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Connecticut Army veteran goes to Ukraine, helps take out Russian tanks: ‘It’s in his DNA’ (1 Viewer)

I don't like the idea of mercenary troops. I accept their existence and say thank you to this guy, but in general I disagree with the concept.
Im not sure you could classify him as a mercenary, though. Mercs do it for money, but he seems to have a cause.
Im not sure you could classify him as a mercenary, though. Mercs do it for money, but he seems to have a cause.
I'd much rather have guys like this shoot up stuff in a war than shooting up stuff here. After all, it's in their DNA.
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Im not sure you could classify him as a mercenary, though. Mercs do it for money, but he seems to have a cause.
I don't dispute that he has a cause, but I doubt he is doing it for free.

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