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Coronavirus: world nowhere near herd immunity, says WHO as global cases hit 22 million (1 Viewer)


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Coronavirus: world nowhere near herd immunity, says WHO as global cases hit 22 million | South China Morning Post

Most scientists estimate at least 70 per cent of population must have antibodies to prevent outbreak

Majority of studies suggest only about 10 to 20 per cent of people currently have immunity

The World Health Organisation says the planet was nowhere near the amount of coronavirus immunity needed to induce herd immunity, where enough of the population would have antibodies to stop the spread.

The remarks came as the global infection tally passed 22 million on Wednesday Hong Kong time, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University. More than 780,000 coronavirus-related deaths have been reported worldwide.

The United States has recorded the most deaths - more than 171,000 - followed by Brazil, Mexico, India and Britain.

Herd immunity is typically achieved with vaccination and most scientists estimate at least 70 per cent of the population must have antibodies to prevent an outbreak.
It looks like we've got a long way to go in order to build up that additional 50-60% of antibodies. And adding to the problem is the observation that antibodies in convalescent plasma only last a short time.

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