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Corporatism (1 Viewer)

No comments? Is this thread radioactive?
Valis said:
No comments? Is this thread radioactive?

The definitions are too vague and muddled.

Suppose you tell us the difference between Corporatism, Capitalism and Neoliberalism.
Suppose you tell us the difference between Corporatism, Capitalism and Neoliberalism.

I'm not sure what the differences are, which is why I posted it.
Valis said:
I'm not sure what the differences are, which is why I posted it.

I've never heard the word "corporatism," but I would assume it means something along the lines of crony capitalism and/or corporate welfare?

As for the difference between capitalism and neoliberalism: Capitalism is simply the big idea of modern economics, that individuals rather than society should be able to earn and spend their money as they please as long as they hurt no one else.

Neoliberalism is simply one school of thought within the larger idea of capitalism. A neoliberal and neoconservative both favor free-market globalization, but the neoliberal is against the bomb-the-crap-out-of-everyone-else ideology of the neoconservative. A neoliberal generally favors some government regulation of the economy...but only where he believes it will benefit the economy, most frequently in public education and (moderate) environmentalism. Most neoliberals disdain government regulation simply for the sake of fighting poverty or promoting one set of social values.

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