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Cost of Food in Texas Schools (1 Viewer)


New member
Mar 18, 2005
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
Texas is giving lesser portions of food to the students, which isn't a bad idea until you find out that they raised the cost of the food. Last year at my school they gave bigger portions of food at the cost of $1.90. This year they give lesser portions of food at $2.00. 10 cents may not seem like a lot but it's the principle of the thing. If the board of education is going to give us less food they should make it cost less.

Texas may want to have kids eat healthier but earning an extra buck off of the kids is uncalled for.
Are we talking fried foods or cafeteria?

If its cafeteria, it is understandable.
Many schools now have to cater out for certain items (beef, fish, chicken) for instance. That cost of catering is expensive.
vauge said:
Are we talking fried foods or cafeteria?

If its cafeteria, it is understandable.
Many schools now have to cater out for certain items (beef, fish, chicken) for instance. That cost of catering is expensive.

i was just about to say that, plus inflation makes the price of everything go up

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