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???Could or Should A Woman Become President??? (1 Viewer)

Who will become president first?

  • Black Man

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Black Women

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  • Black/White(Mix Person) Man

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Black/White(Mix Person) Women

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • White Women

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • Other(Beside White Male)

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina
Political Leaning
In 2008 or 2012 could Hillary Clinton or Condoleezza Rice become president. Or could or should a woman be president? Please Give Reasons

P.S. Because Im Going To Use This As A Source On A Research Project.
Yes, a woman could be president. When you ask "should" I am not sure what is being asked. Do you mean that they would be better than men? Possibly. I think that they should have the opportunity. I don't think that they would be better or worse than men.

I, however, don't think a woman will be president anytime soon. I think we will see a black man be president first. Women don't vote for women. Men don't vote for women. It would take a special woman to overcome the stereotypes to get elected. A serious woman will be perceived as a bitch. A friendly woman will be perceived as "soft". It would take a delicate balance to get enough people to support her. I myself would vote for a woman as I am tired of rich old white men screwing the country. I would at least like to give someone else a chance.
Of course a woman could become president. Lots of other liberal democracies have had female presidents, and even some very sexist societies like India and Pakistan have had female presidents. So why WOULDN'T a woman be able to become president here?

Frankly I think it's highly unlikely that anyone other than Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination in 2008, and she has a better than 50-50 chance of beating her Republican opponent in the general election.
Kandahar said:
Of course a woman could become president. Lots of other liberal democracies have had female presidents, and even some very sexist societies like India and Pakistan have had female presidents. So why WOULDN'T a woman be able to become president here?

Frankly I think it's highly unlikely that anyone other than Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination in 2008, and she has a better than 50-50 chance of beating her Republican opponent in the general election.

Yay!!!! Hillary 08!!!

Hope that answers your (not yours Kandahar...are you from Kandahar?)question. A woman president has the possibility of being just as bad or just as good as a male. It's the individual that matters, not the gender.
In 2008 or 2012 could Hillary Clinton or Condoleezza Rice become president.

Could they become President? Yes. Will they? Absolutely not. First of all a woman would never get elected while in the midst of a military campaign, especially one as substantial as the War On Terror. Secondly, they would get annihilated in the South for obvious reasons.

Furthermore, Hillary is entirely too Liberal to have a serious chance of getting elected. Her policy on the Second Amendment and abortion would basically lose her the South and a great majority of midwestern, working class, Christians.

Lastly, Condi hasn't the slightest chance in Hell of becoming the President. Simply because there is way too much baggage left over from her soon to be previous administration. Any opponent would have endless amounts of cannon fodder to tear Condi into pieces. But then again Liberals are famous for running campaigns that bring ineptitude to new levels, so you never know.

Or could or should a woman be president? Please Give Reasons

Why not? As long as her policies were in line with mine and she seemed resolute and sincere in her beliefs I would vote for her.
Ethereal said:
Could they become President? Yes. Will they? Absolutely not. First of all a woman would never get elected while in the midst of a military campaign, especially one as substantial as the War On Terror. Secondly, they would get annihilated in the South for obvious reasons.

Furthermore, Hillary is entirely too Liberal to have a serious chance of getting elected. Her policy on the Second Amendment and abortion would basically lose her the South and a great majority of midwestern, working class, Christians.

Lastly, Condi hasn't the slightest chance in Hell of becoming the President. Simply because there is way too much baggage left over from her soon to be previous administration. Any opponent would have endless amounts of cannon fodder to tear Condi into pieces. But then again Liberals are famous for running campaigns that bring ineptitude to new levels, so you never know.

Why not? As long as her policies were in line with mine and she seemed resolute and sincere in her beliefs I would vote for her.

If Pakistan can elect a female PM, I have hope for the South.

I don't think Condi has a chance because she's never been elected for public office.

And Bill won. Twice. Obviously his abortion stance didn't hurt him too much.
Kelzie said:
If Pakistan can elect a female PM, I have hope for the South.

I don't think Condi has a chance because she's never been elected for public office.

And Bill won. Twice. Obviously his abortion stance didn't hurt him too much.
I don't think the south or certain parts of the midwest would vote for a female candidate.
Why do people talk about Condi? She has already stated that she will not run but looks to teach at Stanford after this term is over.
Do u think a woman would have handle it different on Sept. 11, 2001? How about the war on War On Terror or even the CIA leak?
scottyz said:
I don't think the south or certain parts of the midwest would vote for a female candidate.
Then I am here to open your eyes. Yes, the south will vote for a woman. The South already has it's share of women in power. Ideology counts before sex. Or race, for that matter. Miz Rice would beat any Democrat in a general election down here. If you or anyone sees the South as an impediment to a successful campaign by a woman, that would seem to be more from the belief in a stereotype and not reality.

Now as for Hillary, a snowball has better odds on the devil's kitchen table.:rofl
I'm hoping that if there is, it isn't Hillary.

If there qualified for the job then I don't see any reason why not.

I can't think of any outright reason why a woman should or shouldn't be president because of her sex.

Although the thought of my president giving someone a hummer as the red phone rings I find a bit disturbing...LOL

And global crisisis only allowed 3 weeks a month for your own protection

galenrox said:
It's funny cause the only person I know who said s/he wouldn't vote for a woman president under any circumstances was a girl who went to an all girl's school for a while. She said she knew how crazy women are, and isn't in denial about it, and thus she couldn't put one of them in charge.

My GF says the same thing. Woman are emotional, and emotions can be a dangerous thing. Specialy if those emotions are turned up a couple days a week.

Not like a woman becomes president its peace and love time. I believe almost every woman that has led a major nation has led that nation into war. Course I could be wrong, I read that someplace a long time ago
Calm2Chaos said:
My GF says the same thing. Woman are emotional, and emotions can be a dangerous thing. Specialy if those emotions are turned up a couple days a week.

Not like a woman becomes president its peace and love time. I believe almost every woman that has led a major nation has led that nation into war. Course I could be wrong, I read that someplace a long time ago

I don't think Benazir led Pakistan into the war. At least not both times she was PM.

Not all women are emotional. Some men are emotional. Stereotypes suck. And realistically, the type of women that is able to get to that position of power is probably not going to be one ruled by emotions.
hiker said:
Then I am here to open your eyes. Yes, the south will vote for a woman. The South already has it's share of women in power. Ideology counts before sex. Or race, for that matter. Miz Rice would beat any Democrat in a general election down here. If you or anyone sees the South as an impediment to a successful campaign by a woman, that would seem to be more from the belief in a stereotype and not reality.

Now as for Hillary, a snowball has better odds on the devil's kitchen table.:rofl
I don't think they would vote for Rice either.
Kelzie said:
Not all women are emotional. Some men are emotional. Stereotypes suck. And realistically, the type of women that is able to get to that position of power is probably not going to be one ruled by emotions.
The rumours are that Bush is pretty emotional and always going into angry fits.
Kelzie said:
I don't think Benazir led Pakistan into the war. At least not both times she was PM.

Not all women are emotional. Some men are emotional. Stereotypes suck. And realistically, the type of women that is able to get to that position of power is probably not going to be one ruled by emotions.

What do you mean "PM"? If you mean "PMS" :hammer: if that's the case women should not be allowed to be president if "PMS" gets in the way. And i know they'll be 35 but they still can get pregnant. If that happens then the topic about abortion will be brougth up again and that's not what we need to be thinking about in a president. We don't need to have a president to be an emotional wreck and get all weepy eyed just because somebody says something to her. She needs to be focused at all time and a crying baby is a major problem when she is trying to address the nation.:lol:
Kelzie said:
I don't think Benazir led Pakistan into the war. At least not both times she was PM.

Not all women are emotional. Some men are emotional. Stereotypes suck. And realistically, the type of women that is able to get to that position of power is probably not going to be one ruled by emotions.

It's not a sterotype its the truth, woman as a whole are emotional beings. Because a few aren't is no reason to automaticaly slap the fix all sterotype lable on it.
Loxd4 said:
What do you mean "PM"? If you mean "PMS" :hammer: if that's the case women should not be allowed to be president if "PMS" gets in the way. And i know they'll be 35 but they still can get pregnant. If that happens then the topic about abortion will be brougth up again and that's not what we need to be thinking about in a president. We don't need to have a president to be an emotional wreck and get all weepy eyed just because somebody says something to her. She needs to be focused at all time and a crying baby is a major problem when she is trying to address the nation.:lol:

PM=Prime Minister. Kinda like Pres.=President.

I'll let you insert your foot into your mouth.
:2wave: Just kidding about whole "PMS" thing. :3oops: i was only trying to make you laugh and think. :2wave:
Loxd4 said:
What do you mean "PM"? If you mean "PMS" :hammer: if that's the case women should not be allowed to be president if "PMS" gets in the way. And i know they'll be 35 but they still can get pregnant. If that happens then the topic about abortion will be brougth up again and that's not what we need to be thinking about in a president. We don't need to have a president to be an emotional wreck and get all weepy eyed just because somebody says something to her. She needs to be focused at all time and a crying baby is a major problem when she is trying to address the nation.:lol:

PM - Prime Minister maybe.. What ya think?...LOL
Calm2Chaos said:
It's not a sterotype its the truth, woman as a whole are emotional beings. Because a few aren't is no reason to automaticaly slap the fix all sterotype lable on it.

I really don't believe this at all. My seven year-old sister is emotional. Then again, so is my 9 year-old brother.

"Emotional" is just a term that society has tagged on women and expect them to live up to it. None of the girls in my class have started crying. Or yelling. Or verbally attacking others. Yet several of the guys have. But I am not about to tack the label emotional on them.

Prove that women are emotional. With science.

Here's some of my proof:

"It is incorrect to make a blanket statement that women are more emotional than men," she says. "It is correct to say that women show their emotions more than men."

-American Psychological Association's Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

"Men and women do not differ dramatically in their immediate reports of emotional experience, even in contexts that are differentially relevant for men
and women (control vs. intimacy). This finding raises the possibility that
women’s `greater emotionality’ is a culturally constructed idea, based on
observed differences in emotional expression-differences which are
socialised from a very early age."

1998 Study on Cognition and Emotion
Last edited:
Loxd4 said:
:2wave: Just kidding about whole "PMS" thing. :3oops: i was only trying to make you laugh and think. :2wave:

Think about what? That you can generalize an entire gender? Got it.
Kelzie said:
I really don't believe this at all. My seven year-old sister is emotional. Then again, so is my 9 year-old brother.

"Emotional" is just a term that society has tagged on women and expect them to live up to it. None of the girls in my class have started crying. Or yelling. Or verbally attacking others. Yet several of the guys have. But I am not about to tack the label emotional on them.
I think that generally society discourages men from being emotional but encourages women to be emotional. If a man shows his emotions it's taken as a sign of weakness, but that doesn't mean they aren't personally driven by them as much as women.
scottyz said:
I think that generally society discourages men from being emotional but encourages women to be emotional. If a man shows his emotions it's taken as a sign of weakness, but that doesn't mean they aren't personally driven by them as much as women.

I agree completely.
YES i thank a woman should become the leader of the USA y not, is that a problem withe u fellas,what i could see they will do better than the rubbish
what the rest of the Presidents have done for the people,i can trust a woman
more than a man. know probs about that. How many men are in prison.

so yes i will vote for a woman to keep us safe.


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