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Conspiracy Bools (1 Viewer)

Pin dÁr

DP Veteran
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I want to collect here conspiracy books. Deliberately I haven't written the best Conspiracy Books, because it

will also differ from person to person and one doesn't have top think about the best books. Just Conspiracy Books.

I do this so the conspiracy theorist, in contrast with accidental theorists ;) can look at the collection and see if

there are books they like.

Of course you can put comments at the book if you want to.

Let's start!

In this explosive and compelling book, author Brian Desborough explores the activities of the thirteen interconnected family bloodlines that collectively comprise the secret group known as the Illuminati. His years spent aiding survivors of Satanic ritual abuse and mind control has provided the author with an in-depth knowledge of Illuminati history and their future plans for the human race. The culmination of three decades of intensive research, this provocative book is designed to take readers out of their comfort zone and examine the historical and archaeological data, which reveal that:· Israel was created not by illiterate pastoralists, as is claimed by biblical scholars, but by skilled Kenite copper smelters.· The Dead Sea Scrolls were not written at Khirbat Qumran.· The Temple Mount is not the site of the Temples of Solomon and Herod.Applying a synthesis of history, politics, science and covert intelligence sources, the author explores such diverse subjects as mind control, advanced energy systems, terrestrially constructed flying saucers, extraterrestrials, and the planned double-cross of the western Illuminati factions by China and Russia.Oriented toward both the scholar and layperson, this revealing book is a "must read" for those interested in history, politics or high technology.
I don't know what a conspiracy bool is. And frankly, I don't wanna know.

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