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Conservatives Vs. Liberals according to California HS Public Education (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
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San Antonio Texas
Political Leaning

(JL) This was posted by one of the admins at Radical Liberty, who is a high school student in California. This is a very real picture of what public high schools are teaching students today.
"There is no indoctrination in our schools! LOL"
"Teachers deserve higher pay!"

Edit: Radical Liberty will be going more in depth soon on their own page, with more pictures, and more information. I will be sharing it here when it comes out.
That's because you refuse to understand Conservatives and are blindly partisan to the left.

All 6 points perfectly describe Trump, and conservatives abandoned their own principles to embrace his. This really is modern American conservatism.
Looks about right.

They should put some of Renae's posts in the left hand column as examples too. Aren't you attacking the common person in favor of the wealthy in the union posts?
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All 6 points perfectly describe Trump, and conservatives abandoned their own principles to embrace his. This really is modern American conservatism.

No, that's just your bigoted confirmation bias speaking.
Posted in Non-Political Forums and there is Liberal and Conservative in the title?

Seems odd?
No, that's just your bigoted confirmation bias speaking.

No, it's accurate because your disagreement of it looks clearly like it fits your rebuttal, in bullet #5.
Posted in Non-Political Forums and there is Liberal and Conservative in the title?
Seems odd?
Does it seem odd taken into account an average poster, or taken into account who authored this post?
You believe everything you see on Facebook?

Well, if it's Cambridge Analytical statistically sound targeted messages, they probably know she will.
Does it seem odd taken into account an average poster, or taken into account who authored this post?

It's about this being pushed in a high school. Political bias in education, i.e. teaching hate and lies.
If that was used to instruct students in a public school then that is wrong. Otherwise, it is just someone’s opinion in which case...meh.

It might also have been done by a student who was giving a presentation, in which case it isn’t an issue if it is the student’s opinion. Not enough information yet.
It's about this being pushed in a high school. Political bias in education, i.e. teaching hate and lies.
How is teaching facts, lies and hate? You're not making any sense.

This isn't new to Republicans. It use to just cherry-picked truths related to their constituents:
Science teaches evolution, they oppose it tooth and nail (for religious votes).
Science teaches man-influenced climate change, they oppose it tooth and nail (for big energy).
Mainstream media reports facts, Trump/Right wing media attacks it as fake news.
How is teaching facts, lies and hate? You're not making any sense.

This isn't new to Republicans. It use to just cherry-picked truths related to their constituents:
Science teaches evolution, they oppose it tooth and nail (for religious votes).
Science teaches man-influenced climate change, they oppose it tooth and nail (for big energy).
Mainstream media reports facts, Trump/Right wing media attacks it as fake news.

You make up stuff, act like you are stating reality, pat your back as if you made sense.
No. It's merely a discussion tool. The slide appears real enough.

Missing a crap ton of context though - is this being taught by teachers, is this part of a student presentation, did someone just sneak in and put up a slide in an empty classroom in order to get people to get upset...?

Seems like there should be more to the story...
Missing a crap ton of context though - is this being taught by teachers, is this part of a student presentation, did someone just sneak in and put up a slide in an empty classroom in order to get people to get upset...?

Seems like there should be more to the story...

I totes agree, I'm looking for more information on it, maybe something to provide context and if it turns out the originating information I have posted is not being truthful I will dutifully report so.
Missing a crap ton of context though - is this being taught by teachers, is this part of a student presentation, did someone just sneak in and put up a slide in an empty classroom in order to get people to get upset...?

Seems like there should be more to the story...

It's not about the details or facts, it's just a prop he was using to attack the education system, ie: point #5 on the list.
You make up stuff, act like you are stating reality, pat your back as if you made sense.

Maybe, but when you can't post any actually reasons, or back what you say with quotes or evidence, it looks like you simply can't make an argument, and attack me instead, it won't further your claim.
I totes agree, I'm looking for more information on it, maybe something to provide context and if it turns out the originating information I have posted is not being truthful I will dutifully report so.

Looks like something happened, and as a dirty Liberal, I would be against this generalization of the right. Division shouldn't be taught in classrooms ... just not sure, from this, that that's what happened. Validate the story, and I'll be mildly outraged with you. :)

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