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Coronavirus rising in 22 U.S. states (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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Coronavirus rising in 22 U.S. states - Reuters

(Reuters) - Coronavirus cases are rising in 22 of the 50 U.S. states, according to a Reuters analysis, a worrisome trend on a Labor Day holiday weekend traditionally filled with family gatherings and parties to mark the end of summer.

As little as three weeks ago, cases were increasing in only three states, Hawaii, Illinois and South Dakota, according to an analysis comparing cases for the two-week period of Aug. 8-22 with the past two weeks.

Most of the 22 states where cases are now rising are in the less-populated parts of the Midwest and South.

On a percentage basis, South Dakota had the biggest increase over the past two weeks at 126%, reporting over 3,700 new cases. Health officials have linked some of the rise to hundreds of thousands of motorcyclists who descended on Sturgis, South Dakota, for an annual rally in August.

Cases are also rising rapidly in Iowa, with 13,600 new infections in the past two weeks, and North Dakota, with 3,600 new cases in the same period.

The increases are masked nationwide by decreasing new infections in the most populous states of California, Florida and Texas.
I'm not looking forward to this winter, especially in states that either have open bars or who are planning to open bars.
“Just stay calm. It will go away.” - President SprayOrange
“Just stay calm. It will go away.” - President SprayOrange

"The virus will weaken when we get into April. Warmer weather has a very negative effect on that type of virus"

"Its going to disappear. One day-its like a miralcle-its going to disappear"

"If the economic shutdown continues deaths from suicide will be at a far greater number than from Covid"

"Coronavirus cases are going down almost everywhere. The numbers are looking much better. Cases are way down"

"The pandemic is fading away. Its going to fade away"

"The pandemic is getting under control"

"99% of Covid 19 cases are totally harmless"

"We now have the lowest mortality rate in the world"

"Children are virtually immune to Covid 19"

All of Trump’s Lies About the Coronavirus - The Atlantic

And so forth. We cannot believe a word the donkey brays. Why on earth would anyone want to vote for him?
There is no national COVID plan. There is no Trump healthcare plan. And there is no Trump plan to lower the national debt.

What Trump did bring us was millions of people on Central Government welfare.
Coronavirus rising in 22 U.S. states - Reuters

(Reuters) - Coronavirus cases are rising in 22 of the 50 U.S. states, according to a Reuters analysis, a worrisome trend on a Labor Day holiday weekend traditionally filled with family gatherings and parties to mark the end of summer.

As little as three weeks ago, cases were increasing in only three states, Hawaii, Illinois and South Dakota, according to an analysis comparing cases for the two-week period of Aug. 8-22 with the past two weeks.

Most of the 22 states where cases are now rising are in the less-populated parts of the Midwest and South.

On a percentage basis, South Dakota had the biggest increase over the past two weeks at 126%, reporting over 3,700 new cases. Health officials have linked some of the rise to hundreds of thousands of motorcyclists who descended on Sturgis, South Dakota, for an annual rally in August.

Cases are also rising rapidly in Iowa, with 13,600 new infections in the past two weeks, and North Dakota, with 3,600 new cases in the same period.

The increases are masked nationwide by decreasing new infections in the most populous states of California, Florida and Texas.
I'm not looking forward to this winter, especially in states that either have open bars or who are planning to open bars.

So, just to be clear, you're saying that California, Florida, and Texas are doing a good job with the virus?
So, just to be clear, you're saying that California, Florida, and Texas are doing a good job with the virus?

Texas moved past California (into 3rd) this weekend in total number of COVID deaths. They may catch Jersey...

2nd (16,113) - New Jersey
3rd (13,819) - Texas
4th (13,763) - California
5th (11,871) - Florida

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