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Congressman: CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure on Benghazi Suspended (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 11, 2009
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South Carolina
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A CIA employee who refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement barring him from discussing the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, has been suspended as a result and forced to hire legal counsel, according to a top House lawmaker.Rep. Frank Wolf (R., Va.) revealed at an event on Monday that his office was anonymously informed about the CIA employee, who is purportedly facing an internal backlash after refusing to sign a legal document barring him from publicly or privately discussing events surrounding the Benghazi attack.
The revelation comes about a month after several media outlets reported that CIA employees with knowledge of the terror attack had been forced to sign non-disclosure agreements (NDA) and submit to regular polygraph tests.

CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure On Benghazi Suspended | Washington Free Beacon

This shows two things....

1. There is a cover up going on here.

2. The administration is at war with anyone who doesn't fall in line, in a Woodrow Wilson kind of way.

Re: Congressman: CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure on Benghazi Suspende

The Washington Free Beacon? I've never heard of that one. Is it a reliable source, or just another electronic supermarket tabloid?
Re: Congressman: CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure on Benghazi Suspende

I don't know... if this CIA person didn't sign, they'd have a rather large payday with legal bills paid by many a cable news organization. I'm skeptical.
Re: Congressman: CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure on Benghazi Suspende

The Washington Free Beacon? I've never heard of that one. Is it a reliable source, or just another electronic supermarket tabloid?

No, they are a hard print paper in DC....Only just recently started moving to the internet that I know of...I remember when my wife worked for a Tribune owned paper when we lived in Maryland, I remember seeing it as a free publication...I think since then it has moved more internet based, but still a legit source.
Re: Congressman: CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure on Benghazi Suspende

I don't know... if this CIA person didn't sign, they'd have a rather large payday with legal bills paid by many a cable news organization. I'm skeptical.

Well, it remains to be seen if they appear, but at first blush, if this pans out true, then there are just that many more questions about Benghazi....And certainly puts it firmly into scandal mode.
Re: Congressman: CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure on Benghazi Suspende

And certainly puts it firmly into scandal mode.
Yes, because we all know if the CIA doesn't want to tell everyone what it is doing, it clearly means it's a scandal. I mean, when has the CIA ever tried to keep anything secret from the public?
Re: Congressman: CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure on Benghazi Suspende

Yes, because we all know if the CIA doesn't want to tell everyone what it is doing, it clearly means it's a scandal. I mean, when has the CIA ever tried to keep anything secret from the public?

The CIA isn't exactly known for its transparency, but on the other hand, if agents had to sign a secrecy agreement about Bengazi, that would be a real indicator that something is rotten. What are they hiding? What is the administration hiding?

But, I'm still skeptical. Let's see what else comes to light.
Re: Congressman: CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure on Benghazi Suspende

The CIA isn't exactly known for its transparency, but on the other hand, if agents had to sign a secrecy agreement about Bengazi, that would be a real indicator that something is rotten. What are they hiding? What is the administration hiding?

But, I'm still skeptical. Let's see what else comes to light.
What are they hiding? How about the operations they were conducting at the CIA outpost in Benghazi? I somehow doubt whatever work they were doing there was stopped because of the attack, and whatever they were doing there, they are still doing. Maybe not in Benghazi, but likely in other places throughout the region.
Re: Congressman: CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure on Benghazi Suspende

What are they hiding? How about the operations they were conducting at the CIA outpost in Benghazi? I somehow doubt whatever work they were doing there was stopped because of the attack, and whatever they were doing there, they are still doing. Maybe not in Benghazi, but likely in other places throughout the region.

Like running arms to the terrorists in Syria! US Weekly ran this story as well.
Re: Congressman: CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure on Benghazi Suspende

The CIA isn't exactly known for its transparency, but on the other hand, if agents had to sign a secrecy agreement about Bengazi, that would be a real indicator that something is rotten. What are they hiding? What is the administration hiding?

But, I'm still skeptical. Let's see what else comes to light.

CIA says there weren't any NDAs in the first place. But hey, a Republican politician was told by an anonymous person that a different anonymous person refused to sign one and got in trouble. What's being hidden, Obama?
Re: Congressman: CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure on Benghazi Suspende

Moderator's Warning:
Moved to Non-MSM.
Re: Congressman: CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure on Benghazi Suspende

What are they hiding?

:2razz::2razz: Well, if we knew, it wouldn't be hidden, would it? :2razz::2razz:

[Sorry, impulsively had to interject that. :D ]

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