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connection to localhost:9312 failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused) (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
Reaction score
San Antonio Texas
Political Leaning
When trying to run a search. I recalled someone had bet me that Jeb was going to be the Nominee, just remembered that, I went to go dig for it and that message pops on all searches. This happening for anyone else?
connection to localhost:9312 failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused)

They must use an external search server add-on here at DP, usually that port is what is used for it.

All that means is there is a glitch somewhere between the search add-on and the local DP vBulletin database, and error caused by some addition to the database. The "localhost" part and port number means it is internal to wherever DP is hosted from, it is not something on the user end necessarily.

It may go away on it's own but odds are an admin will need to look into it.

I've seen it before too.

EDIT - Actually I am seeing it now using the "participated" tab. Odds are a service add-on stopped working right. Same thing, an admin will need to look into things.
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Yup. Happening to me too.
I have the exact same problem.
I'm receiving this message when I click on "My Posts" and "My Threads."
All search features I have tried are currently broken.
OK, we are aware of this and are looking into it.

FYI - our search function is not working right now so you will continue to see errors. We are working on it and should have it back up and running shortly.
Whew. Glad it is not just my computer or account...

...although I am not happy it is happening.

Gonna go make a contribution. Maybe $'s are the problem.

Everyone should.
Whew. Glad it is not just my computer or account...

...although I am not happy it is happening.

Gonna go make a contribution. Maybe $'s are the problem.

Everyone should.

It's good to support the site but you have to think of VB4 as if it were a 1968 VW bus that was primarily used to follow the Grateful Dead from arena to arena from 1974-1991. It still runs...kind of...but there are just too many memories to get rid of it. Besides, the new model is a piece of crap. Just keep sending Red and Vague your nickles and dimes and they'll keep patching things up with bailing wire and duct tape and we'll all keep rolling along to the next stop.
What's going on? Did the site go on some sort of safe mode?
FYI - our search function is not working right now so you will continue to see errors. We are working on it and should have it back up and running shortly.

Just to keep you updated, I am still getting an error when I search and when I go to the participated threads section
Everything now A-Okay...as of 7:55 Eastern.

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