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Could Dictatorship Come To the US? (1 Viewer)

Could the US become a dictatorship?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 18 62.1%
  • No.

    Votes: 11 37.9%

  • Total voters
Mar 11, 2006
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Given Sandra O'Connor's speech regarding political interference with the judiciary, Bush's violation of the 4th amendment by ordering the eavesdropping on call to and from the US, and the environment that exists in the aftermath of 9/11, could the US descend into a dictatorship based on tyranny and oppression and the constitutional republic which was created to assure freedom destroyed?
ManOfTrueTruth said:
Given Sandra O'Connor's speech regarding political interference with the judiciary, Bush's violation of the 4th amendment by ordering the eavesdropping on call to and from the US, and the environment that exists in the aftermath of 9/11, could the US descend into a dictatorship based on tyranny and oppression and the constitutional republic which was created to assure freedom destroyed?

Yes but not for any of the reasons you listed, they are all keep us FROM becoming a dictatorship. The Judiciary needs to be reigned in from it's dictatorial rulings, the evesdropping is constitutional and necessary and effects your freedom not a twit and the Patriot Act keeps us safe from our enemies who DO want to bring a dictatorship.

The leftest here are more subtle though, by taking away our freedoms by making us more and more dependent on government to take care us they move us ever so closer to a dictatorship.
Stinger said:
Yes but not for any of the reasons you listed, they are all keep us FROM becoming a dictatorship. The Judiciary needs to be reigned in from it's dictatorial rulings, the evesdropping is constitutional and necessary and effects your freedom not a twit and the Patriot Act keeps us safe from our enemies who DO want to bring a dictatorship.

The leftest here are more subtle though, by taking away our freedoms by making us more and more dependent on government to take care us they move us ever so closer to a dictatorship.

I would rather be in danger and free rather in safety and "free." I do share your convictions that government should stay out of our lives and my view is this Patriot Act is a prime example of un-necessary government intrusion. This goes against the idea of keeping government out of our lives.
ManOfTrueTruth said:
I would rather be in danger and free rather in safety and "free." I do share your convictions that government should stay out of our lives and my view is this Patriot Act is a prime example of un-necessary government intrusion. This goes against the idea of keeping government out of our lives.

How is the Patriot Act an unnecessary intrusion?
How can the United States turn into a dictatorship when it already is one. The people of the goverment forgot how to protest, forgot what freedom really feel like...there is no check and balance with the patriot act, so if the goverment what to pass a dumb *** law they can, if they what to run us into the gound(that say they haven't already) they can...patriot act dosen't knok down wall between departments; it destory the check and balances, that our founding father put in place to make shore the goverment would always be for the people...well it not!
ManOfTrueTruth said:
I would rather be in danger and free rather in safety and "free."

Well I prefer to be in safety AND free. And if it means the President using his constitutional authority to listen in of foreign signals intelligence I have no problem at all with it.

I do share your convictions that government should stay out of our lives and my view is this Patriot Act is a prime example of un-necessary government intrusion.

Please be specific, how does the Patriot Act intrude on YOUR freedom? Which exact clauses and how do they do it?

This goes against the idea of keeping government out of our lives.

Do you support the income tax system?
Do you support government schools?
Do you support the efforts to abolish the last census forms?
Stinger said:
Well I prefer to be in safety AND free. And if it means the President using his constitutional authority to listen in of foreign signals intelligence I have no problem at all with it.

Please be specific, how does the Patriot Act intrude on YOUR freedom? Which exact clauses and how do they do it?

Do you support the income tax system?
Do you support government schools?
Do you support the efforts to abolish the last census forms?

Well a wise man once said "Anyone who would trade their freedom for safety deserves neither freedom or safety," and that man was Ben Franklin.

And with you like it or not the patriot act take away some of your rights. Like this whole thing about wire taping is it right or wrong, accorden to the patriot act it right....there gots some freedom
Well a wise man once said "Anyone who would trade their freedom for safety deserves neither freedom or safety," and that man was Ben Franklin.

The "safety" Franklin was referring to in that statement was the safety sought by fence sitters who sought to preserve their hides by not taking on the British Empire. In that regard, Franklin's "safety seekers" were more analogous to today's appeasers.
ManOfTrueTruth said:
Given Sandra O'Connor's speech regarding political interference with the judiciary, Bush's violation of the 4th amendment by ordering the eavesdropping on call to and from the US, and the environment that exists in the aftermath of 9/11, could the US descend into a dictatorship based on tyranny and oppression and the constitutional republic which was created to assure freedom destroyed?

During times of war, some individual liberties must be curtailed.
This is public knowledge, or it should be..

To prevent any possible dictatorship, many more men must vote, must participate in politics, must protest and riot as necessary..
But the 9-11 events have nothing to do with this..
Dictatorship is possible in any human society.

You only need to look at Stanley Milgram's obedience experiments. Morals, values, ideals-- all of these vanish in the face of credible authority.

Put enough of a scare into a man, and he'll shove himself into the ovens for you.
Loxd4 said:
Well a wise man once said "Anyone who would trade their freedom for safety deserves neither freedom or safety," and that man was Ben Franklin.

And those who give up thier safety AND their freedom especially deserve it I guess and that is exactly what the left wants to do. Bush hasn't taken away one nanofreedom of yours, he has acted to prevent others from doing so.

And with you like it or not the patriot act take away some of your rights.

I note you were unable to list any so as it stands your statement is false.

Like this whole thing about wire taping is it right or wrong, accorden to the patriot act it right....there gots some freedom

Presidents have the constitutional authority and the constitutional responsiblity to do EXACTLY what Bush and the NSA have done. The governing bodies have ruled repeatedly that he does. Statements by the Democrats to the contrary are flat out lies.
alphamale said:
How is the Patriot Act an unnecessary intrusion?
It puts the Government into your home in best fascist fashion.

As my dad says, I will rather be a hungry wolf than a fat but chained dog.
ManOfTrueTruth said:
Given Sandra O'Connor's speech regarding political interference with the judiciary, Bush's violation of the 4th amendment by ordering the eavesdropping on call to and from the US, and the environment that exists in the aftermath of 9/11, could the US descend into a dictatorship based on tyranny and oppression and the constitutional republic which was created to assure freedom destroyed?

Why is wiretapping a constitutional violation for liberals but prohibiting me from owning a shoulder mounted SAM heat seeking rocket launcher not a violation of my 2nd amendment rights?

I'll tell you why.

Because, as a late SCOTUS justice (whose name eludes me at the moment)put it: "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."
Originally Posted by alphamale
How is the Patriot Act an unnecessary intrusion?

It puts the Government into your home in best fascist fashion.

Actually, it helps the government hunt down islamofascists. Too bad you can't give a real answer, but that speaks for itself - you've got nothing.
ManOfTrueTruth said:
Given Sandra O'Connor's speech regarding political interference with the judiciary, Bush's violation of the 4th amendment by ordering the eavesdropping on call to and from the US, and the environment that exists in the aftermath of 9/11, could the US descend into a dictatorship based on tyranny and oppression and the constitutional republic which was created to assure freedom destroyed?

Dear Chicken Little:
The sky is falling.
alphamale said:
The "safety" Franklin was referring to in that statement was the safety sought by fence sitters who sought to preserve their hides by not taking on the British Empire. In that regard, Franklin's "safety seekers" were more analogous to today's appeasers.
No that's not true.
The original quote from Ben Franklin is:
Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
It says exactly that. So stop the :spin:
Originally Posted by alphamale
The "safety" Franklin was referring to in that statement was the safety sought by fence sitters who sought to preserve their hides by not taking on the British Empire. In that regard, Franklin's "safety seekers" were more analogous to today's appeasers.

No that's not true.
The original quote from Ben Franklin is:

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

It says exactly that.

The meaning is exactly as I said. Franklin, who did everything he could to protect america from foreign enemies and traitors in the midst of americans, would be appalled if he could know that his words were misused by america-haters and appeasers.
alphamale said:
The meaning is exactly as I said. Franklin, who did everything he could to protect america from foreign enemies and traitors in the midst of americans, would be appalled if he could know that his words were misused by america-haters and appeasers.
America Haters and appeasers hahahaha, just more :spin:
Loxd4 said:
Well a wise man once said "Anyone who would trade their freedom for safety deserves neither freedom or safety," and that man was Ben Franklin.

And with you like it or not the patriot act take away some of your rights. Like this whole thing about wire taping is it right or wrong, accorden to the patriot act it right....there gots some freedom

It must be true if a man that lived 200 years ago said it. Because we all know that the dangers he faced with a hand loaded musket and a canon were as deadly and dangerous as today. Attacks were set up over the course of weeks using horse messengers to tranfer information. Trips across the ocean took weeks, explosives were pretty much limited to gun powder with a fuse. God knows those pearls of wisdom are still relavant today .....:rofl
Calm2Chaos said:
It must be true if a man that lived 200 years ago said it. Because we all know that the dangers he faced with a hand loaded musket and a canon were as deadly and dangerous as today. Attacks were set up over the course of weeks using horse messengers to tranfer information. Trips across the ocean took weeks, explosives were pretty much limited to gun powder with a fuse. God knows those pearls of wisdom are still relavant today .....:rofl
Yes so why do we still have the constitution? Perhaps we should wipe out everything that is pre-20th century. Oh wait I know, let's wipe out everything pre-9/11. That will certainly make the illegal acts of your beloved Bush inc legal.
jfuh said:
Oh wait I know, let's wipe out everything pre-9/11. That will certainly make the illegal acts of your beloved Bush inc legal.

As well as the illegal acts of FDR and JFK and LBJ and WJBC...

You Demorats should be championing the idea!!
Goobieman said:
As well as the illegal acts of FDR and JFK and LBJ and WJBC...

You Demorats should be championing the idea!!
Despite the fact of my jack asses. I'm far from being a democrat, the democrats are merely the other side of the same coin of republicans.
jfuh said:
Despite the fact of my jack asses. I'm far from being a democrat, the democrats are merely the other side of the same coin of republicans.
Why are so many liberals ashamed to say their liberal? Come on, be proud. :donkeyfla
KCConservative said:
Why are so many liberals ashamed to say their liberal? Come on, be proud. :donkeyfla
I'm quite proud of being a liberal. But incase you don't understand, being liberal doesn't mean you're affiliated with any political party. Just as being conservative doesn't mean you're an evangelical. You may understand that if you used your head a little more.

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