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Cops: Fake doc carried out breast exams in bars (1 Viewer)


Farts in Elevators
DP Veteran
Sep 7, 2010
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Cosmetic surgical procedures Ross discussed with victims after she touched their breasts under the guise of a medical evaluation included breast augmentation and liposuction.

The Idaho Statesman website reported that Ross has a previous criminal record as a man but identified herself as a woman and was booked into Ada County Jail as a female.

Cops: Fake doc carried out breast exams in bars - U.S. news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

this is one of those stories that just make you scratch your head and go...huh????

girl, who used to be a guy, pretends to be a doctor in order to feel up other girls in a bar.

It begs the question, how stupid were these other chicks to fall for the "I'm a doctor, let me squeeze your tits" line in a bar?
OMG....I got a breast exam in a bar in Boise just last week!


I'm actually in Boise right now. Mabye I'll go clubbing tonight!
After a few drinks, I'd let her squeeze my tits.
Cops: Fake doc carried out breast exams in bars - U.S. news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

this is one of those stories that just make you scratch your head and go...huh????

girl, who used to be a guy, pretends to be a doctor in order to feel up other girls in a bar.

It begs the question, how stupid were these other chicks to fall for the "I'm a doctor, let me squeeze your tits" line in a bar?

There is jusst so much wrong with this whole story...(s)he could just as easily as called himself "Wilma Fingerdo" as "Hi...my name is Berlyn Aussieahshowna" and I just want to say...your tits could look so much nicer if we just lifted here...here...and maybe enlarged the whole thing..." Are ALL the women in Boise this guillible? Cuz...Im thinking if word gets out, tons of guys are heading to Idaho.
God put stupid girls with nice cans on this planet for a reason, ok?
When I saw the title, I thought, 'I bet it's CC'. Then I saw it was a female.... hmmmm, then again.... still possible I suppose. :shock:


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