time.
BBC News

Number 10 have been desperate to try and quieten the whole issue of hacking MP and TV personality phones for a while now but fresh claims keep coming.

Seems like whoever gets into number 10 (despite promises of a clean sweep) old habits and sleaze are never far away. I remember the dissapointment first setting in with Blair when he agreed the Millenium Dome, followed by many other events including Gordon Brown's raid on pensions in 1999.

Will politics never change?
Who cares? The EU has given itself provision to do more than that, as well as the intrusions into privacy thanks to the anti-terrorism bills.

So if some newspaper does the same to bring us the latest scoop on some non-entity pop-singer, or which soap star has a gay lovechild this week, I'm sure such extra battering won't bring the walls of Jericho crashing down.

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