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Constitutional Carry bill pending in Ohio (1 Viewer)


warrior of the wetlands
DP Veteran
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
It is up in the air if Governor DeWine will sign it-in 2004 CCW was passed over the veto of RINO Governor Bob Taft. There are plenty of hard core second amendment supporters who might not be huge fans of CC for concealed carry.
It is up in the air if Governor DeWine will sign it-in 2004 CCW was passed over the veto of RINO Governor Bob Taft. There are plenty of hard core second amendment supporters who might not be huge fans of CC for concealed carry.

That's a political term for permitless carry.
That's a political term for permitless carry.

Yes, it's shocking that some would support people being allowed to exercise a constitutionally protected right without first getting permission from the government. We should have speech permits as well.
Yes, it's shocking that some would support people being allowed to exercise a constitutionally protected right without first getting permission from the government. We should have speech permits as well.

Or voting permits. To satisfy Republicans, we'll call them ID cards.
Or voting permits. To satisfy Republicans, we'll call them ID cards.
BS. Huge difference between ID and voter permit. You register to vote, and that's your permit. You show up with an ID to ensure the system is not defrauded. But commies don't like ID because they will only get to vote it registered and if they are truly who they claim. You know the voter ID requirement applies to Republicans also, right?
BS. Huge difference between ID and voter permit. You register to vote, and that's your permit. You show up with an ID to ensure the system is not defrauded. But commies

Which ones? Name them.

don't like ID because they will only get to vote it registered and if they are truly who they claim. You know the voter ID requirement applies to Republicans also, right?

6/10 on your mental gymnastics. Solid, but needs more style.
We have that in Arizona and the world didn't end.
You are absolutely right. It forced the rest of the non-carrying public to get licensed. I did. Unfortunately, crime is rising here, so any talk about being safer with an armed public is one fuc*ing joke;

"In all, there have been 112 homicides in 2021, up to the end of July. This surpasses the last two years during the same time."
You are absolutely right. It forced the rest of the non-carrying public to get licensed. I did. Unfortunately, crime is rising here, so any talk about being safer with an armed public is one fuc*ing joke;

"In all, there have been 112 homicides in 2021, up to the end of July. This surpasses the last two years during the same time."
Do you suppose that the increase in homicides is from lawful carriers or from those who would carry regardless of the law and are prohibited persons?
Or voting permits. To satisfy Republicans, we'll call them ID cards.

Yep, otherwise folks could vote as many times as they wished and wherever they wished. To make that even easier, we could allow registration (or just skip that formality altogether) and voting by mail or even online. ;)
Yep, otherwise folks could vote as many times as they wished and wherever they wished.

How many times did that actually happen?

To make that even easier, we could allow registration (or just skip that formality altogether) and voting by mail or even online. ;)

Absentee voting works very well in states where it's allowed, but righties, who hate voting rights, want to impede this.
That's a political term for permitless carry.
no one denies that-it is the term being used in the media these days and in the political bodies. If it is enacted, I plan to keep getting a license though
We have that in Arizona and the world didn't end.

Literally no human ever said or expected that the world would end.

Literally not one.

How many times did that actually happen?

Without requiring ID, one would never know.

Absentee voting works very well in states where it's allowed, but righties, who hate voting rights, want to impede this.

OK, but that should still require ID.
Do you suppose that the increase in homicides is from lawful carriers or from those who would carry regardless of the law and are prohibited persons?

It is up in the air if Governor DeWine will sign it-in 2004 CCW was passed over the veto of RINO Governor Bob Taft. There are plenty of hard core second amendment supporters who might not be huge fans of CC for concealed carry.

Is the definition of a RINO, a Republican who doesn't think the sun shines out of Donald Trump's ass ?
Is the definition of a RINO, a Republican who doesn't think the sun shines out of Donald Trump's ass ?
no, it is one who thinks that gun control actually is something that will actually deter people who commit violent felonies Lots of real republicans are sick of Trump

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