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Conservatives win Canadian elections! (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
We can't stop here this is bat country!
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
In Canada the Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in Parliament.

The Canadians have elected a Conservative majority to parliament akin to the Republicans here in the States... bye bye Socialists.

It's on C-SPAN right now check it out.
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Trajan Octavian Titus said:
In Canada the Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in Parliament.

The Canadians have elected a Conservative majority to parliament... bye bye Socialists.

It's on C-SPAN right now check it out.

Its a good move for Canada. And by the way, the Conservative Party of Canada consists of real Conservatives..... You know, the kind who believe in individual freedom, reigning in spending and balanced budgets, and the like. There is a rumor that the same kind of people once ran the United States.
danarhea said:
Its a good move for Canada. And by the way, the Conservative Party of Canada consists of real Conservatives..... You know, the kind who believe in individual freedom, reigning in spending and balanced budgets, and the like. There is a rumor that the same kind of people once ran the United States.

Didn't they use to dominate the Republican party too??? :lol:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Didn't they use to dominate the Republican party too??? :lol:

Yup. Damn, how I miss Reagan :(
danarhea said:
Yup. Damn, how I miss Reagan :(

The Government isn't the solution to the economy, it's part of the problem. -Ronald Reagan

The Democrats view on the economy; if it moves tax it, if it keeps moving regulate it, and if it stops moving subsidize it. - Ronald Reagan

My fellow Americans I am pleased to announce that I just signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever... the bombing begins in five minutes. - Ronald Reagan

God I love that man... want a jelly bean?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
The Government isn't the solution to the economy, it's part of the problem. -Ronald Reagan

The Democrats view on the economy; if it moves tax it, if it keeps moving regulate it, and if it stops moving subsidize it. - Ronald Reagan

My fellow Americans I am pleased to announce that I just signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever... the bombing begins in five minutes. - Ronald Reagan

God I love that man... want a jelly bean?

He still lives in my heart, and my party, he will not be forgotten.;)
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
One thing I don't understand is why his favorite flavor of Jelly Belly was the licorice flavor.



It wasn't, he was merely trying to win the black vote!:rofl
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
In Canada the Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in Parliament.

The Canadians have elected a Conservative majority to parliament akin to the Republicans here in the States... bye bye Socialists.

It's on C-SPAN right now check it out.

Bye Bye Gay marriage..........
Ronald Reagan was the greatest president this country ever had..........May he rest in peace..........
NP I doubt it is good bye Gay Marriage, as the Conservative Party in Canada only have a slight majority.

The Republican Party should took heed from the Canadian Liberal Party. CLP lost because of all the scandals and corruption that they carried out. Nov 2006 elections ahem.
Navy Pride said:
Bye Bye Gay marriage..........
You're getting divorced?...

Sorry to hear that...
When people find that a particular party is corrupt, they tend to vote for the other party. November 2006 in the US will be interesting.....
Navy Pride said:
Ronald Reagan was the greatest president this country ever had..........May he rest in peace..........

OMG, gag me with a spoon! :2sick1:

Soooooooooo, how do you feel about the Iran Contra deal? Did you think that it was ethical?
Bye Bye Gay marriage..........
Nope, luckily for Canada, their conservatives aren't ruled by Bible-thumping brimstone-preaching bigots. Someday the U.S. will catch up...........
cnredd said:
You're getting divorced?...

Sorry to hear that...

No I don't thinks so my wanna be conservative who is actually a left winger ........Married 40 years on Saint Patricks day........
Congratulations Canada! Good job.:2wave:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
In Canada the Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in Parliament.

The Canadians have elected a Conservative majority to parliament akin to the Republicans here in the States... bye bye Socialists.

It's on C-SPAN right now check it out.
Actually the Conservatives are still a minority party which means it will be pretty hard for them to do much. It takes 155 seats to be the majority party.
Heh, you people got it all wrong. The explanation provided at the start of the thread about how our government works is wrong.

See, our country is divided up into areas called Ridings. In each riding, each political party runs a candidate. Then, on Election Day, voters choose which candidate, in their riding, they want to elect. After the ballots are counted (we do it by hand and it doesn't take us weeks and a Supreme Court decision), the winner will represent the riding in the House of Commons (I think this is the equivalent of the Senate?).

Now, the Prime Minister is the unelected leader of the party that holds the greatest number of seats. Now here's where it gets tricky: there are 308 seats. This means that an election may have two possible outcomes:

1. MINORITY: this is what happened last night. In a minority government, the party with the most seats does not have a majority. Therefore, if it wishes to make any decisions, it must find an ally with a different political party. Minority governments are slow, and tedious, but the interests of Canadians are best served because there is forced bargaining.

Navy Pride, because we have a MINORITY government this time, there will be no overturning of same sex marriage. This is because the Conservatives are the only Right Wing party. The NDP (socialists), the Liberals (liberals in the real sense of the word, not the American liberals), and the Bloc (seperatists, long story) are all left-of-center. Therefore, Stephen Harper and the Cons. can whine and thrash and scream about gay marriage all they want, but it isn't going anywhere.

2. MAJORITY: a majority is where, simply put, the winning party has more seats than all the opposition combined. This means that government is given free reign of the country. Stephen Harper failed to get a majority, so he's stuck.


Moving on, though. This government is not here to stay. Odds are that within 6-8 months, maybe even sooner, they'll try to force through some inane neocon bill like anti-abortion or something, and the Opposition will turn it down. Then, the government will fall, and we go into another election.

If anyone has any questions about Canadian gov't, feel free to post them here or PM me. :)
aps said:
OMG, gag me with a spoon! :2sick1:

Soooooooooo, how do you feel about the Iran Contra deal? Did you think that it was ethical?

Funding the heroic freedom fighting Contras to oust the Communist Sandanista scum from Nicaragua?

I feel pretty fuc/king good about it.

Reagan new what had to be done and the world is better for it.
GarzaUK said:
NP I doubt it is good bye Gay Marriage, as the Conservative Party in Canada only have a slight majority.

The Republican Party should took heed from the Canadian Liberal Party. CLP lost because of all the scandals and corruption that they carried out. Nov 2006 elections ahem.

The Democrats will not gain power be trying to paint the Republican's as more corrupt than they are, because they aren't. They have just as many scandals on thier side as the Republicans. Now that does hinge on whether the "mainstream" media will report the Democrat scandals with as much vigor as they do Republican. But an honest reporting will blow the specious story about the Republicans being the corrupt party out of the water.
It's aboot time. Let's keep the liberals east of the Atlantic.
aps said:
Soooooooooo, how do you feel about the Iran Contra deal? Did you think that it was ethical?

Yes. Not the best plan but they were desperate to aid the Contra's. If it had worked, without the Iranian's pulling a fast one it would have been brilliant.

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