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Conservative?Liberal?Moderate? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2005
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in the middle of America
Political Leaning
Here's something you can't argue because there are the numbers to back it up.

The elite media (meaning ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, CNNHN, CNBC, LA/NY TIMES, WASHINGTON POST) with the exception of the Fox News Channel will always and in over 90% of the stories, identify a conservative as a conservative. However, the label of liberal even for the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Barney Frank or a Ted Kennedy IS NOT USED. Now I know that those who lean toward the liberal side don't care because I read the responses on this forum where it is said by the liberal leaning posters time and time again that they "don't care" about a miriad of political situations or discussions that are not favorable to the Liberal Democrats. But, if there are conservatives in our political landscape and they are identified as such in EVERY story by the media, why is the liberal label so obviously missing?

Here's a wonderful example: From todays New York Times front page:

Republican Moderates in Senate Sense Intensifying Pressures
From the fight over John Bolton to the Social Security debate, G.O.P. moderates are caught in the middle as never before.(END QUOTE)

"Caught in the middle as never before"? That's what the very first paragraph says. I am going to ask you to go read this article and see if they tell you what these poor Republican Moderates are caught between. The only reference to other than a Democrat is to a Centrist Democrat. How many of those Centrist Democrats are on Capitol Hill do you think? How many Conservatives are on Capitol Hill? How many Liberals? Are there more Liberals than Centrist Democrats? Do you know? If you are a Liberal, or a Democrat, do you care?

These media outlets tell us that Senator Hillary Clinton is moving to the center in preparation for her run for President. May I ask? Where is she moving from? Conservative? Arch Conservative? Ultra Right Wing Conservative? Or just Democrat?

Personally I think that those who are purely Liberal or Conservative ruin the purpose of politics with intransigence. The New York Times is not Pro Bush. The New York Times is Anti Bush. Read this article, it's there now waiting for you. There have been studies about how the media uses the labels Conservative and Liberal and they show that the media uses them against the Conservatives and skips the Liberal Lable. It is Conservative Republican vs. Democrat. It is the occasional mention of the Democrat moving to the center but, from where. You will see the Right mentioned far more than the Left. You will see Right Wing but not Left. You will see the word Ultra or Arch for Conservative but not for Liberal. Since the Liberals can't win elections maybe they are extinct but, if the New York Times thinks Moderate Republicans are "caught in the middle", what's on the opposite side if the Conservatives are the only ones that they cite?
:duel :cool:
You drive a great point. The media knows it has a liberal slant in its newsrooms and on its editing board. I would say editorial, but somehow editorials seem to slip into the news of the front pages.

At any rate, until the newsmanagers of newspapers and television stations get a major shakeup or TRULY DEDICATED journalists who want an unbiased, fair, and accurate job done by their reporters, you are always going to find more news outlets with a tilt towards the left. Open secret.

It's the consumer that must do something. And it's just not boycotting the newstation or the newspaper or magazine. These mediums depend on money. Money they get from sponsors, advertisements, major corporations. You boycott them en masse, e-mail the companies and stations en masse, sales go down, and the direction of the newsboard changes. But that just will not happen anytime soon, or until people are serious about doing something.
I can see the concept of a boycott working. You can see the basement ratings of news programs or specific liberal leaning programming at CBS, CNN, MSNBC or other liberal leaning outlets that tells you how the majority of viewers perceive what they are watching. Liberals will single out Fox News Channel as nothing but a right wing outlet while FNC out does all (ALL) of it's competitors in the ratings wars with not only numbers of viewers but multiples of those switching to it's programming.

A boycott of sponsors won't work because the vast majority (conspiarcy lol) aren't political and would even buy Chinese over American because they either don't care, don't read lables or don't mind that their government, our government has let our country go to the United Nations rather than the United States. I am neither liberal or conservative when I begin to read an article or listen to a broadcast but, I usually am one or the other by the time I finish.
:duel :cool:
gordontravels said:
I can see the concept of a boycott working. You can see the basement ratings of news programs or specific liberal leaning programming at CBS, CNN, MSNBC or other liberal leaning outlets that tells you how the majority of viewers perceive what they are watching. Liberals will single out Fox News Channel as nothing but a right wing outlet while FNC out does all (ALL) of it's competitors in the ratings wars with not only numbers of viewers but multiples of those switching to it's programming.

Really? The last I heard it was FNC ratings that were tanking:

14,900 from newsmax.com for conservative.
15,100 from newsmax.com for liberal.

Fox News:
"liberal" (1 - 30 of 59)
"conservative" (1 - 34 of 63)

conservative / since 1996 returned 25755 articles.
liberal / since 1996 returned 15582 articles.

CBS News:
3834 for conservative
2082 for liberal

ABC News:
"conservative" (1 - 45 of 79)
"liberal" (1 - 30 of 82)

2004 Newspaper endorsements:

John Kerry Endorsements
by state, with link, date, and circulation if available

AZ: Arizona Daily Star (Tucson): 10/3; 109,592
CA: Contra Costa Times: 10/23; 182,682 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
CA: La Opinión (Spanish): (U)
CA: Los Angeles Daily News: 10/24; 200,387 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
CA: Merced Sun-Star: 17,247 (U)
CA: San Francisco Chronicle: 10/17; 501,135
CA: San Jose Mercury News: 10/17; 279,539
CA: Santa Cruz Sentinel: 10/21 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
CA: The Fresno Bee: 166,531
CA: The Modesto Bee: 10/17; 87,366
CA: The Press Democrat (Santa Rosa): 9/19; 89,384
CA: The Sacramento Bee: 10/17; 303,841
CA: Ventura County Star : 10/22; 96,571 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
CO: Daily Camera (Boulder): 10/17; 33,419 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
CT: The Day (New London): 9/26; 39,553 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
DC: The Washington Post: 10/24
FL: Bradenton Herald: 52,163 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
FL: Daytona Beach News-Journal: 10/17; 112,945
FL: Florida Today (Melbourne): 90,877
FL: Sarasota Herald Tribune: 10/24; 106,865
FL: South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Ft. Lauderdale): 10/17; 268,927
FL: St. Petersburg Times: 10/17; 358,502
FL: The Miami Herald: 10/17; 325,032
FL: The Orlando Sentinel: 10/24; 257,191 (1st Democrat endorsed in 40 years) (endorsed Bush in 2000)
FL: The Palm Beach Post: 10/17; 181,727
GA: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution : 10/9; 418,323 (endorsed Bush/Gore[1 ] in 2000)
GA: The Macon Telegraph: 10/24; 89,451 (U)
HI: Honolulu Advertiser: 10/19
HI: Honolulu Star-Bulletin: 10/27; 63,000
IA: The Hawk Eye (Burlington): 19,000
IA: Des Moines Register 10/24
IA: Iowa City Press-Citizen: 10/23, (endorsed Bush in 2000)
ID: Idaho Statesman: 10/24 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
IL: Chicago Sun-Times: 10/24; 486,936 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
IL: Daily Herald (Arlington Heights): 10/17; 150,794 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
KY: Lexington Herald-Leader: 10/17; 122,748
KY: The Courier-Journal (Louisville): 216,934
MA: The Boston Globe: 10/17; 452,109
MA: The Standard-Times (New Bedford): 361,317 (U)
ME: Bangor Daily News: 10/23 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
ME: Portland Press Herald: 10/10; 73,211
MI: Battle Creek Enquirer: 10/17 (U)
MI: Detroit Free Press: 10/4; 354,581
MI: Flint Journal: 10/24 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
MI: Lansing State Journal: 10/24
MI: Livingston Press-Argus (Howell): 10/24 (U)
MI: Muskegon Chronicle: 10/17
MI: Port Huron Times-Herald: 10/24 (U)
MI: The Argus-Press (Owosso): 11,438 (U)
MI: The Muskegon Chronicle: 46,505 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
MI: Traverse City Record-Eagle: 10/24 (U)
MN: Duluth News Tribune: 45,688 (U)
MN: Star Tribune (Minneapolis): 10/17; 377,058
MN: The Free Press (Mankato): 21,591 (U)
MO: Columbia Daily Tribune: 10/17; 18,874 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
MO: St. Louis Post-Dispatch: 10/10; 281,198
MO: The Kansas City Star: 10/17; 269,188
MT: Billings Gazette: 10/24 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
NC: Asheville Citizen-Times: 10/22; 155,591 (U)
NC: The Charlotte Observer: 10/17; 231,369
NC: The Daily Reflector (Greenville): 25,777 (U)
NC: Raleigh News & Observer: 10/24; 451,900-still verifying circ. (endorsed Gore in 2000)
ND: Grand Forks Herald: 10/17; 32,385
ND: The Bismarck Tribune: 10/24; 29,336 (U)
NJ: The Star-Ledger (Newark): 10/24; 407,945 (U)
NM: The Albuquerque Tribune: 10/12; 13,536 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
NV: Nevada Appeal (Carson City): 15,296 (U)
NY: The New York Times: 10/17; 1,133,763
NY: Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: 10/24; a Gannett paper
OH: Suburban News Publications:10/27; 287,051; chain of 22 suburban weeklies (never before endorsed presidential candidate)
OH: Akron Beacon Journal: 139,220
OH: Athens News: 10/18; 18,000
OH: Dayton Daily News: 10/17; 183,175
OH: Toledo Blade: 10/24; 184,244
OR: Daily Vanguard (Portland State University): 10/22
OR: East Oregonian (Pendleton): 10,236 (U)
OR: Mail Tribune (Medford): 10/17; 35,524 (U)
OR: Statesman Journal (Salem): 10/21; 56,298 (U)
OR: The Daily Astorian (Astoria): 8,429 (U)
OR: The Oregonian (Portland): 10/10; 342,040 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
OR: The Register-Guard (Eugene): 72,411
PA: Allentown Morning-Call: 10/24 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
PA: Centre Daily Times: 10/24 (U)
PA: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: 10/24
PA: The Philadelphia Daily News: 6/16; 139,983
PA: The Philadelphia Inquirer: 10/10; 387,692
TN: The Jackson Sun: 35,561
TX: Citizen's Advocate Newspaper (Coppell) : 10/13 (U)
TX: The Lone Star Iconoclast (Crawford): 9/26 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
VA: The Roanoke Times: 10/17; 100,447 (U)
WA: Seattle Post-Intelligencer: 10/10; 150,901
WA: The Seattle Times: 9/9; 361,317 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
WA: The Star (Grand Coulee): 361,317 (U)
WA: Tri-City Herald (Kennewick, Pasco and Richland): 10/25 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
WI: Journal Times, Racine: 10/23; 29,264
WI: Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: 10/28; 244,893 (declined to endorse in 2000)
WI: Wausau Daily Herald: 10/23; 22,757 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
WV: The Charleston Gazette: 10/19; 49,529

[1] The Atlanta Journal endorsed Bush on 10/19/2000 and the Atlanta Constitution endorsed Gore on 10/20/2000.

Other Notable Kerry Endorsements

Financial Times, Oct 25 [1][2]
New Yorker, Oct 25 - "For the first time in its 80-year history, the venerable New Yorker magazine has endorsed a presidential candidate, urging readers Monday to vote for Democrat John Kerry in next week's election. (AFP)" [3]
The Nation, Oct 21
The American Conservative, Nov issue, editors split endorsements (see note [4])
Rolling Stone, Nov. issue
The New Republic, Oct. 21
The Economist, Oct. 28, 2004. "With a heavy heart, we think American readers should vote for John Kerry on November 2nd." (endorsed Bush in 2000)

George W. Bush Endorsements
by state, with link, date, and circulation if available

AL: Mobile Register: 100,244
AZ: The Arizona Republic (Phoenix): 10/17; 466,926
CA: Long Beach Press-Telegram: 10/24
CA: The Press-Enterprise (Riverside): 191,802
CA: The Record (Stockton): 10/24; 62,139
CA: The Reporter (Vacaville): 10/24; 18,227
CA: The San Diego Union-Tribune: 10/17; 361,317
CO: Rocky Mountain News (Denver): 10/17; 286,004
CO: The Denver Post: 10/24; 288,937 (endorsed Gore in 2000)
Note: On 10/26 the Denver Post editors wrote: "More than 700 readers have given us their thoughts on Sunday's presidential endorsement, and they add up to a passionate dissent. [...] Every letter we received was critical of the Post endorsement; we publish a sampling here today." [5]
CO: The Pueblo Chieftain: 9/27; 52,208 (U)
FL: The Lakeland Ledger 10/22; 70,028
FL: The Ocala Star-Banner: 10/24; 48,069 (U)
GA: Savannah Morning News: 57,288
KY: Bowling Green Daily News: 10/25; 21,288 (U)
IA: Globe-Gazette (Mason City): 18,947 (U)
IL: Chicago Tribune: 10/17; 578,843
IL: The News-Gazette (Champaign-Urbana): 39,190 (U)
IL: Northwest Herald (Crystal Lake): 10/24 (U)
IL: The Pantagraph (Bloomington): 47,931
IN: The Indianapolis Star: 10/17; 253,778
MA: The Sun (Lowell): 361,317
MI: Macomb Daily (Mount Clemens): 10/24 (endorsed Gore in 2000)
MI: Midland Daily News: 10/24 (U)
MI: St. Joseph Herald-Palladium: 10/24 (U)
MI: The Grand Rapids Press: 10/17; 139,216
MI: The Oakland Press (Pontiac): 10/10; 65,484 (U)
NC: Fayetteville Observer: 10/23 (U)
NE: Omaha World-Herald: 197,627
NH: The Union Leader (Manchester): 361,317
NM: Carlsbad Current-Argus: 8,030
NM: Las Cruces Sun-News: 22,168
NV: Las Vegas Review-Journal: 9/12; 170,061
NY: The New York Sun: 18,000 (U)
OH: Cincinnati Enquirer (Gannett): 10/24; 182,176
OH: Cincinnati Post (Gannett): 10/24; 42,219
OH: The Advocate (Newark) (Gannett): 10/24; 22,217
OH: The Columbus Dispatch: 10/24; 371,551
OH: The Courier (Findlay): 22,319
OH: The News Journal (Mansfield) (Gannett):
OH: The Repository (Canton) (Copley Newspapers): 66,014
OH: The Times Reporter (New Philadelphia) (Copley Newspapers): 23,956 (U)
OK: Tulsa World: 361,317
OR: Daily Courier (Grants Pass): 10/24; 16,392 (U)
OR: The News-Review (Roseburg): 19,272 (U)
PA: The Express-Times (Easton): 10/24 (U)
PA: York Daily Record: 10/17; 361,317 (endorsed Gore in 2000)
TN: The Leaf-Chronicle (Clarksville): 22,057 (U)
TX: Amarillo Globe-News: 51,105
TX: El Paso Times: 74,278 (U)
TX: Fort Worth Star-Telegram: 247,167
TX: San Antonio Express-News: 252,889 10/17
TX: The Dallas Morning News: 10/17; 546,177
VA: Richmond Times-Dispatch: 191,732
VA: The Free Lance-Star (Fredericksburg): 47,866
WA: The Columbian (Vancouver): 51,498
WA: The Spokesman-Review (Spokane): 100,760
WI: The Appleton Post-Crescent: 10/24; 52,921 (endorsed Gore in 2000)
WI: Oshkosh Northwestern: 10/22; 21,243
WV: The Charleston Daily Mail: 10/30; 34,539

Declined to Endorse
by state, with link, date, and circulation if available

FL: Tampa Tribune: 10/17; 302,417 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
LA: The New Orleans Times-Picayune: 10/24; 253,610 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
MI: Detroit News: 10/24; 227,392 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
NC: Winston-Salem Journal: 10/17; 85,266 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
PA: The Harrisburg Patriot-News: 10/24; 152,153 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
TX: Bryan-College Station Eagle: 10/17; 25,693 (endorsed Bush in 2000)
shuamort said:
14,900 from newsmax.com for conservative.
15,100 from newsmax.com for liberal.

Fox News:
"liberal" (1 - 30 of 59)
"conservative" (1 - 34 of 63)

conservative / since 1996 returned 25755 articles.
liberal / since 1996 returned 15582 articles.

CBS News:
3834 for conservative
2082 for liberal

ABC News:
"conservative" (1 - 45 of 79)
"liberal" (1 - 30 of 82)

I don't understand?
Pacridge said:
I don't understand?
Ooops, had to pare down to much to get the message to fit. I just went to their respective websites and did a search on the word. Those are the numbers of articles for each term.
And if you go to the Neilsen site you will find that FNC is number one in all catagories of viewers over like channels meaning CNN and MSNBC and also number one in increase of viewers over like numbers year over. Lexis Nexis: do your own search with liberal and conservative and you will see the bias in the lack of liberal label but:

:duel :cool:
gordontravels said:
And if you go to the Neilsen site you will find that FNC is number one in all catagories of viewers over like channels meaning CNN and MSNBC and also number one in increase of viewers over like numbers year over. Lexis Nexis: do your own search with liberal and conservative and you will see the bias in the lack of liberal label but:

:duel :cool:

Don't you need to subscribe to "Lexis" to use it?
shuamort said:
Ooops, had to pare down to much to get the message to fit. I just went to their respective websites and did a search on the word. Those are the numbers of articles for each term.

I see. What do you think that means?
Pacridge said:
I see. What do you think that means?
That a liberal sprinkling of Mrs. Dash Seasoning™ on a turkey when 20 more guests show up than your original conservative estimate will make a wonderful holiday for all.

In other words, context is important. :mrgreen:

What's interesting is that, as the OP has pointed out, FOX News has taken the reins of leadership over CNN and MSNBC. FOX News, which has an obvious bias, gets a free pass but others don't.

Instead of arguing for a press that at least attempts to remove bias and just report facts, it's easier to attack the side that disagrees with him/herself. Now why is that?
shuamort said:
What's interesting is that, as the OP has pointed out, FOX News has taken the reins of leadership over CNN and MSNBC. FOX News, which has an obvious bias, gets a free pass but others don't.

Instead of arguing for a press that at least attempts to remove bias and just report facts, it's easier to attack the side that disagrees with him/herself. Now why is that?

ALL media has a bias in one direction or the other. What we have to do is see & hear the arguments from both sides & come to our own logical conclusions on what the truth is because none of our major news outlets will do that including FOX & CNN & the like. It's sad but true.
Pacridge said:
Don't you need to subscribe to "Lexis" to use it?

Sorry but yes. I have friends at the local newsppaper that allow my occasional search. However, you can go to the archives of those such as the Washington Post or NYT's or any of your state's larger newspapers and search for "Lexis Nexis" to find a multitude of articles and then refine your search to the political labels. Where there's a will there's a way. :duel :cool:
Both the Elite Media channels and Fox News are to some extent biased. Their is no 100% fair and balanced news channel. That is why all news found on TV must be taken with a grain of salt. I for one watch both sides of the news and deduct the truth from the middle ground. We must be careful not to isolate one side of the other.
Remember, a good General knows his enemy better than his own family. To really be able to comment on either side you must be willing to accept and embrace all views. Otherwise your ignorance will come back to bite you. I have learned from this mistake many times and still do from time to time.

The Voice
Voice of Reason said:
Both the Elite Media channels and Fox News are to some extent biased. Their is no 100% fair and balanced news channel. That is why all news found on TV must be taken with a grain of salt. I for one watch both sides of the news and deduct the truth from the middle ground. We must be careful not to isolate one side of the other.
Remember, a good General knows his enemy better than his own family. To really be able to comment on either side you must be willing to accept and embrace all views. Otherwise your ignorance will come back to bite you. I have learned from this mistake many times and still do from time to time.

The Voice

You are absolutely right (or left). A few days ago I watched "Hardball" (or is that plural) with Chris Mathews on MSNBC (6pm CDT) and counted 3 things:

Use of Liberal: 2

Use of Conservative: 19

Use of Religious (in any context): 9 (7 with conservative attached)

I like it better when I count myself.

The Eyes and Ears
:duel :cool:
gordontravels said:
And if you go to the Neilsen site you will find that FNC is number one in all catagories of viewers over like channels meaning CNN and MSNBC and also number one in increase of viewers over like numbers year over. Lexis Nexis: do your own search with liberal and conservative and you will see the bias in the lack of liberal label but:

:duel :cool:

Actually, there's not really much of a difference.
If you do a simple Yahoo search for the Democrat Party Platform number 8 on the list of results is the Communist Party...HHHhhhMMMmmm...a bit telling; wouldn't you say?
Arthur Fonzarelli said:
If you do a simple Yahoo search for the Democrat Party Platform number 8 on the list of results is the Communist Party...HHHhhhMMMmmm...a bit telling; wouldn't you say?
And if you do a google search on "idiot president" the first link is to the white house. Whoop-dee-doo.
RightatNYU said:
Actually, there's not really much of a difference.

You did say "actually" right? Maybe you would like to elaborate because if you look for differences they are there including huge differences in the number of viewers and who really is fair and balanced. No, no one is completely fair and balanced but at least you will hear the word "Liberal" on FNC in a pretty good balance with conservative. Not so on CNN, MSNBC (even from the conservative on their fair and balanced shows), CBS, ABC or NBC. Surely not on PBS who's leader, a Republican, has just come out to say since they are tax-payer funded they have to balance their programming. Bet he's fired soon.

So RightatNYU, please elaborate.
:duel :cool:
gordontravels said:
You did say "actually" right? Maybe you would like to elaborate because if you look for differences they are there including huge differences in the number of viewers and who really is fair and balanced. No, no one is completely fair and balanced but at least you will hear the word "Liberal" on FNC in a pretty good balance with conservative. Not so on CNN, MSNBC (even from the conservative on their fair and balanced shows), CBS, ABC or NBC. Surely not on PBS who's leader, a Republican, has just come out to say since they are tax-payer funded they have to balance their programming. Bet he's fired soon.

So RightatNYU, please elaborate.
:duel :cool:


If you lexis-nexis "liberal democrat" in general news for the past month, you get 663 responses.

If you search "conservative republican" you get 22 responses.

Guess that shoots your theory to ****.

Even if you just look at the NYT, over the past year, they've said "conservative republican" 20 times. They've said "liberal democrat" 22 times. Doesn't look like what you claimed.
It's all a matter of nomenclature. Conservatives are self-named. On the other hand, "liberal" is a term used by conservatives so often and so loudly to paint anyone who isn't conservative that the term has just sort of stuck -- even amongst members of the media, who should know better. Conservatives rarely refer to Democrats as such; rather, they simply paint them with the broad brush of "liberal". There is no longer room for moderates in the GOP, so even those Republicans are branded as "liberals". Many of us Democrats, such as myself, prefer to think of ourselves as "progressives".

Also, a lot of conservatives like to paint Democrats as "elitist". Myself, I take that as a grudging acknowledgement of our superiority, since we do tend to be better educated and have higher IQs than our political opposition. Our synapses tend to make all the proper connections to allow the apologetics of reality to be correctly recognized and interpreted, which is why we tend to take social responsibility much more seriously than our "me-my-mine"-oriented Republican counterparts.

We don't need to shout and badger and threaten (à la John Bolton) to get a hearing because what we say is reasonable and stands on its own merit with thinking people of all stripes. We also eschew an "in-your-face" style of political discourse, but this is apparently the conservative style because all the sound, fury, and clanging cymbals does tend to get attention and distract from the lack of substantive argument from the conservative side.
Originally Posted by Pacridge
Don't you need to subscribe to "Lexis" to use it?

Searches are free. If you use the service Lexis a la Carte, you give them your info, credit card number etcand they charge you for each document you want to see.
geekgrrl said:
Also, a lot of conservatives like to paint Democrats as "elitist". Myself, I take that as a grudging acknowledgement of our superiority, since we do tend to be better educated and have higher IQs than our political opposition. Our synapses tend to make all the proper connections to allow the apologetics of reality to be correctly recognized and interpreted, which is why we tend to take social responsibility much more seriously than our "me-my-mine"-oriented Republican counterparts.

Riiiight....and modesty is obviously one of your strong suits as well.

We don't need to shout and badger and threaten (à la John Bolton) to get a hearing because what we say is reasonable and stands on its own merit with thinking people of all stripes. We also eschew an "in-your-face" style of political discourse, but this is apparently the conservative style because all the sound, fury, and clanging cymbals does tend to get attention and distract from the lack of substantive argument from the conservative side.

All those succinct liberal sound bites such as "Bush is Hitler" or "No Blood for Oil?" Are you really going to make the claim that liberals prefer to avoid "in-your-face" discourse? Funny, because last I checked it was conservative speakers, who when they were trying to make reasonable speeches, who were pelted "in-their-face" with pies by liberals.

Just because you make outrageous completely factually vapid statements doesn't make them true.
RightatNYU said:

If you lexis-nexis "liberal democrat" in general news for the past month, you get 663 responses.

If you search "conservative republican" you get 22 responses.

Guess that shoots your theory to ****.

Even if you just look at the NYT, over the past year, they've said "conservative republican" 20 times. They've said "liberal democrat" 22 times. Doesn't look like what you claimed.

I am so sorry to say but at least I will be polite. I don't believe you and here's why:

I cited the word "liberal" or the word "conservative". To look for "conservative republican" would certainly narrow the figure but I will take issue with that in a moment. You must know that the NYT wouldn't refer to Teddy Kennedy as a "conservative".

And I took you up on looking at the New York Times (NYT). You say, QUOTE "over the past year, they've said "conservative republican" 20 times. They've said "liberal democrat" 22 times. Doesn't look like what you claimed." END QUOTE

The number of articles in the NYT's "over the last year to mention "liberal democrat" was 4,887. The number of articles in the NYT's "over the last year to mention "conservative republican" was 4,640. I went to some of these articles that are archived back to 1996 and picked 10 at random from headlines denoting politics. The words "liberal" and "conservative" were counted by me in any context. The word "conservative" was used 4 times to 1 for "liberal". Hardly scientific but, it does prompt me to ask you a question.

QUESTION: If as you say, the words "liberal democrat" were only said 22 times when the NYT's says it appears in 4,887 articles and; the words "conservative republican" you say were only said 20 times when the NYT's says it was said in 4,640 articles I must ask?.... 20 and 22 times respectively OVER THE LAST YEAR? And, if you were to take the over 4,000 articles for each and devide them by 12 well... you want me to believe that the same Nexis Lexis I look at told you 22 responses for "conservative republican"?

Now, if you can explain what is very plain in your post I am willing to listen and I won't consider your credibility until you do. Thank you.
:duel :cool:
vandree said:
Searches are free. If you use the service Lexis a la Carte, you give them your info, credit card number etcand they charge you for each document you want to see.

So the search is free but if you want to see the results you have to pay?

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