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Corsi rejects Mueller Plea Deal (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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Another example of the prosecutor, not the defendent, deciding whether a statement is truthful.

Well I see two things wrong with your statement here:

1. Mueller has evidence to prove he is lying.

2. Defendants don't typically get to decide what is or isn't truthful. That is usually determined by a jury or at least a trial. This is a rather new occurrence thanks to Trump's attacks on facts.
Well I see two things wrong with your statement here:

1. Mueller has evidence to prove he is lying.

2. Defendants don't typically get to decide what is or isn't truthful. That is usually determined by a jury or at least a trial. This is a rather new occurrence thanks to Trump's attacks on facts.

Maybe Mueller does. Maybe he doesnt. Corsi doesnt seem to think he does.

Which is kind of the point--- Mueller believes Corsi statement to be untrue. Corsi believes it to be true. Mueller gets to decide whether to prosecute, to say that is not true.
Maybe Mueller does. Maybe he doesnt. Corsi doesnt seem to think he does.

Which is kind of the point--- Mueller believes Corsi statement to be untrue. Corsi believes it to be true. Mueller gets to decide whether to prosecute, to say that is not true.

Mueller has all his phone records and emails. He knows. Corsi is screwed and will be butt buddies with Georgey Papa before too long.
Well I see two things wrong with your statement here:

1. Mueller has evidence to prove he is lying.

2. Defendants don't typically get to decide what is or isn't truthful. That is usually determined by a jury or at least a trial. This is a rather new occurrence thanks to Trump's attacks on facts.

Do you have the evidence of guilt determined by a jury or a trial?

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