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Cops, Doctors, civilians loot New Orleans? (1 Viewer)


American Infidel
DP Veteran
May 8, 2005
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Political Leaning
The cops don't surprise me. That police force is know for its corruption.
Tell me about it. The cops even stole Caddilac Escalades and said that it was "to help get to people after the hurricane?" But reading about doctors surprised me. I mean who hasn't looted in New Orleans? Is there anybody who hasn't?
Did you read the story though? It says the doctors stole the pills for patients who desperately needed them. I don't see a problem with that.
So its NOT OK, for cops to steal luxury SUV's, raid Walmart, Call it "Corruption". But it is OK for doctors to steal medicine? How do we know these doctors aren't going to turn around and make a quick buck off of it? I mean what's the difference for cops and the doctors? They both said they were doing it in good will?
stsburns said:
So its NOT OK, for cops to steal luxury SUV's, raid Walmart, Call it "Corruption". But it is OK for doctors to steal medicine? How do we know these doctors aren't going to turn around and make a quick buck off of it? I mean what's the difference for cops and the doctors? They both said they were doing it in good will?

I think it is okay for the cops to cordon a vehicle to rescue people. It is not okay for them to keep the vehicle. It is fine if a doctor steals medicine if it is for patients who need it. The possibility of corruption on both sides exists. I'm choosing to believe the story, and give the doctors the benefit of the doubt. First, I don't believe they care about the "quick buck" that these pills may afford them. Second, as long as something good comes out of it, I'm all for it.

As for the cops, let's just say it would not surprise me to hear that some of them decided to keep a vehicle or two.
Yes, but couldn't the doctors have gotton the medicine locally? Like Baton Ruge, which is only 1 hour and half away? The doctors could have gone there and back, in the amount of time it would have taken the stolen medicine to take effect in the hurricane victims body?
desperate for money cops are paid peanuts
i would loot to if i had the chance if i made less then 50,000$
given the choice of poverty or just above poverty whats the differance
one gets to drive a beat up car the other drives a buick
some cops make only 25,000$
can you blame them dang
after the politicians local and federal get through with your taxes they borrow more cash 333 bilion more for their pockets and agendas
whats left is decay and utter chaos
the supposedly richest country in the world has to borrow money
to go to war lol
its a joke
its a bad dream and when you wake up your bad dream is gona cost you repsectability and honor
the richest country in the world is teetering on colapse
the decay of your infastructure and moral fibre has lead to an organized
society waiting to loot the first chance it gets to
and when its over they go back to being christians
only in America
Canuck said:
desperate for money cops are paid peanuts
i would loot to if i had the chance if i made less then 50,000$
given the choice of poverty or just above poverty whats the differance
one gets to drive a beat up car the other drives a buick
some cops make only 25,000$
can you blame them dang
after the politicians local and federal get through with your taxes they borrow more cash 333 bilion more for their pockets and agendas
whats left is decay and utter chaos
the supposedly richest country in the world has to borrow money
to go to war lol
its a joke
its a bad dream and when you wake up your bad dream is gona cost you repsectability and honor
the richest country in the world is teetering on colapse
the decay of your infastructure and moral fibre has lead to an organized
society waiting to loot the first chance it gets to
and when its over they go back to being christians
only in America
Great another person who throws around the "Christian" label at the drop of a hat. Despite to repute on stealing, you go on a rant to let all of your fellings come out. Do you feel better know? I'm tired of being your therapist and would like to get back to the issue at hand. Can you handle that?

"its a bad dream and when you wake up your bad dream is gona cost you repsectability and honor"
-How does stealing items, restore respect and honor?

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