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Couldn't make it up if I tried (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 16, 2012
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Tucson, AZ
Political Leaning
Muskegon River tubing trip turns into overnight nightmare for three women | MLive.com

The women, all in their 20s, had never been tubing before and decided it would be a fun thing to do, Grabinski said. So they bought some tubes and headed to the popular launch site at the Maple Island Road bridge, Grabinski said.

"They were informed by somebody at the bridge that the river goes in a circle and if they put in there they would come back to their car," he said. "Not knowing anything, they set off on their little adventure."

How does one make it into their 20's without knowing how a river works?
I dunno, but I noted that no one reported them missing.

Yes, the fire chief's remarks told the story--either know the river or take somebody with you who does, and tell somebody where you're going and the time of your estimated return.

I'm amazed that none of these three women took her cell phone on this adventure.

But I'm with Luther--how did none of them know how a river works?

(And who was the meanie who told them that the river was circular and that they'd end up back at their car?)
Yes, the fire chief's remarks told the story--either know the river or take somebody with you who does, and tell somebody where you're going and the time of your estimated return.

I'm amazed that none of these three women took her cell phone on this adventure.

But I'm with Luther--how did none of them know how a river works?

(And who was the meanie who told them that the river was circular and that they'd end up back at their car?)

I don't know how anyone would reach such an age and not understand that water flows downhill. Maybe they've never seen a sink or thought about where the water goes. Waaaay back when I taught elementary school in the inner city, the children believed food was produced in the back of Kroger stores. I corrected that little misconception, but I can easily imagine them reaching adulthood and still believing that if nobody bothered to correct them.
"They were informed by somebody at the bridge that the river goes in a circle and if they put in there they would come back to their car," he said. "Not knowing anything, they set off on their little adventure."

And they believed it! :lamo

God only knows what else they fall for! I don't think I want to know about their personal lives ...

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