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Congratulations to Bolivarian Socialism (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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Venezuela is now the country with no beer.

It seems that the economic management of Venezuela has just been able to chalk up another milestone. We might have to give them a prize of some kind for this one: in a week or so the country is going to run out of beer. This isn’t because no one wants beer, not at all. There’s been no mass outbreak of Islam or Mormonism to turn the population away from the locally highly popular drink. It’s not because people don’t have the money to buy it: Polar, the local manufacturer, can sell all it is able to make. It’s not because Polar can’t make money doing so either: the company makes a good profit making and selling beer. Nope, it’s purely and only because Maduro and the other Chavistas are entirely incompetent at the management of an economy. And they’re incompetent in a very specific and very stupid way too. They simply do not understand the role of prices in markets.

Cerveceria Polar, the local beer brewer, said that they didn't have enough dollars for imported supplies. The Maduro government has accused them of exaggerating their dollar needs and conspiring with the United States to bring Venezuelan socialism down. The Maduro government has control of how many dollars these companies get for imports, so now there is a shortage, and Maduro is too stupid to see that the problem needs to be corrected. So the people suffer.

To all you socialists who think that you'd do a much better job of running an economy, I say this: no, you wouldn't. You're just as stupid as the Chavistas. Bernie Sanders and his supporters are proof of that.

Forbes Welcome
It's funny when the left causes prohibition due to running out of their own money and squandering wealth with socialist economic practices.
They're also the country without...

Hygene products

I could go on and on. It amazes me (and all people who escape socialist countries like this) how many Americans long for socialism.

...Then again, it's just the lazy wealth envious ones who do.
They're also the country without...

Hygene products

I could go on and on. It amazes me (and all people who escape socialist countries like this) how many Americans long for socialism.

...Then again, it's just the lazy wealth envious ones who do.

It amazes me that so many right-wingers still can't figure out liberals aren't trying to end capitalism.

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