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Convergence is Worse Than Collusion - CIA Analyst Concerns About Trump/Putin (1 Viewer)


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Dec 28, 2018
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While many Americans are concerned that the Trump campaign may have colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election, Trump’s outright convergence of interests with Putin’s Russia may well prove far more damaging for U.S. interests in the long run. Convergence can be defined as distinct groups doing the same things for different reasons, or as a unity of interests evolving from separate starting points. Both Putin and Trump seek to inject chaos into the U.S. political system. They support an assault on U.S. foreign-policy elites, encourage fringe and radical groups, and envision a United States untethered from traditional allies. They also share a willingness to utilize informal and semi-legal means to achieve their goals. The common interest shown by Russia and the alt-right in exploiting fears surrounding the routine Jade Helm military exercise in Texas in 2015? That’s convergence.

This is a very interesting read from John Sipher who spent 28 years with the CIA, specifically dealing with Russia and Putin. He highlights some pretty concerning trends that we are seeing. And for all of those who are of the genuine belief that we could ever become allies with Russia, or work side-by-side to defeat Islamic terrorism, I recommend reading this with an open mind.


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